Six things you need to know about pinterest

13 April 2021

Views: 241

That’s a luxury we have that we do appreciate. We acquired a company recently that specializes in that. It’s a very small company but there are all sorts of ways of pulling information out of images and using text to understand what you have. There are all sorts of ways of using that information.

These features are both aimed at increasing sales on the platform. Pinterest is really pushing the fact that people spend more money on their platform than on any other social media network. Browsable catalogs appear under pins, allowing users to look through other relevant products from brands. There’s a “more from ” button under pins, allowing users to look through a catalog of similar products. If someone clicks on a product, they’ll be taken to the retailer’s website where they can purchase the product.

If you prefer to keep your pins private or you're throwing a surprise birthday party, you can make your board secret. Only you and anyone you invite can see your secret boards. You can edit a pin’s information at any time and move it to any board. When you try a pin, you can show people on pinterest how it went. Add a photo of your cake to the pin, add a comment to tell people how it went or add helpful tips.

Tell readers what they'll get if they click on the pin. Pinterest allots up to 500 characters of space for a pin description, reserving the first 50 characters for what will appear on most user's pinterest newsfeeds. All things considered, pins with descriptions around 100 characters are often ideal to maintain brevity while enticing users to click your pin. A pin's description is one of the most overlooked parts of a pin -- scroll through pinterest and you'll see lots of pins without any at all. Even though others are doing it, you shouldn't. If you're trying to use pinterest to build your business, you can't forget the description -- it could have too big of an impact on your results.

Filling this data out for people will automatically populate the pin description when they go to pin it. Now, they can choose to change the description if they like, but at least you’ve done what you can to give them a head-start. So stop making pinterest images that are illegible on mobile phones. All you need to do is check the image on your own mobile phone first.

This pinterest stat matters if conversions and sales are a key part of your marketing strategy. Between january and august 2020, there was a 300% increase in add-to-cart and checkout attributed conversions. This pinterest stat suggests that people were not just engaging with shopping, they were checking out too. Pinterest’s quarter-over-quarter change in advertising reach went up by 6.2% and will likely continue to rise over the year. Part of the increase is the result of pinterest adding more countries to its ad targeting portfolio. Pinterest has made strides in positivity where other platforms have failed.

Businesses can follow other firms in their sector that are non-competitive. For instance, if you sell jewellery, you could follow clothes businesses that you like. Choose inspiring or catchy names for your boards, not your own in-house descriptions for your product ranges. And, make sure your photography is top-notch.

how to sell on pintrest
