29Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

15 January 2024

Views: 1,220

Molly had floo'd over to his house and practically dragged him out of the shower for the ceremony."

"How'd your grandmother handle it?"Harry asked the new groom.

"Surprisingly well," Neville answered. "I think she was afraid that she was going to die before she got any great-grandkids."

"Where's Ginny now?" Hermione asked.

"The train ride made her so sick before that her dad got a Muggle auto from the Ministry and is driving her up to school."

"That'll take a while," Harry said.

"Yeah but using the floo would be awful for her and I'm not even going to think about how bad the Knight Bus would be," Neville commented.

"I take it Molly is still furious?"asked Hermione.

"Just a little; I think she's excited about the baby but she won't admit it," Luna said.

"Yeah, and she spent a whole night yelling at Charlie, Bill, Fred and George. If Percy wasn't such a prat and had been there, she would've yelled at him, too," Ron said with a chuckle. "She said that they were dragging their feet in bringing her grandbabies. You should've heard how she moaned that she never thought Ginny would be the first one to be a parent and then yelled at my brothers for not doing their jobs. She hollered at Bill for not knocking up Fleur yet and even offered him some Fertility Charms. 'I have one that makes the witch ovulate. Don't make me cast it on Fleur when you're not looking,'" Ron said in a high voice, apparently trying to imitate his mother (which he did poorly). "Then she screamed at Charlie and the twins for not even being married. George pointed at me and tried to throw me into the flames so to speak. 'He's married,' George said, 'yell at him.' Mum cuffed him around the side of the head for that; hit him so hard she nearly took his ear clear off his head. 'Luna, the dear,'" Ron began again in his dreadfully poor high voice.

"She did; she called me 'dear'," Luna said while beaming proudly.

"'Luna, the dear, has another full school year after this one,' Mum said. 'You can't expect her to have a baby while at school.'"

"Speaking of that, what's Ginny going to do next year?" asked Harry.

"Well, she's probably going to take the year off," Neville said. "So she can take care of the baby. Me, my Gran and Ginny's mum have offered to take help out so she can go back to school, but we'll see what happens."

"You do realize this means we'll have to throw a baby shower," Luna said with a happy smile. "Everyone's invited."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm busy that night," Harry said immediately.

"We haven't set a date yet, Harry,"Luna pointed out.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just saying I'll be busy doing something then," Harry said with absolutely no subtlety. He had no intention of hanging around witches as they gushed over concepts like dirty nappies and stretch marks. "I don't know what this thing is that I'll be doing yet, but I know it will be vitally important and that I can't go to the shower."

"Whatever he's doing, I'm with him,"Ron added.

"Yes, I'm sure I'll need help in whatever it is that I'll be doing," Harry agreed.


Back at the castle and after supper, Seamus, Parvati, and Lavender walked up to Harry.

"Hey, mate, welcome back," Seamus said, and added in a serious manner; "we need to talk."

"What is it?" asked Harry.

"You're in trouble," Lavender answered.

"Why, that's unusual," Harry said lightly. "I've never been in trouble before. Let's see; does an instructor want me dead? Or could it be the most feared dark wizard has put a price on my head?"

"No, we mean it," Parvati said. "We've heard some pretty disturbing things over the holiday."

"Go on," Harry said. He was expecting that the three would say that the people outside of Hogwarts were acting frightened.

"We stayed in the castle this year because the three of us wanted to spend some time together," began Seamus, completely countering Harry's assumption that they were going to tell him about the state of the world outside. "Anyway, Malfoy has it in for you."

"Yes, I know," stated Harry.

"No, not like he used to have it in for you where he'd tried to get you expelled or the like," Lavender corrected. "I mean he fancies you."

"We got that impression before we left for the holiday," Hermione said with a bemused smile. "It was obvious by the way Draco kept eyeing Harry." She continued, clearly enjoying the fact that this topic made Harry squirm in his seat.

"Well, we kind of made it worse,"Seamus admitted sheepishly.

"What did you do, you little bastard?" Harry demanded angrily. He already had enough problems with Draco and didn't need anymore.

"You see, we were just talking to him on Boxing Day and asked why he thought he was in love with you," Parvati spoke with apprehension. "It turns out he had some sort of nervous breakdown shortly after he and Snape escaped after... well at the end of last year. He was amess and there were rumors that You Know Who was going to order his execution. Draco then told us he saw that Daily Prophet article way back during the summer holiday where you were at Ron's brother's wedding and said that you loved Draco."

