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14 October 2017

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**EMAIL #1 - The Pleiades**

This email is going to seem stranger than fiction. I assume all of you saw my email from last week about Victory of the Light's (@KibBitzLaw) first Twitter follower being Barack Obama. If you've spent any time at all reading that account's tweets, or its partner account @kabamur_taygeta, you know that these folks are claiming to be positive entities from the Pleiades region of our galaxy. They claim to be positively polarized (i.e. helpful) entities, whose primary reason for being here is to aid humanity by bringing the rich and powerful elites to justice.

One curious thing I noticed when reading through all of their tweets, is a theme of "Justice is coming, but we must forgive all those who have done wrong" and "Don't worry, when our (Pleiadian) plan is finally ready, we will take the lead in bringing these folks to justice". Now don't get me wrong, from both a spiritual and pragmatic standpoint I strongly lean towards forgiveness in most situations. What's unsettling to me is the idea that we must "let go" of all the wrongdoing and "trust" alien entities to ensure justice will be served while humanity is ushered into a new golden age. I've included links to a few tweets below so you can view them for yourself.

Here's where things get even stranger. Understand that these ARE NOT things that I necessarily believe or disbelieve. I am only relaying information to you precisely as it has been presented to me. In fact, for the last six months or so I've been forced to take every interaction with a measure of provisional faith, temporarily suspending disbelief in the interest of gathering the most effective intelligence.

I've been contacted by multiple people claiming to be Pleiadians, long before either of these Twitter accounts went online. All of them were more or less in ideological alignment with Victory of the Light and Kabamur Taygeta. That's not diagnostically helpful right now, but it could be down the road depending on what happens.

So what do I make of all this lunacy? My current operating theory is that they (Deep State/Illuminati/Jesuits/Zionists/Leftists/etc) realize their era of global dominance within the existing paradigm is coming to a close. Humanity has awoken, and it's only a matter of time before this pressure cooker of global tension explodes into something far different than it is now. If you were one of "them", and you realized it was only a matter of time before your power dissipated, it would make sense to create and control the "new" paradigm that humanity is shifting into.

We already know that red teams ( within our intelligence communities perform alternative analysis, constantly exploring different timelines and offering up suggestions on how to best prepare for expected and unexpected threats. Leakers have spoken of red team plans that involve staging fake alien invasions/encounters as a way of consolidating power and ushering in a new world government. If they know their time is up, what better way to salvage the situation than to "plant" Pleiadian "assets" all around the globe, convince people that the Pleiadians will bring the rich and powerful elites to justice for their crimes, all the while subtly suggesting that "their must be forgiveness" and that people like Obama will "turn to the light eventually".

This means that once the invasion/encounter is staged, they can use Twitter accounts like the two we've been discussing as "evidence" of initial contact and "proof" that they are actually friendly actors. If people claiming to be Pleiadians have contacted me unprovoked, I have no doubt that countless others have experienced similar encounters as well. Many of those folks will likely be convinced that the Pleiadians are "real", and act as emissaries when/if the invasion/encounter occurs.

Of course this could all be nonsense, and end up being pedogate fan-fiction in the long run. I've meditated for many hours on this particular aspect of our global crisis. I’ve boiled it down to these four possible scenarios:

1. The Pleiadians are truly from the Pleiades. They are telling the truth. If I continue forward with my theory, nothing negative happens, and eventually I'll realize that I was incorrect.

2. The Pleiadians are truly from the Pleiades. They are not telling the truth. If I continue forward with my theory, I may be able to help combat their hostile intentions.

3. The Pleiadians are not from the Pleiades. They are government-controlled assets LARPing as aliens. If I continue forward with my theory, I may be able to help combat their hostile intentions.

4. The Pleiadians are not from the Pleiades. They are garden variety LARPers. If I continue forward with my theory, nothing negative happens, and eventually I'll realize that I was incorrect.

From the gambler's perspective, scenarios 2 and 3 are the only scenarios with disastrous consequences. While scenarios 2 and 3 are not the most statistically probable scenarios (scenario 4 is by and far the most likely outcome), they are the scenarios that are absolutely critical to guard against, however unlikely they might be.

