19 February 2021

Views: 87


There's a survey after the chat about my service and I hope you'll be able to find time to participate.

Thank you for contacting GetYourGuide my name is Jessa how can I help you?

In order to assist you may I have the following information:
*Full name
*Booking number
*Phone number

Since you don't have additional concerns, I will close this chat now. Thank you for contacting GetYourGuide! Your feedback is highly appreciated which can give us a chance to improve our services. You can provide your feedback or ratings on the link which will be sent after this message. Have a great day!

Freshdesk Link:
Portal Link:
Refund Amount:
Short summary (the reason for refund/discount):
Refund Reason in Portal Chosen:

Thanks for your patience! We're sorry we missed your chat earlier. Looks like our local partner isn't available by phone at the moment. I'll send them an email and follow up with you as soon as I get their answer. Is that okay with you?
