31 July 2015

Views: 940

Trolling "Freedom-OP: Remastered": A step by step, one-on-one guide
Brought to you by Anonymous
Their IP:
Their Forums: (TOR Recommended when trolling, they have not banned any of the exit nodes)
1. Death Potting
Death potting is a thing that these "admins" hate the most. "Death pots" are a special potion that can kill a player in Creative mode if they have Godmode disabled. Works in almost every Creative server. You can make them without commands in the newly updated "Wurst" client, in case you wanted to be stealthy. If you don't have Wurst, or you simply can't run it, execute this command to give yourself a Death potion.
/give <your name here> 373 1 16385 {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:6,Amplifier:29}]}
The server lags like fuck 24/7 so it's relatively hard to see where you're throwing your pots. If, in the case it is not lagging, make sure you have "/god" enabled so you're not affected. Invisibilty potions and yelling "ALLAHU ACKBAR!" optional.
2. WorldEdit
These fags don't even know how to block basic harmful Worldedit commands. Any block can be used, apparently.
Here are some popular means of trolling-
1) //lrbuild
Using //lrbuild (long-range build) allows you to destroy or place blocks from a far distance. When doing this, you are completely exempt from the player block-changing logs. For example: //lrbuild air lava- you can spam lava all over someone's build whilst breaking blocks, without any tracking from logs whatsoever.
2) /br
/br, or just /brush, allows you to make massive spheres and cylinders out of a selected block type and size. Extremely useful when there's large builds you're planning to grief- these are also exempt from logs as well. Admins always get pissy when they can't figure out who spammed spawner spheres over their giant blocky dongs.
3) //smooth
Funny as hell when you select a player-made build, this makes it "melt" in a way. Smoothing can also be used with the brush command.

There's also plenty of ways to crash the server whilst using this plugin, as listed below. Use //limit -1 (while admins are away/afk) for increased keks.
Some of these commands require an unusually large selection to work.
//regen - This completely re-generates the terrain whilst in-game.
//copy - When you have at least a hundren-billion-block selection, the server will try try to copy the blocks, but will inevitably fail.
//paste - In the case that the server does NOT crash from using //copy, this is the way to go. There's no way a server that's this shitty will handle worldedits over 10 million.
//green 9001 - Greens the terrain around you. Server cannot handle this for some reason.
//snow 9001 - Same as above.

"Forbidden" blocks that you can still use in w/e-
-Piston Heads
-Potato/Carrot/Wheat crops
-Anvils (use in midair for maximum lulz)
-Ender Portals (these lag players like fuck)
-Any other technical block that has a certain laggy-ness to it
Using these blocks in the unlikely case where an admin is online, this guarantees you a ban. Be stealthy with 'em.
3. Known security issues/bugs
-Their nuker/reverse-nuker protection is completely broken. Nuke all you want.
-Flying out very far using speeds faster than Essentials' /speed 10 is known to crash the server. And, like any other server, ever.
-DeathBot proxies are all blocked from the server. However, you should still attempt to spambot via this- the console will attempt to ban every name that the bot will spit out, resulting in chat spam in-game and rage from the admins.
-There is a 1.5-second forced delay between chat messages. If you plan on using normal chat, set your spammer delay to 1500 and watch lulz ensue. You can also say the same message as many times as you'd like- if this eventually gets blocked there is way better ways to spam; this is via "/me" or "/broadcast". there is no delay forced upon you and these still do not require different messages.
-This is cracked. If you have a client with a JoinBot then that is an easy way to fill up slots and deny admins/other players access to the server. Be careful though- most admins have access to a Telnet client and others have the server control panel.
4. Promotion
At FOP, their promotion standards are incredibly low- thus the reason why the system is full of retards. Getting Superadmin is relatively easy- make sure nobody catches you griefing or trolling, and help out a lot. A perfectly executed combo will easily get you System Admin- therefore you are able to invite your buddies over, add them to the admin config and completely trash the server. It is believed that higher Telnet admins get full access to the server console- another stupid move by the "Owner". Commands and such can be learned as you get through the system.
5. Ways to piss off the admins
- Do all of the above. ALL of it.
- Call them faggots. Most of the people here support LGBT (A mental disease) and cannot take insults like these.
- Call the Owner (Camzie99) a huge gay faggot. It's technically correct and ensures maximum rage.
- Use AutoSign with any of the above suggestions written on a sign and place them EVERYWHERE. These are technically tracked with the anti-grief; but watching the OPs and admins rage over the text on the signs is pure comedy gold.
- Teleport them to the void.
- Teleport them anywhere, for that matter.
6. Shit to avoid
- Book hacks do not work most of the time.
- Crash signs are patched.
- Crash chests are patched.
- Crash items are patched.
- Most public proxies and VPNs are blocked from connecting. Use a private premium VPN or proxy service.
- Immediately leave or clear your inventory after death potting an admin. You'll obviously get a ban if caught; there is a command used by admins that can see who has potions and therefore they can invsee you.
- Using forbidden blocks while admins are online
- Advertising any server other than FOP, ever
7. Owner info
- Camzie99 is literally a huge gay fag.
- He thinks that, since he pays for the server, he can go around and ban people all he wants.
- He cannot take criticism over his "mod".
- He cannot take criticism over anything, ever.
- He fights like a woman- don't start arguing with him, it's just boring as fuck.

Enjoy these juicy details, my fellow hackers. Have fun.

Hey admins- if you found this pastebin, you can go fuck yourselves.

