Descargar Tomb Raider: Game of the Year Edition
Version UltraComprimida a 2.0Gb [Experimental]
-Este puede dar muchos errores durante la descompresion, por eso te recomiendo descargar la version comprimida de 6Gb que es mas seguro y esta libre de errores.
Version Comprimida de 6Gb [Segura].
-Este esta libre de errores, descomprimir,ejecutar he instalar, Pero pesa el doble.
Download Tomb Raider: Game of the Year Edition
Version UltraCompressed to 2.0Gb [Experimental]
Download: http: //
-This can give many errors during decompression, so I recommend you download the 6Gb compressed version that is safer and free of errors.
6Gb Compressed Version [Secure].
Download: http: // [BN-REPACKS] .rar / file
-This is free of errors, unzip, run and install, but it weighs twice as much.