synergy part 2

Author: 346c974812

22 August 2022

Views: 73 i think pulses could be stronger here to fit the song (like you can see sebs glow go crazy a bit when in ferdes part), same as in the start of terron and unes parts - just feel like it could be more striking like in lumpys think these huge bg things could be a bit more attractive (across the entire part) if just coloured as desaturated purple/dominant colour rather than plain grey black glow is doubled here miss orb and see above round out this cutoff ground too low also i think the blue circle is accidentally placed missing purple outer circle transition for block designs could be better, maybe make the dark bit of ferdes blocks have a gradient towards the purple of terron or just be a bit lighter hit blue orb and see above blocks as terron is last part to have player touch ground, just start some invis spikes following player x on the ground for the level from here just in case theres more secret ways unes colours + bg could go a bit darker into shocks part to emphasise song change and later pulses lowkey would be badass to have some really dark sudden pulses to fit the guitar in the bg just for like the first half of the part? or i guess just lower the initial brightness and saturation of the colours cause it feels a bit too bright and colourful until the ball idk just might be cool to play around with instead of just slowly pulsing black --> colour --> black etc idk the logo feels really openly placed, might be better in block then adjust saws to fill empty space colours a bit strong in ryders part can probably make more of ryders part pulse a lighter grey into the transition or add a bit more colour to quesos part instead of just the obj line? i think second works better with the song and progression, also i think the colours for quesos part could take a tiny tiny bit longer to come in this is lowkey quite stupid idk about that tiny spike although i think its there to prevent cheesing the route move the text left like a block would love some small rapid pulses to the repetitive bg noise to just bring up the intensity a bit still think this should be buffed - this part as the buildup towards the change at licens part should just be slightly harder in general compared to rest of the level, could do with just a bit more especially considering the difficulty of the last few parts if you go on top of single block then green orb into dash (to be upside down) you can see above + can fall out if release dash orb at right time these could def pulse a bit brighter cause they kinda just blend in with the rest even tho theyre a different colour (fits higher part of song too i guess?) lowkey should just be a pink then blue orb might be better to remove these and just allow a hold on top i think this works better to patch this still logo thing which is weird wouldnt mind if this click just became an auto pad or smth as you can hold through to the later auto should add s block combined with above point (you can also fall out with good timing between the saws) can see below scrumpy blocks when going into part the portal looks a bit weird scaled this small, could make bigger and adjust auto beforehand so it doesnt overlap this still scuffed, can just add invis block to kill player each time theres those slabs i think the click in the wave syncs here? which goes into the spike, might be better to adjust placement so you can click earlier instead of having to wait longer for the gap between spike and saw same thing about this just being a bit ugly, prob just deco it with girons block designs ( for example) this disconnect is a bit weird, extend scrumpy ground spikes think you can remove these to simplify part a bit these pulses still very wack and i think fade out at end is a bit weird? could have the blocks move vertically away from player when going through that very last part tho lack of moves in rest of part might make it out of place

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