The best lawn fertilizer: four key factors for a great looking lawn

08 June 2020

Views: 71

The best fertilizer for a given lawn depends on several factors. You must know the state of the soil, the types of grasses and your maintenance goals to choose the best fertilizer for your needs. Let's find out more about these factors to make your fertilizer selection.

1. Learn about the condition of your soil

Your soil in your garden can be deficient in several key nutrients for a healthy garden. You can get soil testers at garden stores. One of the basic measures are acidic or alkaline levels. These affect the pH level of the soil. Nutrients that can have a big impact on the health of your lawn include nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, iron, zinc and sulfur.

2. Learn what your lawn needs

For a healthy lawn, both the cold season and warm season grasses need a balanced portion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These three nutrients work together to keep the grass at its maximum growth. Specific grasses may need more particular nutrients, check with your garden supply store or a lawn and garden guide for the needs of your specific grass type.

3. Look for a fertilizer that offers a combination of nutrients.

When you go to the garden supply store, you will see a wide variety of fertilizers specially formulated for different plants and grasses. In each bag there is a nutrient analysis that can help you in your selection. Often you will also see a set of three numbers on the bag, like 21-7-4. These numbers correspond to the amount of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium in the mixture.

Nitrogen is the nutrient that provides the greatest impact on your lawn, it supports both growth factors and greening. Phosphorous helps with the development of the root system. Potassium helps your lawn resist disease.

4. Decide what type of fertilizer you want

Most of the fertilizers on the market today are synthetic fertilizers. These are created by a chemical process, and are often easier to apply to types of fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers get their nutrients from sources that were once alive, such as manure or fish emulsion. These fountains help build the soil, but can act slowly in cold climates.

Scheduled release fertilizers have coatings on the granules that dictate how fast they can release their nutrients. The advantage of this type is that you get a durable food for your lawn. The downside is that you could get some nutrients delivered at times that don't support your lawn's growth cycle.
