coinbase spravne odpovede 24.12.2020

24 December 2020

Views: 141

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Earn GRT The Graph

Otazka #1: What information is indexed by The Graph?
Odpoved: Blockchain data

Otazka #2: What do you earn for delegating GRT to an Indexer?
Odpoved: GRT tokens

Otazka #3: Who identifies high quality, useful data on The Graph?
Odpoved: Curators
Band Protocol - earn up to $43 in BAND tokens.
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Otazka #1: What does Band bring to blockchains?
Odpoved: Real world data

Otazka #2: What are Band’s decentralized data feeds called?
Odpoved: Oracles

Otazka #3: What’s one benefit of staking your BAND tokens?
Odpoved: Earn crypto rewards

Earn MKR - earn up to $6 in MKR

Otazka #1: What are the native assets of the Maker protocol?
Odpoved: MKR and DAI

Otazka #2: Who runs MakerDAO?
Odpoved: MKR holders

Otazka #3: What do you need to generate DAI today?
Odpoved: A crypto wallet and crypto collateral

Coinbase Earn – Learn About Celo & Earn $6 In CELO (cGLD)

Otazka #1: How does Celo give greater access to financial tools?
Odpoved: Making crypto available on mobile phones

Otazka #2: What are 3 things CELO is used for?
Odpoved: Staking, governance, and stability

Otazka #3: What can Celo Dollars do?
Odpoved: Using the Valora mobile app
Earn COMP - earn up to $59 in COMP
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Otazka #1: What’s a key benefit of using Compound?
Odpoved: Earn interest on crypto

Otazka #2: What do you need to do to borrow crypto with Compound?
Odpoved: Supply crypto asset as collateral

Otazka #3: Who gets to decide the future of the Compound protocol?
Odpoved: COMP token holders

Earn XLM Stellar - earn 50 USD
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Otazka #1: What is Stellar?
Odpoved: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure

Otazka #2: What are Stellar Lumens (XLM) used for?
Odpoved: Facilitating low cost, universal payments

Otazka #3: Why is Stellar good for sending remittances?
Odpoved: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global

Otazka #4: Why would banks and businesses use Stellar?
Odpoved: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently

Otazka #5: How does Stellar's Consensus Protocol work?
Odpoved: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions

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