If you have ZERO Subscribers, Do THIS First!

22 June 2021

Views: 58

So you & # 39, ve decided to start a YouTube channel this year, and maybe you & # 39 ve, been watching a ton of different YouTubers and wanting to create content just like them.. But I & # 39 m here to tell you that the content they & # 39 re, creating may not be what you need to start with.. So in this video I & # 39 m gon na be sharing with you. The one strategy that can take you from zero to 10,000 subscribers and beyond. [ Narrator ]. You got ta just press record., My name is Heather Torres and I am part of the Think Team. And we are a team of creators helping you build your influence with online video.. We are on a mission to help 10,000 purpose driven content. Creators build a full-time living doing what they love with the power of video., And we have been making waves here on YouTube. Helping creators not only start from scratch, but go all the way to 100,000 subscribers and beyond., And you might be here right now with zero subscribers. So welcome. Maybe you & # 39 re under that 10,000 mark., And I & # 39 m gon na share with you a strategy today that I really feel can be a simple strategy. That & # 39 s. Gon na help you get more YouTube videos done in less time, because you & # 39 re gon na know exactly what to create.. My question to you is: how do you crack the YouTube code? You think about YouTube, you think about how do I get my videos seen? How do I become someone who people want to follow That & # 39 s? Why we & # 39 re here on the platform.? We & # 39 re here on the platform to create valuable content that can help people solve a problem. And that & # 39 s really when you & # 39 re starting at zero. The first question: I want you to answer, who do I help and how do I help them? What problem do I solve? This is something you wan na make sure you & # 39 re journaling down. That you & # 39. Ve, got that in your mind, before you even get started really on making videos.. Now I & # 39 m someone who started on the platform here by doing this one strategy, I & # 39 m gon na teach you with my homeschooling channel.. Not only do I teach here at Think Media, but I also have a side hustle. Just like you, maybe, where I teach people how to homeschool., And this one strategy is what has helped my channel grow on autopilot. Like I am getting views every single day because of this one strategy getting discovered getting found, and this is something you can apply right To your channel as well., Now, how do you crack the YouTube code? How do you get discovered? How do you allow your views Like people to actually view your videos And really it comes down to you answering a question.. You answering a question type that in the chat right now, I need to answer questions. And how do you do that? Well, we have a formula here at Think that we call ASQ. You wan na answer, specific questions. How do you break through on YouTube this year? You need to be answering specific questions. If I were to start a brand new YouTube channel right now. This is the one strategy I would use to get discovered to get views get to my first 10,000 subscribers and beyond.. So what is answering specific questions? Well, how do you even find that What questions should I be answering Heather? What I need you to do is write down the questions that people in your target audience are asking.. So what are they going to the YouTube, search bar and actually typing in Well? Let & # 39 s, see what happens when you go to the YouTube search bar and you type in how to how to is a great way to get started with answering specific questions., Because how to means I have a problem.. I need to learn how to do whatever my problem. Is.. I need to figure out the answer to my problem.. Let & # 39 s say I had in organizing like I was helping moms learn how to organize their home.. One of my friends says that she has an amazing channel where she is helping people organize with dollar tree items., But let & # 39 s just say I type into the chat. How to. I & # 39 m gon na type into the chat? How to, and then I & # 39 m gon na write organize because if I & # 39 m someone who is looking to figure out how to organize that & # 39 s, what I would type into the chat. And then guess what happens on YouTube! Well, when you type in how to organize YouTube, is going to actually auto predict different video ideas for you to create.. So now you know what pops out and you get to see all those different things that people are typing in., You kind of get to choose which one when you & # 39 re, the user. You & # 39 re going through and you & # 39 re choosing, which one. Well as the content creator here on YouTube. This is valuable information.. Why? Because it & # 39 s telling you exactly what people are writing into the search bar when they have this problem. And here & # 39 s, what they & # 39 re typing in.! They & # 39 re, not just having an how to organize.. That & # 39 s, still pretty broad.. What they & # 39 re typing in is how to organize your closet.. If I have the problem where right now, I have three kids that are in one room and I have a tiny little closet. I need to figure out how do I organize this closet? I & # 39 m, not just going to the platform saying how do I organize my home? I am specific with an exact problem., So you wan na answer specific questions. What about this one? How to