All the world is mad.


**EMAIL #2 - Nikola Tesla**

Consider this email the unofficial sequel to yesterday's lengthy discussion regarding the Pleiades. The correlation may not be apparent at first, but the information I'll present in this email is, at least in some part, related to those topics. Before we dive in, I'll lay a little groundwork as to why I believe that Nikola Tesla might just be the key to everything. Watching these videos first will be helpful.

Wardenclyffe Tower was Tesla's project from roughly 1901-1917. In 1908, things began going south for him in terms of financing. To be accurate, things had been going south for awhile at that point, but they nosedived in 1908. His financing for the project from J.P. Morgan dried up, and reports indicate he became enraged and emotionally distressed.

I'm of the opinion that NOTHING made it into the mainstream media in those days that wasn't planned by the ruling family bloodlines, so it stands to reason that whatever public-facing knowledge there was about Wardenclyffe Tower at that time was almost certainly incomplete, if not deliberately misleading.
Around this time was when the Tunguska event occurred. Eyewitnesses reported electricity rising from the earth, not descending from the skies as modern history claims. Wardenclyffe Tower was built around Tesla's principles that the earth's magnetic field could be used to create free-energy, even enough energy to split the earth in two and cause utter devastation. Take a look at how closely the former site of Wardenclyffe Tower lines up geographically with with the area of the Tunguska explosion...

In order to understand why I've been developing this theory you actually have to go back in time further, to the end of the 19th century. Tesla was working from his headquarters in Colorado Springs, creating what would eventually become the prototype for Wardenclyffe Tower. No reliable recounting has ever been given as to what happened to his prototype work after relocating to New York.

One thing we do have reliable documentation of though, is the fact that George Scherff (Bush) was his personal assistant while in New York. Scherff slowly liquidated Tesla's estate to overseas buyers (Nazis, with a large amount of his work ending up in Germany. There is much evidence to show that the Bush family was actually descended from this German double-agent.

We also know that at the time of Tesla's death in 1943, the FBI confiscated all of his records. It wasn't until until 1952 that his family finally received back all of his documents. Between 1943 and 1952, World War II took place, the CIA was created, Israel was granted statehood, and the entire global map of sovereign nations was gerrymandered to hell and back. We also know that the first person to be given access to Tesla's records was.....MIT professor John Trump, Donald Trump's uncle. You seriously cannot make this stuff up (cue the time traveler talk).

Back to Colorado Springs. The CIA moved their entire domestic division to Denver (an hour north of Colorado Springs) back in 2005. After 9/11, a massive buildup of intelligence and data-driven communities began moving to the Denver and Colorado Springs area. I won't go into that research here, but I'm of the opinion that the entire Denver airport is an above-ground front for a convergence of underground tunnels, managed by FEMA, that all intersect in Denver underneath of the airport as their centralized hub. Where do the tunnels lead?

Also of note are claims of a mile-wide quartz crystal deposit just west of Colorado Springs. If you watch the videos I suggest at the end of this email, you'll understand why that's important. For now, just know that Tesla's research into frequency, vibration, and magnetism hinted at a special, powerful relationship between crystals and energy. If that quartz crystal deposit exists, it's no surprise to me that Tesla would choose that area as a testing ground for his proof of concept.

Now all of this wouldn't constitute a connection, if it wasn't for the decrypted panels of Kryptos. If you'll remember, Kryptos is a sculpture situated in the courtyard of the CIA headquarters in Langley. It was created by Jim Sanborn, the artist who also created Lingua. Lingua was the sculpture hidden in the image that WikiLeaks released to alert everyone that Vault 7 was going to be released the following morning. Kryptos' fourth and final panel remains as one of the great unsolved puzzles in history.

Before reading further, follow the below links and read what the three Kryptos panels that have been decrypted say:

Notice that Panel 3 refers to the Great Pyramid (refer to the video I linked at the beginning of this email), and Panel 2 refers to manipulating the earth's magnetic field. Both of those concepts are featured front and center in Tesla's research.

