29 November 2023

Views: 181

Batman: Arkham Knight will add the costume from the latest "Batman" to Batman: Arkham Knight

A month ago, Warner Bros. Games spoilered a surprise for Batman fans: a new costume was accidentally added to one of the versions of Arkham Knight. And now finally the public has finally been told what the official plan actually is.

A costume from Batman: Arkham Knight is being added to Batman: Arkham Knight 2022 starring Robert Pattinson.
Nintendo Switch owners will be the first to get the costume. This will happen on 1 December, along with the release of Batman: Arkham Trilogy for the Nintendo console.
On 15 December, the same costume will become available in Arkham Knight on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
The look will be free.

The new Batman from Batman: Arkham Knight originally appeared in Arkham Knight for the Epic Games Store in late October. There was no official news about it, so the public assumed it was either a mistake or an update that they didn't dedicate a separate announcement to for some reason. It turned out to be a mistake - the look was quickly removed from EGS.

Although active support for Batman: Arkham Knight has been discontinued for many years, updates with skins still appear occasionally. For example, at the end of 2020 all owners of the game were given skins, which were previously exclusive to the WBPlay service.

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