organize my dresser drawer. Wow., That & # 39 s, pretty specific.! I mean when you think about your whole entire house. Right now you & # 39 re, probably sitting in your office or maybe in your living room, or maybe you & # 39 re in your kitchen.. You & # 39 re listening to me, while you & # 39 re cooking dinner right now., There is a lot of things in your house that you may need to organize.. Well, every single one of these search terms is a video, and people are very specific. With their problems., Did you see that The difference there one was how to organize. That & # 39 s? The first thing that was typed in, but look how specific people get with their problems a dresser drawer.. I mean that & # 39 s, pretty specific.. When you think about all the things in the home, a dresser drawer is very specific., So you wan na be answering specific questions.. What about this one? Well, if you are someone who is in maybe the health and wellness space and you wan na help, people lose weight. Well, they & # 39 re, not really typing in how to lose weight. I mean that is a problem. That & # 39 s kind of the broader problem. But what & # 39 s? The specific thing they & # 39 re trying to accomplish What do they actually need from you? Well, here you can see when you type in how to lose weight. The video idea that you could be creating right now if this is your niche, how to lose weight in four easy steps.. Yes, I want to know that.. Please tell me about how to lose weight in one day.. You can sign me up for that video.. I will watch that video if you make that video.. These are the specific questions that you could be answering when you & # 39 re, creating videos.. Now I & # 39 m gon na. Let you in on a little secret right, now Think Media. Our main platform has over 1 million subscribers. Guess what kind of videos we & # 39 re making these videos we & # 39 re, answering specific questions.. So if you & # 39 re, just starting and you & # 39 re at zero and you & # 39 re needing to know what kind of videos to make I wan na, let you know that this strategy, this one strategy this - could help you get To your first 10,000 subscribers., What about how to lose weight fast without exercise? Yes, I want that one as well.. All of these ones are really great ideas, but what you & # 39 ll notice here with the blue arrows, is I by typing, in that one key phrase into the YouTube search bar. I now have one two three four: five videos that I could create. And guess what each one of those videos are doing.. They & # 39 re, answering a specific question.. Well, what happens here? We go. Your power question is: what is your target audience typing into the YouTube and Google search bar? What are they actually typing into the YouTube and Google search bar A lot of times? We think I need to like sit down and plan.. I really need to get into the psychology. You do you definitely need to, but can I give you a little secret? A lot of this is right in front of you.. A lot of this is you actually just asking the people you wan na help.? Hey? What do you type into the YouTube and Google search bar When I started my homeschooling channel? This was the exact strategy that I did.. I went to about four different girlfriends that I have that I knew were in the process of deciding if they wanted to homeschool. And I said to them: Hey what are you actually typing into the YouTube and Google search bar And they said things that I wouldn & # 39 t have really thought about. And I thought huh how interesting. I was able to do how to homeschool on a budget because they had a budget.. https://privatephotoviewer.com/download-instagram-stories/ wouldn & # 39 t have thought of that, but that & # 39 s. What they were actually asking., So your power question is: what is your target audience typing into the YouTube and Google search bar? Remember answer specific questions. That & # 39 s. The key to today & # 39 s, training answer specific questions. And I wan na share with a couple of our students from our Academy that are doing this exact strategy and getting amazing results.. This is Tara.. Now Tara is in network marketing. She does essential oils. And she decided that she wanted to break through on YouTube to be able to discover more people that would come into her business and purchase the products.. Now one of the things in oils is you have these different types of diffusers. And a lot of times? People will get the oils and they have no clue what to do with them. And so Tara decided to answer the specific question: ways to diffuse oils. Without a diffuser. Because it & # 39 s, two different pieces., And so she was answering that specific question. I don & # 39 t know if you can see it here, but this video alone has 13,000 views.. This is Tara who just started. She picked up a camera and made a video about answering specific questions.. This is Mary.. I love Mary because Mary had never used a camera before in her life. Mary is in her legacy years and she decided that she wanted to take the things she was teaching to women at her home into the digital space., And so Mary picked up a camera And she started creating these videos that were answering specific questions. Like this question, how to make no knead sandwich bread. I didn & # 39 t, even know that that was a thing, but Mary & # 39 s. Audience was asking this specific question.. How do I know