Suspending judgement and using provisional faith for a moment, imagine if the ancient Eyptians had buried the “keys" to harnessing the earth's elctromagnetic field in the "tombs" of the ancient dynasties. What if that was the "missing piece" to harnessing the true power of Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower technology?

FUN FACT: Howard Carter's primary financial backer for his Egyptian expeditions, George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon, married into the Rothschild family in 1895. Check out the below video for a primer on why ancient Egypt was a focal point of Tesla's research.

Elonka Dunin is the world's foremost expert on Kryptos, and the only civilian that has ever been allowed inside the CIA headquarters to view it. A while back I contacted her, and was actually discussing my idea of how to potentially decrypt the final panel. Once I began floating suggestions about Lingua (used by Wikileaks as the hidden image for their Vault 7 promotion) being central though, she immediately stopped responding and will no longer return my messages.The article below provides some helpful context:

Take a peek at the text from Kryptos' decrypted panels. It sounds an awful lot like someone discovered where Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower prototype material was buried out in Colorado Springs. Jim Sanborn said the "ONLY WW KNOWS" portion of the decrypted panels refers to a CIA official, but he later admitted he had given a false solution to that individual.

Where does Lingua sit on display? Outside of the Walter Washington Convention Center.

This is where it all comes together. Remember I noted the "straight shot" (magnetically-speaking) from Tesla's New York site to the area of the Tunguska event? Tesla's Colorado Springs headquarters sits on the 38th parallel with Langley and D.C., within 2/10 of a degree (far within the margin of error considering the destructive force of the original Tunguska event.

Accounts of Wardenclyffe Tower claim there were tunnels built hundreds of feet under the structure, with four entry and exit points, all aligning with the magnetic (N, S, E, W) directions of the earth's fields. If there were similar tunnels as part of his prototype technology in Colorado Springs, the East-facing tunnel would have Langley and D.C. directly in its crosshairs.

I'm speculating when I say this, but if Tesla's technology was indeed real, it would be enough energy to make it look like D.C. had been flattened by a nuclear strike. Martial law would be instituted, guns would be confiscated, and the remaining American people would gladly sanction any war against whomever the government told them was responsible for the attack.

Similarly, this type of technology could easily trigger a category 7, possibly category 8 event for the Yellowstone Caldera. The mainstream media has recently begun reporting that the Yellowstone Caldera may blow sooner than we thought.

How do Tesla, WikiLeaks' Vault 7, and Jim Sanborn tie together?

Tesla had reportedly created a "death ray" before he died, which knowledgeable alt-historians believe to be the culmination of his studies into frequency, vibration, and magnetism. If Tesla had indeed discovered how to realign matter through sympathetic resonance, disassembling physical objects at the atomic level would be child's play. I am of the belief that a directed free-energy weapon was used to disintegrate the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. If that sounds insane to you, watch this short video clip which includes the footage from that day.

The (alleged) weapon used perfectly fits the description of Tesla's "death ray". The ability to utilize free-energy simply by manipulating the earth's magnetic field to achieve sympathetic resonance, would be akin to all of humanity being unified in their scientific efforts, or language if you will. Nothing we put our mind to as a planet would be withheld from us if we had unlimited potential to create and manipulate reality through free-energy. If this sounds familiar, that's because it is. Every culture has a 'Tower of Babel' type story, where humanity became too technologically advanced, and a deity of some sort was forced to destroy their technological progress and send them back to the stone age.

If you're familiar with the Georgia Guidestones (created by the Rosicrucians), I believe Sanborn's work to be of a similar nature. He uses material that would survive extinction level events, with clues that could be found by future civilizations and decoded to teach humanity about their esoteric past, and how we could once again advance to that level of wisdom and knowledge. I think Panel 4 on Kryptos likely has been solved, but we (modern-day humanity) are not the target demographic.

This doesn't mean I'm expecting a spiritualized apocalyptic event. Quite the contrary. Science shows us that every 6,000-6,500 years, earth undergoes some type of global catastrophe that more or less "resets" humanity's technological progress (see the Galactic Cross video series at the bottom of this email). It is also a scientific fact that our magnetic poles shifts on regular intervals, and we are already thousands of years overdue for the next magnetic shift.

