Colton Wood from California -- Public Safety Concern

19 October 2016

Views: 1,079

Colton Wood

Colton Wood is an instigator who is homeless and starts fights on camera. He makes attack videos on people who reach out to him. Do not trust this man. He will screw you over.
Colton does not have any tags, paper work or any actual disability. He uses the fake service dog to instigate trouble and record the encounters without the permission of the people being recorded. This causes physical altercations so he can play the victim.
He uses crude language, childish name calling and changing the subject routinely to avoid answering questions. He panhandles in Western blvd and Sepulveda in south Los Angeles according to his own admission.

Current youtube channel:

Losing everything

Police Officer Lou Stefanou Identifies Colton Wood As A Cyberbully

Causing problems at a waikiki hawaiian grill on purpose

Causing problems at starbucks

Kicked out of Starbucks

Knocking over a bus sign to attract attention to himself and getting arrested after walking away from a detainment

Bus driver not taking his shit

Legal incompetence

Recording an ambulance officer without their permission

Encouraging harassment towards someone

Starting shit with a woman and the staff at a fitness center

Accusing someone of being a pedophile and saying he will file a police report on them

Getting his ass kicked for recording people without their consent

Flipping shit over his dog getting impounded

GPS Locations of his cell phone number

Comment thread archived here in copy and paste for the lulz

Gardener Earth Guy6 days ago
He should film that perspective, life with a sign, living on the edge.

I feel bad for Colton, but wouldn't mind seeing a video of Renee getting hit by a truck while running out to give Colton some Ray's fried chicken.

Can this video be geolocated, please?
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Renee M Valenti
Renee M Valenti6 days ago
Colton Wood FAKE service dog
Colton Wood FAKE service dog5 days ago
Matthew was a hurricane, not a tsunami Lard Tard #2.
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Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy5 days ago
+Renee M Valenti
It missed us. Great surf, but it brought jellyfish and I've been getting stung every session.
Colton wood
Colton wood5 days ago
It's Western blvd and Sepulveda in south Los Angeles. And again, I'm available at your leisure.
Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy5 days ago
+Colton wood
what are you doing over there?

aren't there better crossroads?

why not start a channel showing this side of life?

told you I'm not trolling you anymore, and I'm not.
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Colton wood
Colton wood5 days ago
Here is an idea. Donate 5$ to my gofundme to prove your no longer part of the chomo brigade
Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy5 days ago
+Colton wood
I don't need to prove anything, that's the cool thing about being established.
Are you dealing crack at these intersections?
I've got to hand it to you that dressing like a bum for cover doing drug sales is pretty smart.

I just feel sorry for the dog breathing that auto exhaust.

I hope you sell enough crack to hang up the bum costume and retire.
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Colton Wood FAKE service dog
Colton Wood FAKE service dog5 days ago
Who do you think his supplier is, his youtuber friend Tom Zebra? Maybe Tom's cop watching deal is a cover to run their operation. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Kinda like Gus Fring from Breaking Bad.
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Miss Toasty
Miss Toasty5 days ago
So the only way to win loyalty to colton is to donate $5 lmao!! what? the man has no morals and dares complain about this richard crowell person. SMH
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Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy5 days ago
+Colton Wood FAKE service dog
no, don't think Tom is a tweeker, that's why Colton hates him.
Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy5 days ago
+Miss Toasty
once Lorraine is circling him playing that song flashing the purple strobe light the next wave of sightings will get really cool.
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Sun Sunshine
Sun Sunshine5 days ago
Colton wood is an idea , why not get a job and make 10.00 an hour. Or go collect cans or plastic bottles for cash. Everyone works hard for there money. Something you should think about. No hate either, just tired of you hearing speak bad about people.
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Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy5 days ago
+Sun Sunshine
Coltard said he can't work because he owes taxes.
Sun Sunshine
Sun Sunshine5 days ago
Gardener Earth Guy I thought he said it was student loans? Anyways IRS only takes out a certain amount. They understand people still have to live. Beside he looks healthy enough to go walk around and collect bottles. Seems to me he just does not want to work. So with that being said he will never better his life by being lazy and depending on others.
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Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy5 days ago
+Sun Sunshine
yea, he could collect bottles but that walking around to find them reduces time spent harassing people.
Seattle loves bums, I keep telling him to move there.
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SpeakingTheTruth4 days ago
+Sun Sunshine or he could sell flowers or fruit like silo me Mexicans HECJ they don't even know English but find a way recycle that's a nice option too. this guy simply just doesn't want to work he said straight up from his mouth
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Miss Toasty
Miss Toasty4 days ago
That whole tax owe is so ridiculous garnishements for employment has a max which is $150. The truth is he is too lazy and plays victim all the time.
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SpeakingTheTruth4 days ago
+Miss Toasty he does he blames his shoulder and leg and that is 5150. cmon I seen people that are on their 60s recycling or cleaning windows they make easily like 40 bucks a day I know is not a lot but If they can do it so can this giant grown ass man can too
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Sun Sunshine
Sun Sunshine4 days ago
SpeakingTheTruth Ive seen people in wheelchairs collecting bottles. And thats a true disabled person getting his income. He full of excuses. Heck everyone was abuse when little. So you learn and move on and make a better life. And the way his dog looks at him when he yelling or smoking is very sad. Dog looks so sad I feel real bad for the dog.
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Miss Toasty
Miss Toasty4 days ago
Yet he moans about his legs but walks around all day begging for money lol, what a dick! 
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Gardener Earth Guy
Gardener Earth Guy4 days ago
+Miss Toasty
I don't think he wants a job.
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Life with Poodle Pants
Life with Poodle Pants3 days ago
Gardener Earth Guy I would love to see that!
