Traveling with your pet

27 September 2020

Views: 68

You have decided to take your pet on holiday. It gets more fun and you do not have to worry about leaving a family member in an unknown kennel. With a little extra planning and consideration, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip with your pet.

To take a road trip

If you are driving with your pet, you need to find a comfortable and safe way for your pet to travel. You can place your pet in a carrier and secure it in the car. Alternatively, you can purchase a seat belt-like harness for your pet that allows him to be out of the carrier but still safely restrained. It is not safe to let your pet move freely in the car. He can be seriously injured in the event of even a minor accident and he is much more likely to flee and get lost when you stop.

Do not leave your pet alone in the car, especially not in hot weather. The heat can quickly become life threatening. If your pet easily gets car sickness, you can ask your veterinarian for motion sickness medication before the trip.

Carry some of your pet's food with you, and feed your pet only small amounts of food at a time. If your trip is short, you may want your pet to wait and eat when you arrive to avoid car sickness. You should also bring some of your pet's water with or buy bottled water. Local tap water can contain various minerals or sulfur, which can upset your pet's stomach.

Flying with your pet

Many pet owners do not like to fly with their pets because it can be traumatic for them, but sometimes it is unavoidable. Unless your pet is very small, he flies as goods and not in the cabin with you. Contact your airline to find out what type of airline is acceptable and what rules apply to flying with a pet. Also, ask what safety precautions are in place, what conditions the pet will fly in, etc. Ask your veterinarian if your pet is good enough to fly or if there are any special precautions you need to take.

International travel

Taking your pet out of the country requires careful planning. Check the rules of the country you are traveling to and make sure your pet has the necessary vaccinations. In some cases, you must have the vaccines administered weeks before your departure date.

Most countries will require a rabies vaccination certificate and a health certificate. Your vet can help you get both of these. The country you are traveling to may require you to fill out paperwork to get permission to bring your pet into the country. Some countries also have quarantine regulations that may require your pet to remain in a kennel for up to several months.

Pet Friendly hotels

A quick search on the Internet can help you find hotels that are receptive to pets. Many travel sites also allow you to specify only pet-friendly accommodations. Ask the hotel to find out their specific rules regarding staying with a pet.

If your pet needs walks, ask for a room that opens from the outside. This will be more convenient for those trips at night at night.

Many alternative lodging places, such as resorts, cabins and bed and breakfasts are also open to receive pets. Check in advance for availability where you are traveling. Since many of these resorts offer outdoor activities, they can be great options for pet owners for more information click here
