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27 June 2024

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CLICK THIS L!NKK 🔴📱👉 https://iyxwfree.my.id/watch-streaming/?video=nun-suththi-pha-prawati-nun-suththi-pha-hi-nun-suththi-pha-nun-suththi-pha-faen 🔴Visit THIS L!NKK 🔴📱👉 https://iyxwfree.my.id/watch-streaming/?video=nun-suththi-pha-prawati-nun-suththi-pha-hi-nun-suththi-pha-nun-suththi-pha-faen 🔴

14. 15. 16. The Therigatha, the ninth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, consists of 73 poems — 522 stanzas in all — in which the early nuns (bhikkhunis) recount their struggles and accomplishments along the road to arahantship. Their stories are told with often heart-breaking honesty and beauty, revealing the deeply human side of these Then a certain nun said to a certain man, "Go, my good man, to my lord Ananda and, on arrival, bowing your head to his feet in my name, tell him, 'The nun named such-and-such, venerable sir, is sick, in pain, severely ill. She bows her head to the feet of her lord Ananda and says, "It would be good if my lord Ananda were to go to the nuns The nun Uppala -vaṇṇā — having come back from alms-round after-meal/ afternoon —washed her feet and entered the cottage and sat on a little couch. Then, that young man took up and ruined the nun Uppala-vaṇṇā. The nun Uppala-vaṇṇā told this matter to nuns. The nuns told this matter to the monks. The great Arahant Therī Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, the heartwood of the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha, fulfilling her duties to the fullest and the utmost, attained the supreme bliss of Nibbāna at the age of 120. Our heartfelt homage to the Great Arahant Therī Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī! Written by a Venerable Nun Of. Buddhist Nuns of Mahamevnawa. Nuns' Confession (Pāṭidesaniya) 1. Bi-Pd.1.1.1 BD.3.419 At that time the enlightened one, the lord, was staying at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika 's monastery. Now at that time the group of six nuns, having had ghee [1] asked for, partook of it. Bhikkhuni Sutta: The Nun translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu I have heard that on one occasion Ven. Ananda was staying in Kosambi, at Ghosita's Park. Then a certain nun said to a certain man, "Go, my good man, to my lord Ananda and, on arrival, bowing your head to his feet in my name, tell him, 'The nun named such-and-such, venerable Pajapati Gotami was a determined lady, and would not

be so easily discouraged. She had a plan to get her way. She cut her hair, put on yellow garments and, surrounded by a large number of Sakyan ladies, walked 150 miles from Kapilavatthu to Vesali. When she arrived at Vesali, her feet were swollen and her body was covered with dust. The Story of Nun Uppalavaṇṇā. While residing at the Jetavana Monastery, the Buddha spoke this verse, with reference to Nun Uppalavaṇṇā. Once there was a young daughter of a rich man in Sāvatthi. Because she was so beautiful, with looks so tender and sweet, like a blue lotus flower, she was called "Uppalavaṇṇā", the blue lotus. At the Nuns' Residence. Bhikkhun'upassaya Sutta (SN 47:10) Navigation Suttas / SN / 47:10. The Blessed One was staying in Sāvatthī. Then Ven. Ānanda, early in the morning—having adjusted his lower robe and taking his bowl & outer robe—went to a certain nuns' residence. On arrival, he sat down on a seat laid out. The Nun. Bhikkhunī Sutta (AN 4:159) I have heard that on one occasion Ven. Ānanda was staying in Kosambī at Ghosita's monastery. Then a certain nun said to a certain man, "Go, my good man, to my lord Ānanda and, on arrival, bowing your head to his feet in my name, tell him, 'The nun named such-&-such, venerable sir, is sick, in pain Bi-Pc.3.1.1 BD.3.248 … at Sāvatthī in the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika 's monastery. Now at that time two nuns, tormented by dissatisfaction, having entered an inner room, slapped with the palms of the hands. Nuns, having run up at the sound of this noise, spoke thus to these nuns: "Why do you, ladies, misbehave with a man?". Ven. Ananda accepted with silence. Then in the early morning, having put on his robes and, carrying his bowl and outer robe, he went to the nuns' quarters. The nun saw Ven. Ananda coming from afar. On seeing him, she lay down on a bed, having covered her head. Then Ven. Ananda approached the nun and, on arrival, sat down on a prepared seat. Bi-Pc.11.2.1 Whatever means: …

nun is to be understood in this case.. In the dark of the night means: after the sun has gone down.. When there is no light means: when it is dark. Vin.4.269. BD.3.264 Man means: a human man, not a yakkha, not a departed one, not an animal; one who is learned, competent to stand, to talk.. Together with means: together.. The one with the other means: there is a Rinawmin Lalpa tan i hlan ang u. Vanglai nun hi hlimthla ang maiin, Hlobet par angin a la chuai mai dawn si; Rinawm takin thatlaini te hi Lalpa tan i hlan ang u, Kan vanglaini a chuai mai dawn a sin. He khawvelah hian harsatna tawkin, Manganna te leh beidawnna te lo thlengin; Sualna chhumpui leh thlemna ten min bei mahse, This is the Bhikkhuni-samyutta, Chapter 5 of the Sagathavagga-samyutta, the Connected Discourses with Verses, Volume I of the Samyutta Nikaya. The Bhikkhuni-samyutta is a compilation of ten short suttas in mixed prose and verse, with a total of thirty-seven verses. Though several of these verses have parallels in the Therigatha (mentioned in For more than a decade, Ani Choying Drolma — a most unlikely of rock stars — has shared Buddhism's sacred chants with a growing number of fans worldwide. But she found this path almost by 157. The Buddha, the Great Hero, and the best of all beings, I pay my homage to you. It was you who released me and many other people from the suffering of cycle of rebirths. 158. I understood suffering; removed completely craving, the cause of suffering; developed the Noble Eightfold Path and attained Nibbāna, the […] Meditating on peace, Subha was able to attain her goal of attaining full liberation on the eighth day after her ordination. One day, as the enlightened nun was enjoying the bliss of meditation, Lord Buddha pointed her out to the nuns who came to worship him, saying: "Nuns! Look at the nun Subha! She has been well-trained by Theri Uppalavanna. Bi-Pc.51.3.1 Then these monks, having gone out from that residence, came back again to that residence. The

nuns, saying, "The masters have gone out," entered the monastery without asking (for permission). These became remorseful and said: "A rule of training laid down by the lord for nuns says that a monastery should not be entered (by a nun) without asking (for permission) if a monk be The town of Anenii Noi is first mentioned in documents dated June 27, 1731. There, the town is called Paszkan-pe-Byk. 3. The city has two twin cities: Korosten (Ukraine) and Bobruisk (Belarus). 4. Ivan Demyan, the leader of the Russian rock band 7B, was born in Anenii Noi. 5. Visit UEFA.com to find out how Anenii Noi are doing in the UEFA Women's Champions League 2023/2024, including latest match news, stats, squad list and news updates. Agarista SS Anenii Noi scores, fixtures, standings and player stats. In the event that two (or more) teams finish with an equal number of points, the following rules break the tie: 1. Head-to-head games between the teams concerned 1a. KEY FINDINGS. Map 1: Assessed localities within the Anenii Noi raion Within the Republic of Moldova, the Anenii Noi region stands out as especially susceptible to climate impacts, including droughts and floods, and experienced elevated levels of heat stress in 2022. Additionally, agriculture accounts for 75% of the land use in Anenii Noi