Well oops? Let me go back., Because Mary has 173,000 views on this video.. Her target audience was asking this question.. This is Kent. Kent Rollins is a cowboy.. This is cowboy Kent., He loves cooking and he does a lot of country-style cooking.. Well, you & # 39 ll notice. Here Kent decided to just answer the specific question. Here & # 39 s, what he answered. Easy tricks to cleaning a cast iron. That was it., That & # 39 s. All he had to ask. That & # 39 s. All he had to answer 3.1 million views.. Are you seeing the power of this answering specific questions.? Now this is Cherie. Cherie loves, sewing. Cherie decided that she wanted to leave her corporate job and be able to do her hobby full-time., And so she decided to start answering specific questions.. Now. What I love about this is that she & # 39 s. Just reviewing one actual sewing machine. And if you know anything about sewing, these are not inexpensive items.. This is an investment., And so she decided to go ahead and answer the question about this machine.. I love that Cherie has now been able to leave her corporate job and do YouTube full time because she decided to answer specific questions.. This is Joey.. He is an eye doctor.. If you & # 39 ve been around. Think Media you & # 39 ve heard us mention Joey a time or two.. What I love about. What Joey does is he answers specific questions. Man? I & # 39 m, going to say that like 10 times fast and it & # 39 s, definitely gon na, like trip me up.. So if you & # 39 re like me, you can say it with me., But what I love about this is that Joey & # 39 s at 1 million views on just contact lenses for beginners. His audience had a question. I & # 39 m new to contacts.. I need to learn how to do this.. How do you like open your eyelid and then like touch your eye? How do you keep it all like moist, And what do you do Like? I & # 39 m a beginner., And so he decided to answer that question. 1 million views. It & # 39 s, not like he & # 39 s. Some famous vlogger. Joey is an eye doctor who decided to pick up a camera and start answering questions., And then this is Nicole. Nicole, decided to answer the question of tummy time. Nicole, is an occupational therapist and a parenting coach and she decided to go after this Keyword phrase here: tummy time. Now, if you don & # 39, t have a child. You & # 39 re, not searching tummy time., But if you do have a child and you & # 39 re in her target audience. You are definitely searching this term.. It is a developmental thing that kids are doing and it is highly searched on YouTube.. Well, she decided to do tummy time for newborns. And Nicole did that video tummy time for newborns.. You can see it here and then guess what happened. She made a video about that 2.4 million views., Why she picked up her camera phone and recorded and answered a specific question.. Now here & # 39 s, what I love so much about Nicole.! I just recently pulled these stats from her channel and Nicole right now is generating over 300,000 views on her channel.. That is incredible. What I love the most about what happens when you start answering specific questions? Is you start to not just grow in your views, which is really important., But you also start to create a community on YouTube. And that & # 39 s? What Nicole & # 39 s, doing with 5,000 new moms a month, actually signing up to be a part of her community.? So what action do you need to take? What do you need to do next? Well, your action is to make a list of 10 questions.. What are people typing into the search bar? How specific can you be Remember when I typed in how to organize it came up with how to organize my dresser drawer., So you wan na be really specific on the question that you are answering. And then lastly, you wan na create one SMART, video per week.. So if you & # 39, re gon na be answering those questions. If you & # 39 re starting at zero subscribers, if you & # 39 re trying to grow your YouTube channel right now this year, then you need to be making one SMART video per week. Now. What do I mean by SMART video? I mean put your time and energy into answering a specific question., And this little training was brought to you by our new Think Masterclass.. This is a free YouTube class., And what I love about this new free class is that we & # 39 re talking about what is working right now on YouTube.. Now I & # 39 m sure you & # 39 ve, probably watched a lot of videos on YouTube, but did you know that YouTube is always changing? Did you know that there & # 39 s, always updates and new things that you need to know about? How to dominate on this platform? Well, Sean Cannell! The CEO of Think, did a free YouTube. Class.! You do have to sign up for it.. It is not on YouTube.. You have to go and watch this class separately. And what I love is that he & # 39 s, sharing the three secrets to use it to YouTube success and the mistakes that most creators are making right, now., [, Narrator ]. Are you ready to start or grow your YouTube channel? Do you feel stuck and need help connecting the dots Join, this free web class, where you learn the step-by-step playbook for YouTube? Success., We & # 39 ve, helped thousands of purpose-driven entrepreneurs just like you grow their influence with video register. Today, for this exclusive training at ThinkMasterClass.com., ( upbeat music, )

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