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22 March 2015

Views: 3,842

This will be an ongoing thread which serves to keep people informed of current and relevant information regarding common topics. More topics will be added as needed.

* Human trafficking and gendercide.

[It's a girl - documentary trailer]( [official website]( and
[Gendercide in rural China and India](

[Gendercide in Canada](

General human trafficking statistics: and [Polaris](

* Women in STEM and business

[Gender biases in math and science](

[Gender bias in hiring lab managers *Study*](

[Discrimination in the medical profession *Anecdotal*](

[Gender, culture, and mathematics performance]( <- a great answer to the "Male variability hypothesis" as well as claims of male superiority in mathematics.

[Debunking the ambition myth](

[Women and minorities penalized for hiring women and minorities due to perceptions of prejudice](,-study-finds.aspx)

* Gender biases

[Testosterone does not induce aggressiveness on its own](

[FDA banned drug testing on women until 1993, preventing specialized medicines]( and [PMC link](

* Non-binary and post-gender discussion.

[The importance of Cyborg feminism and Foucaudian discourse in transhumanist literature](

* Retrograde analysis of activism - how to better serve the current generation.

[Is there a better way to prevent abuse of rape laws in India? Current exclusion of men leaves male victims out](

[Problems with feminist discourse on Twitter: Lack of nuance, vilification, and undue punishment]( *In search of links to include other online spaces*

Male virgin shaming in feminist circles and why it's harmful *In search of link*

[Old propaganda against suffragettes](

* Notable organizations.

[Selah Freedom - Florida and Chicago](

* Rape, domestic violence.

[Criticism of Kanin study](

[NIJ on measuring IPV]( and [further reading](

[Couples counseling not helpful for Domestic Violence](

* General information management

[Criticizing common anti-feminist talking points](


[Domestic violence parity claims]( another [source]( another [source]( and [Another useful criticism](

[rape parity claims](

[Prison rape](

[Child custody]( and [More info](

[Joint custody preference](