"That was a misprint," Hermione interjected.

"We know that," Lavender said gently. "But Draco thought it was true. He became so inspired that he escaped. Fought his way to freedom and all that tosh. And now that he's back here at school, he wants to be, you know,with you," she concluded with an extra emphasis on the phrase 'with you' as if to drive home the fact she was using a euphemism for "he wants to stick his erect penis up your rectum."

"But I'm not gay," Harry objected.

Seamus suddenly became chipper and said, "Believe me, we know," as he nudged his elbow into Harry's ribs. "We saw the Pensieves, you kinky sod."

"Did you tell him about Harry and me?" Hermione asked.

"Oh yes, some of the other students chimed in as well. A bunch of us were telling him about those Pensieves," Lavender answered. "So it wasn't just the three of us but everyone who stayed over the holiday tried to tell him the truth."

"And he didn't believe you?" asked Harry. He was slightly surprised to notice that he wasn't embarrassed or concerned about talking so openly about the Pensieves that most of his peers had seen. Either he was no longer ashamed over that fiasco or he was just more worried about Draco.

"We even told him you were the MPL," Lavender said as if the initials meant something.

"MPL?" asked Harry.

"Master Pussy Licker," the blonde witch explained. Harry shrugged his shoulders in acceptance; it was a better moniker than "The Boy Who Lived." At least he earned the name Master Pussy Licker.

"He said that you were just confused, Harry," Parvati said. "He then said that he'd show you what love truly meant."

"Obviously, he's still delusional from his breakdown," speculated Hermione. "He must have built up this fantasy world centered on you, Harry, and won't accept the fact that you're not in love with him."

"Just great," muttered Harry. He thought to himself that this situation couldn't get much worse.

"Then Seamus made it even worse,"Lavender said with shame. Harry groaned pitifully.

"I didn't mean to," Seamus weakly defended himself.

"What did you do?" demanded Harry.

"It was an honest mistake," Seamus continued. "I was just trying to tell him how 'not gay' you are."

"He said to Draco 'The only way you'd ever get Harry is to tie him down and bugger him,'" Parvati stated.

"Then Draco said that was a splendid idea and he'd do just that," Lavender added.

"For the love of God!" screeched Hermione. "You challenged a mentally unstable wizard to anally rape my boyfriend?"

"It was an accident," the Irish wizard said, stepping away from the angry witch.

"I don't think Malfoy will really rape Harry," offered Parvati. "Ever since sixth year, he's been nothing but a spineless twat."

"Mind you, I think he'll try everything short of tying you down to sway you," warned Lavender.

"Is there anyway to transfigure my pants into iron?" Harry asked as he scanned the Great Hall looking for Draco.


While they walked to their chambers, Harry kept looking around frantically. He was deeply, deeply concerned that Draco might hop out of the shadows, while very naked and very aroused, to tackle Harry.

"What do you think my Mum did to get my Dad to accept her terms over the holiday?" Hermione asked, clearly trying to ease Harry mind and distract him. "I mean he was adamant about us not even brushing up against each other. But then Mum whispered in his ear and he automatically agreed to allow us to hold hands."

"She offered to let him bugger her,"Harry replied while still eyeing every shadow suspiciously.

"What makes you think that?"

"I reckon that since you got your bum from her, the two of you like the same things."

"Oh," she uttered in acceptance. Then Hermione stopped walking, and her expression and voice turned angry. "You were looking at my mother's bottom?"

"Yes," Harry said without guilt. "It's a rather attractive bum."

"You cheeky bastard, you ogled my Mum's bottom," Hermione snapped. "How could you do that? I mean, she's my mother!"

"Well, I did say that you got your glorious bottom from her. And I was using her posterior as a comparison of time," Harry said with a crooked smile. "And judging by how well you Mum's bottom has held up, I think it'll be glorious for a good long time to come."

"You think my bum's glorious?"Hermione said with a glow to her cheeks - her upper cheeks mind you. Although, Harry assumed that the glow in Hermione's upper cheeks meant that the witch wanted to be spanked so that her lower cheeks would glow as well.

The wizard stepped up to his witch and slipped his hands into her robes. His palms glided over her belly, around her back, and down passed her skirt. Then, with time honed skills gained by playing with her bottom, Harry slid his hands under her skirt and massaged her bum.

