Bandhas Yoga - what is it?

02 November 2024

Views: 31

Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher
We all hear about Bandhas in classes! However, if you are a beginner, a logical question will arise: "What is it?", "Where to look for bandhas?" and the most important question: "Why?".

I will briefly outline the essence of the question.

Bandhas are certain physiological and energetic body manipulations aimed at holding and compressing certain muscle groups, increasing tone in the area of ​​certain glands and "nerve intersections" There are three main Bandhas, most often used in the practice of hatha yoga in the context of asanas: mula bandha, uddiyana bandha and jalandhara bandha.

Bandhas are designed to work with the energy flows of the subtle body through the Nadi channels and to improve the quality of practice. To some extent, bandhas are internal aspects of practice. Probably for this reason, many practitioners do not pay due attention to them, put them off for later, directing all their attention to the external component of the physical body and the gross aspect of practice.
In this form, the practice, unfortunately, is very superficial and incorrect from the point of view of physiology . Nevertheless, bandhas have physiological aspects in the form of certain muscle groups, and one must learn to immediately involve their work, so as not to waste time later on getting rid of automatisms developed by incorrect practice.

Physical impact of bandhas:

Blood pressure decreases and the pulse slows down.

Periodic compression of the internal organs results in the digestive system being toned, massaged and revitalized.

Using locks while performing asanas helps reduce compression on the spine, prevent injury and improve blood flow.

The endocrine system is normalized. Each of the bandhas affects the glands located in its field of action.

As a result of the direct influence of bandhas on the endocrine glands, the rhythms of all biological processes occurring in the body are normalized. For example, it has a beneficial effect on menstrual cycles.

When performed correctly, all bandhas reduce the rate of breathing, which promotes a state of peace and relaxation.

The application of Bandhas to certain areas of the body and direct the flow of two fundamental energies in our system: prana and apana. Thus, Bandhas are basic techniques that accumulate the results of the practitioner's efforts. They allow one to achieve balance, which has a huge impact on the entire system of body and mind.

The main causes of vitamin deficiency are bad habits, unbalanced diet, use of antibiotics, stress, gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis).

Vitamin B1 deficiency causes memory impairment, insomnia, neurosis, arrhythmia, irritability, and digestive disorders. The complex of disorders caused by vitamin B1 deficiency is called beriberi.

With vitamin B2 deficiency, appetite decreases, a person begins to lose weight rapidly, increased fatigue and irritability appear, vision deteriorates, there is pain and increased tearing of the eyes, the skin becomes rough, cracks appear in the corners of the lips, the tongue turns red and increases in size.

Vitamin B3 deficiency manifests itself in the following symptoms: various skin inflammations, anxiety and physical sluggishness, numbness, headaches and dizziness. Long-term vitamin deficiency leads to gastrointestinal disorders and the development of fatty liver disease.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis B5 include fatigue, depression, sleep disturbances, headaches and muscle pain, baldness, dermatitis, burning, numbness of the toes and lower extremities, nausea, dyspeptic disorders, and duodenal ulcers.

