Best Study Skills for High School

23 August 2020

Views: 67

There are different techniques to study that adapt to different students, the study techniques are like:

Quick Study Techniques
Smart study techniques
Difficult study techniques
All the above techniques have enemies like: -

Getting bored studying
Feeling lazy to study
Postpone the study for another time
You have no intention of getting good grades
You do not have a vision for the future which university you want to join
The best study technique is when you use one of the above techniques without having any of its enemies, you can do it by being psychologically aware of using one of the techniques and knowing when one of the enemies is attacking you so that you can defeat them. or prevent it.

In this section, I will explain each technique and in the next section I will explain how to beat your enemies, let's get started.

Best Study Skills for High School

1. Quick study technique: you can use this technique when you are close to the exams so that you gain more knowledge in less time, this technique includes: -

to. Write test questions

yes. Scan studying the parts you know

C. Study quickly the parts you don't know

2. Smart study technique: you can use this technique to study more with better performance so that you save effort, time and money in private courses, this technique includes: -

to. Write questions from other study resources

yes. Ask older students questions that are related to tests.

C. Ask questions of older students related to the study of resources.

re. Ask older students questions about the best study techniques for each subject.

Here's how to defeat each enemy: -

1) Feeling bored when studying: it is normal to feel bored when you are studying a certain subject for several hours and to defeat this enemy you must study a different subject every hour and have a break of 10 to 20 minutes after each hour of study. By doing so, you will overcome feelings of boredom.

2) Feeling Lazy to Study: Feeling lazy or indifferent when studying is because you cannot see what you are going through your traditional education phase. Drawing a clear vision of where you want to end up in your traditional education phase will help you be more active in studying.

3) Postpone study for another time: postpone what you should study today for someday is because you do not live day to day. You must have a mentality of "doing the best you can just for today", by having this mentality you will live one day at a time so that you do your best today without being distracted by tomorrow.

4) You don't intend to get high grades: Students who know which college they want to get into in the future are the ones who study for high grades. If you want to intend to earn high marks, you must have a role model for your life that you want to be one day.

5) You do not have a vision of the future to the university you want to join: having a clear vision of your future will ignite the fire in your heart in the present so that you join the university you always dreamed of.

By knowing the best study technique for you and preventing your enemy, you will be aware of your current state so that you have a better study experience in the future,