"You're not wearing your knickers,"Harry said. This drew the attention of 'Harry, Jr.'. The organ pressed against his trousers and was shouting, "Let me see! I wanna see knickerless-Hermione for myself!"

"They're in your pocket, remember," Hermione said and pushed her hips against his. "After we shagged in the train, I gave them to you as a memento."

"Oh, yeah," Harry said. His right hand left her bottom and retrieved the lacy garment from his robe pocket.

Once again, Hermione pushed her hips into Harry, this time grinding her body against his.

"You keep doing that and I'll take you right here in the hallway," Harry half threatened, half hoped.

"Promise?" she asked while still rubbing herself on him.

"That's it, I'm going to push you on the ground and have my way with you," Harry warned playfully. "Of course you've been rather vocal lately, not that I mind in the slightest, but if I'm going to shag you in the middle of the hall I don't want to attract attention to us."

"You can always gag me," offered Hermione.

"Hot damn, you're kinky," cheered Harry as he momentarily lost his composure. After regaining his cool, he slipped back into character. "It's a shame that the ball-gag is in my trunk," he paused and theatrically held up Hermione's knickers. "However, I do have these."

"Oh, that's dirty," Hermione said, or rather what she had apparently wanted to say. Harry was uncertain because the moment she had opened her mouth and said "Oh,"he placed the edge of her knickers into her mouth, effectively silencing her.

While both were blushing madly, Harry continued to stuff the undergarment in Hermione's mouth. And while he stuffed, Hermione had straddled his leg and was rubbing her naked flower on his trousers. Once Harry had successfully pushed the knickers in her mouth, Hermione began to pull down his zipper.

"I know you two have grown into exhibitionists extraordinaire, but you should really get a room," a familiar voice suggested from behind Harry and Hermione. They turned and saw Courtney, the Auror in training, standing a few feet away from them. In a panic, Hermione tugged her knickers out of her mouth. "Hot damn, you're kinky, Hermione," congratulated Courtney.

"I swear to God they're clean,"Hermione explained desperately as she shoved the garment into her pocket.

"Yes, but you're not, you dirty little witch," Courtney said, her tone indicating it as a flattering remark while a naughty grin appeared on her lips.

"Uh, Courtney, what are you doing here? I thought your tour of guarding the castle was up?" asked Harry, hoping that his question would direct attention away from what he and Hermione were just doing.

"I volunteered for another tour just so I could see things like what you were just doing," the Auror in training replied. "Now turn her around, hike up her skirt, and give her a spank. I just know she has to like it."

"Um, so why'd you volunteer?" Harry asked, hoping to divert the conversation.

"I just told you," she returned. "Give her a whack."

"I was being serious," Harry pressed.

"So was I," Courtney said. "It's so bad out there in the real world. You kids in here aren't terrified of your own shadow. You lot are loving and living, not like the people outside. I just needed to come back here, to reaffirm life, if you know what Imean?"

"Is it really that bad?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah, it's pretty horrible,"replied Courtney with a frown. "People only leave their homes for work and nothing else. They've barricaded their windows and spend their nights in fear."

"That's horrible," Hermione muttered.

"And that's why I had to come back here," Courtney continued. "It was so bad that they were starting to drag me down with them. I came to the castle because you kids aren't like that. I mean, out there, you won't see folks shoving their knickers into their mouths, no sir."

Hermione turned a brilliant red. Trying to recover some dignity for his girlfriend, Harry lied "We're not like that. It was just a, um, joke. A fluke really, if you must know."

"Bullshit," challenged Courtney. "I heard about the Pensieves. So I know that you two are kinky enough to be shoving each others underwear in your mouths."

"You know about the Pensieves?"Hermione asked.

"Yeah I know about them. But I didn't see them so I feel all sorts of left out," Courtney said. "I know; you can make me feel better by giving her a whack right here!'

"No," Harry said flatly.

"Why not?" asked Courtney.

"Despite everything you've heard, we're not exhibitionists," explained Harry.

"Aw, you two are no fun," pouted Courtney. "Well I suppose I'll just have to go to that bloke who can draw well, I think his name is Dean, and have him make some sketches of what he saw in those Pensieves for me. Ta-ta," she waved goodbye and skipped away from the young couple.

"Do you suppose it's true?" asked Hermione after Courtney disappeared around the corner.

