Clinton Flip Flops 2016-05-08 (Reddit)

08 May 2016

Views: 4,734

**On TPP:**

["This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements"]( - 2012

[She’s also taken a leading part in drafting the Trans-Pacific Partnership]( - 2013

But wait...

[Hillary Clinton Opposes [...] Trans-Pacific Trade Deal]( - 2015

**On North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)**

[Clinton [praised] corporations for mounting “a very effective business effort in the U.S. on behalf of NAFTA.]( - 1998

[Another source](

["I think everybody is in favor of free and fair trade. I think NAFTA is proving its worth"]( - 1996


["NAFTA was a mistake"]( - 2007

**On Colombia Free Trade Agreement**

[Clinton reiterates opposition to Colombia trade pact]( - 2008


[as secretary of state, Clinton was personally lobbying Democratic members of Congress to support the deal]( - 2011

**On Raising Payroll/Social security Taxes**

["I'm certainly against [...] lift(ing) the cap on the payroll tax"]( - 2008

But wait...

[[Clinton would] be open to a Social Security tax increase]( - 2015

**On Assad**

["Many of the members of Congress [...] have said they believe he's a reformer"]( - 2011


["Assad was the principle threat, because his bombarding, and his ruthless behavior toward his own people, was going to create more terrorists]( - 2015

**On lifting Cuba embargo**

["I’m not ready to vote to lift the embargo."]( - 2000

[Clinton said now is "not the time to consider wholesale or broad changes to our Cuba policy."]( - 2008


[Cuba embargo is a "failed policy"]( - 2014

**On the Keystone XL Pipeline**

[Clinton was seen as initially favoring construction of the pipeline]( - 2010


["I oppose [the pipeline] because I don’t think, I don’t think it’s in the best interest of what we need to do to combat climate change."]( - 2015

**On Deportation of Illegal Immigrants**

[Clinton is "adamantly against illegal immigrants."]( - 2003

But wait...

[She has advocated an immigration policy that would go further [...] to shield some illegal immigrants from deportation]( - 2015

**On Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants**

[Clinton now Against Licenses for Illegal Immigrants]( - 2007


[This time, Hillary Clinton supports giving driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants]( - 2015

**On Federal Gun Control**

[Blanket rules set by the federal government on guns "doesn't make sense."]( - 2008

[Another source]( - 2008


[Clinton proposes using executive action as president to expand background check requirements]( - 2015

**On Gun Ownership and Culture**

[Gun ownership, hunting "part of culture. It’s part of a way of life."]( - 2008

But wait!

[Clinton said Tuesday that gun culture in the U.S. has become "way out of balance."]( - 2014

**On Gay Marriage**

["Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman"]( - 2000

[Marriage is "a sacred bond between a man and a woman."]( - 2004

[In response to a question about whether marriage should be made legally available to two committed adults of the same sex, Clinton marked that she was "opposed"]( - 2007


[After leaving her position as secretary of state, she announced her support for same-sex marriage]( - 2013

**On Mass Incarceration and Minimum Sentences**

[[Clinton] explicitly attacked then-competitor Senator Barack Obama for being soft on crime. After the Iowa primary, her campaign said Obama's opposition to mandatory minimum prison sentences was an example of his out-of-touch liberalism]( - 2008


[[Clinton wants to] End the era of mass incarceration, reform mandatory minimum sentences]( - 2015

**On the Coal Industry**

["...we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business"]( - March, 2016

But wait...

["I’ve been talking about helping coal country for a very long time"]( - May, 2016

[she says she wants to see coal "continued to be sold and continued to be mined."]( - May, 2016

**On Her Political Leanings**

["You know, I get accused of being kind of moderate and center," Clinton told the audience at a Women for Hillary event in Ohio. "I plead guilty."]( - September, 2015


["I’m A Progressive"]( - October, 2015

**On No Child Left Behind**

[Votes for No Child Left Behind]( - 2001


[Hillary Clinton talks negatively about NCLB, wants to replace it]( - 2015

**On Ethanol Mandates**

[Hillary Clinton against ethanol mandates, 'voted against ethanol 17 times']( - 2000 - 2007

But wait!

[Clinton stressed the importance of the corn-based energy product, saying the U.S. needed to work on "limiting our dependence on foreign oil. And we have a perfect example right here [...] with all of the ethanol that’s being produced here."](

**On Flip Flopping**

Some people might say a person's opinion on topics changing throughout the years is understandable. Hindsight can allow for reflection and new knowledge or public opinion can help shape a new position on a topic.

Except that

["I have been very consistent," Clinton said, arguing her unyielding fealty to "the same values and principles" over her entire life.]( - 2015

Apparently it's possible to flip flop on many, many topics but yet also be consistent and stick to the same values and principles throughout one's life.
