06 July 2020

Views: 425

keto fast 700 mg Have you been working hard and paying your bills on time your whole life? Saving your money and trying to get ahead, looking forward to retiring some day? You read in the paper and hear on the news about so many people that are uninsured. Uninsured, and don't have health insurance because they can't afford it. Are you one of the uninsured people like I am? Are you worried about having a health care emergency and not knowing how you would pay your medical bills? You know you really can't switch jobs. You feel you're getting too old or under skilled to be hired by anyone else. might even be self-employed too. You know you can't or don't want to learn a new skill to get a new job at a bigger company that has group health insurance. Your present employer really can't afford health insurance for his employees and you don't see that changing where you work.