"What, about being exhibitionists?"Harry asked then answered. "Yeah, Iguess so. Otherwise I reckon we would still be upset over the notion of having everyone see us being intimate through those Pensieves. And then I had your naked titties pressed against the window a few hours ago, basically showing everyone the train passed by your boobs. So, yeah, we are exhibitionists."

"We also willingly made an instructional Pensieve for Ron and Luna," Hermione added. "But that wasn't what I was asking about," she corrected. "I was wondering if she was right about everyone being terrified."

"Yeah, she was," Harry answered. "I meant to tell you, when Iwent shopping the other day, I saw a lot of people and they were exactly how Courtney described. And when I spoke to Alicia, she mentioned that no body had been in her shop for days because no one's buying anything."

"That's awful," Hermione said with sorrow. "I can't wait for this war to be over. But for now," she paused and pulled her knickers out of her pocket.

Picking up on her cue, Harry snatched the knickers out of her hand and slowly pushed them back into her open mouth. Next, he bent her over, tossed up her robes and skirt to expose her bare bottom, and gave it a swat. Hermione moaned playfully as Harry rubbed the red spot on her bum. The witch let out amuffled shout when he swatted her bum twice in a row. Harry was about to deliver another spank when he heard someone clapping in a slow and deliberate manner.

"That's really a nice bottom, Hermione," congratulated Courtney as she continued to applaud. Apparently, as Harry and Hermione were getting prepared, the Auror in training had silently doubled back and was now leaning against the wall a few feet away, watching the show.

"Tkint oop," Hermione mutter through her knickers.

"She said 'thank you,'" translated Harry. He surprised himself by not trying to cover Hermione's naked bum. Of course, Hermione didn't try to cover herself up either.

"May I?" Courtney asked while looking at Hermione's bottom.

"Be my guest," Harry said and stepped to the side, surprising himself once more. It seemed to Harry that Courtney was right; he and Hermione had become exhibitionists.

Courtney brought her hand down on the brunette's backside with a resounding smack. "Nice and firm. Do you work out?"

"Ekz tha ksklez," gagged-Hermione replied with obvious pride. "Halk tha skaits moot ah guk werthaut."

"She said 'it's the castle, all the stairs make a good workout,'" again, Harry translated. "But I think it's genetics as well," he added. "Her mum has a splendic bum, too."

Courtney gave Hermione another hard swat and said; "That was fun. You two can carry on now."

As she walked away, Harry asked the Auror in training "Are you leaving for sure this time?"

"Nah, I was going to hide in the shadows and watch you shag her if you don't mind," she replied and walked into a dark alcove.

"Fine, just keep an eye out for Draco," requested Harry.

"Gotcha," Courtney said. "I don't know who Draco is, but I'll put up aDo Not Disturb Ward in the hall. That'll make anyone turn around and walk away if they approach. Now get on with the sex, I'm impatient."

"Damn, we've grown kinky," Harry said to Hermione.

"Yek, eev hak," agreed Hermione before Harry gave her another good spank.

As they proceeded to give a show, Courtney was unseen but not unheard.

"Are you using your legendary Parsletongue magic?" she asked as Harry worked on Hermione's flower.

"Yes-s-s, I am," he replied in Parsletongue. He then added with pride;"This-s-s is-s-s why I'm called the Mas-s-ster Pus-s-s-s-sy Licker."

"Oh, that must tickle," Courtney noted.

A few minutes later, as Harry and Hermione progressed, Courtney began giving helpful hints from her dark hiding place.

"Harry, grab her bum. That's it, dig your fingers in. And Hermione, why don't you give his nipple atwist. Good girl."


"When you're all the way down, grind your hips into his, honey."


"Nibble on his ear. Oh, wait, you can't with those knickers in your mouth. Okay then, you nibble on her ear, Harry."

Then as Harry was clearly about to finish, Courtney asked "Are you going to cum in her or on her?"

"What - ah- do you - oh -suggest?" he grunted.

"Good porn always ends with the bloke cumming on the girl," she said. "That's my boy," she cheered as he fulfilled her request. "Now rub it in her skin."

As the two lovers were catching their breath, Courtney sauntered up to the half-naked pair. "You make a really funny face when you cum, you know that?" she asked Harry.

"So I've been told," he replied.

"Here you go," she said handing aballed up item to the wizard. "You can add it to your collection."

As she walked away, Harry unfolded the ball Courtney had given him to find that it was a pair of pink silk knickers.

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