Disco Boy (2023) YTS Torrent — Download Free MOVIES

07 January 2024

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Watch Disco Boy 2023 full movies

Overview : Disco Boy full movies ~ After a painful journey through Europe, Alex, the Belarusian, joins the Foreign Legion in France and clings to a confused hope of a European identity. Jomo, the Nigerian, fights for the survival and durability of his people in the Niger Delta and is ready to die to defend his ideas. These two young people who are sacrificed and smashed together will, against all odds, meet and their destinies will merge to continue across borders, bodies, life and death....

Title original : Disco Boy

Runtime : 91 min

Status : Released

Release Date : 09 March 2023

Tagline :

Genres : Drama | War |

Production Companies : Films Grand Huit DIVISION Panache Productions Dugong Films Donten & Lacroix Films La Compagnie Cinématographique

Production Countries: Belgium  |  France  |  Italy  |  Poland  |  United States of America  |  

About Film Disco Boy free online streaming movies
1. Movie Definition
definition of Film: Film is avisual medium consisting ofmoving images and sounds arrangedinto a single story.As a means of communication and entertainment, film provides an opportunity for theaudience to understand and enjoy thestory presented by the filmmaker.
The Emergence of theFilm Industry:Motion picture recording technology became the forerunner of the emergence of thefilm industry in the late19thcentury. From there, film developed into a popular entertainment mediumthat produced many influential worksonpopular culture.
2. Filming Process
Pre-production: Idea development, screenwriting, andcast selection are the initial stages in filmmaking that are criticalto determining thesuccess of the film to be produced.This stageis knownas pre-production.
Production: The production stage requires thecooperation of theproduction team, cinematographer,and director to produce the best visual and audioquality. In addition, the directing of the cast is also an importantpart of this stage.
Post-production: The process of editing, developing visualeffects, and adding sound elements are important parts of the post-production stage. A team of editors, visualeffects developers, andsound designers should work well togetherto produce an optimal end result.
3. Technical Aspects of Film
Camera: The camera is a very important device in filmmaking.With thecamera,the resulting image will be an importantpart in theoverall look of themovie. Therefore, the selection of the cameramust be donevery carefully in order to produce the desired image quality.
Lighting: In the world of cinema, lighting plays an important role increating the right atmosphereandatmospherein the scene. Good lightingqualitygreatly affects the image resultstobe achieved.
Sound: Sound is animportant element in a film that helps theaudiencefeel more about thestoryline. To create a good soundquality, it is necessary to pay attention to the elements of dialogue, sound effects and music.
Music: Music in movies can create a great emotional impact on the audience.Byincorporating appropriatemusic,the atmosphere and emotions you want to show inaparticular scene can become strongerand givetheaudiencea more intense experience .
Visual Effects: In amovie,visual effects are able to provide a very compelling experience for the audience. The right techniquein the use of visualeffects can add a dramatic impression tothe scene shown.
4. Film Industry
Box Office: To measure thesuccess ofa film in terms of revenue, the term Box Office is used. Movies that are successful at the Box Office generally receive rave reviewsandare known by many people.
Film Festival: In a film festival, the audience can witness new filmworks from different countries and give awards for thefilm that is considered the best. In addition, the film festival is also an opportunity forfilmmakers to expand their networks and promote their work.
Film Awards: In appreciation of outstandingfilmwork, the filmindustry awards filmawards.Some notable filmawards include theAcademy Awards (Oscars) and the Golden Globes.
Film Distribution: Films that want to besuccessful must be well distributed by sending them tovarious theaters and markets around theworld to reach a wideraudience.
5. How to Make a Film Criticism
Film CriticismCriteria : Criticizinga film requires observing and analyzing various aspects of thequalityof the film, such as direction, screenplay, acting,andtechnical elements others.In assessing thequality of thefilm, film critics use certain criteria, such as aspects of art, entertainment, and the message they want to convey, so thatfilmcriticism can provideAn in-depth and objective view of the film under review.
FilmCriticism Example: The acting of the cast in the filmis powerful and profound, but thescreenplay and direction feel less powerfuland messy. The message to be conveyed is also less clear and not memorable.
The Role of Film inSociety: Film becomes animportant element in peoples lives because it can provide entertainment, moral messages,and introduce culture and life elsewhere.
FilmIndustry Challenges: Increasingly fierce competition, technological changes, and copyright issues are some of thechallenges faced bythefilm industry.
Hope for the Future FilmIndustry: There are several ways to develop the filmindustry, such as leveraging new technologies and innovations, enhancing international cooperation,andopening up marketaccess broader.The purpose ofthis development is so that films that are of high quality and have a positive impact on society can be produced.

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Education and propaganda Main articles: Educational film and Propaganda film. Film is used for a range of goals, including education and propaganda. When the purpose is primarily educational, a film is called an educational film. Examples are recordings of academic lectures and experiments, or a film based on a classic novel. Film may be propaganda, in whole or in part, such as the films made by Leni Riefenstahl in Nazi Germany, US war film trailers during World War II, or artistic films made under Stalin by Sergei Eisenstein. They may also be works of political protest, as in the films of Andrzej Wajda, or more subtly, the films of Andrei Tarkovsky. The same film may be considered educational by some, and propaganda by others as the categorization of a film can be subjective.

Before the advent of digital alternatives, the cost of professional film equipment and stock was also a hurdle to being able to produce, direct, or star in a traditional studio film. But the advent of consumer camcorders in 1985, and more importantly, the arrival of high-resolution digital video in the early 1990s, have lowered the technology barrier to film production significantly. Both production and post-production costs have been significantly lowered in the 2000s, the hardware and software for post-production can be installed in a commodity-based personal computer. Technologies such as DVDs, FireWire connections and a wide variety of professional and consumer-grade video editing software make film-making relatively affordable.
