Benifits of shrooms Psychedelics

06 June 2021

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From treating depression to managing alcoholism, researchers say that legitimate medical buy shrooms
have many potential benefits. Soft lighting. Comfortable furniture. Art that decorates the wall.

For those unfamiliar, this setting is similar to a living room. But that's not all. A research facility that pursues comfort and convenience.

A psilocybin therapy session will be held.

The patient is lying on the couch. They have eyeshadow and headphones. Gentle music plays. Her two members of the research team will oversee the session for her eight hours. Much of this time is spent in quiet introspection.

In the event of an unforeseen event, trained medical personnel are on site.

Despite the trap of normality, this therapy session is by no means so.

Psilocybin, the active ingredient in "Magic Mushrooms" or "Magic Mushrooms," is a powerful psychedelic.

Although he is not as powerful as LSD by a factor of 100, he can change the perception of space and time, causing visual distortion, euphoria, and mysterious experiences.

It differs from marijuana, which has undergone dramatic changes in terms of legalization and support for approved therapies, and MDMA, which has recently gained attention for its potential to treat PTSD (some researchers say. As early as 2021), psilocybin lacks comparable cultural characteristics (drug approval from the Food and Drug Administration).

And it would be permissible to think of "Shroom" as nothing more than a psychedelic surplus relic of the 1960s.

But there is no mistake. Psilocybin has many potential medical benefits.

Research status of psilocybin
Studies have shown that psilocybin has the potential to treat a variety of mental and behavioral disorders, but the FDA has not yet allowed anything.

Possible indications are depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, smoking cessation, alcoholism, cocaine addiction, cluster headache, and end-of-life cancer-related or other mental health problems.

In recent months, Denver, Colorado, and Oregon have also created high-profile initiatives to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms.

But experts say they are unlikely to succeed.

Psilocybin mushrooms remain on Schedule I, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. In other words, it is classified as "currently not approved for medical use and highly likely to be abused."

Other Schedule I drugs include marijuana, MDMA, and LSD.

However, despite social stigma and legal proceedings, researchers continue to conduct clinical trials for FDA approval.

George R. Glia, co-founder and president of the Heffter Research Institute, a non-profit research center focused on the therapeutic use of psychedelics, especially psilocybin, explains his motives:

"Our mission is two. One is to carry out research that helps us understand how the mind and brain work, and the second is suffering through the therapeutic use of hallucinogens. Is to help alleviate.

The institute is currently focusing on his two main areas of psilocybin research: addiction and cancer-related psychiatric disorders. Cancer-related psilocybin therapy is considered one of the most promising areas of research for this drug.

However, keep in mind that the amount of study varies significantly, from a single pilot study to his FDA-approved trial in Phase II or Phase III, given the enormous number of potential indications for psilocybin. Is important.

Below are the results of current studies on psilocybin treatment for several possible indications.