In recent years, strange events like the South Atlantic Anomaly have become more common, and numerous heads of state and major religious leaders have been visiting Antarctica (which will become temperate and inhabitable once the poles shift). The Nazis (AKA the recipients of Tesla's technology via the smuggling efforts of granddaddy Bush) built a highly advanced military base in Antarctica. It's common knowledge that Operation: Paperclip was used after World War II ended to bring Nazis and their technology to the USA, which just so happened to coincide with the creation of the CIA and Israel. Here’s an article chronicling the Bush family lineage over the years:

Add in the vast network of underground cave systems present all over the globe, and repositories like the Global Seed Vault, and you could have the beginning stages of a mass "evacuation" plan underway. Don't believe me about the underground cities? Check out the video below.

It's not a matter of IF the magnetic poles will shift, but rather WHEN they will shift and WHAT the average person's chance of survival will be (HINT: not very good). The video below will help explain exactly what's going on.

WikiLeaks chose to release a very specific, limited amount of documents (they said less than 1% of the total) on the first day of Vault 7's availability. The documents they released primarily detailed the tools at the disposal of the world's intelligence agencies. I believe WikiLeaks released those documents specifically to warn citizen journalists and citizen-sleuths about what they were up against, so that folks like myself and all of you could stand a fighting chance. Could you imagine what would have happened if they released everything at once? No one would be using encrypted services, Tor, VPNs, or taking any additional cybersecurity precautions. We would all be sitting ducks. This is also why I believe that the "best" is yet to come from Vault 7, and that eventually WikiLeaks will drop the mother of all bombs.

MUST WATCH: 2017 Galactic Cross Event (Watch all five parts)


**EMAIL #3 - Jim Carey**

Notice that Jim Carey says that we are just "clusters of tetrahedrons" moving around. This is precisely what Nassim Haramein describes as the "sacred geometry of the vacuum". Watch the brief video below and prepare to have your mind blown.

That concept is explained thoroughly and expounded upon in the Galactic Cross playlist I linked to at the end of my email regarding Nikola Tesla.


**EMAIL #4 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Introduction**

Let’s begin by reviewing the possibilities I listed in a previous email:

1. The Pleiadians are truly from the Pleiades. They are telling the truth. If I continue forward with my theory, nothing negative happens, and eventually I'll realize that I was incorrect.

2. The Pleiadians are truly from the Pleiades. They are not telling the truth. If I continue forward with my theory, I may be able to help combat their hostile intentions.

3. The Pleiadians are not from the Pleiades. They are government-controlled assets LARPing as aliens. If I continue forward with my theory, I may be able to help combat their hostile intentions.

4. The Pleiadians are not from the Pleiades. They are garden variety LARPers. If I continue forward with my theory, nothing negative happens, and eventually I'll realize that I was incorrect.

Please understand, my intent in writing this isn’t to predict any particular scenario, or even to offer up my opinion on what I believe is going to happen. My focus here is simple; follow the data points and see where they lead. Then, theorize what an opposing strategy based on those data points might look like. When you have Pleiadians contacting you in real life, while simultaneously hijacking the pedogate narrative online, conventional wisdom goes out the window. These are indeed strange times.

Below I’m going to list the sources I used for this project. My reasons for using these three sources are twofold.

1. These sources all providentially came to me through strokes of synchronicity. I did not seek them out. There was no attempt to craft or control a narrative on my part.
2. Most importantly, all three sources are firsthand accounts. Most esoteric matters will necessarily lack empiricism to some degree, but hearing it from the horse’s mouth is still meaningful.

After listing the sources below, I will compose and send out an overview of my red team hypothesis. Following the sending of that email, I will send out a host of related emails. I have taken a fine-tooth comb to each of the below resources, and curated select excerpts that will hopefully provide ample substantiation for my hypothesis, as well as reduce the workload for each of you. Rather than asking you to fully examine each resource and connect the dots via thorough analysis, I have topically arranged a number of emails that will allow you to compare and contrast the claims of all three resources, and hopefully observe the common thread that runs throughout.


Interview with Svali, a former Illuminati Programmer:

Svali claims to have left the Illuminati (at a great personal cost to her). She details what it was like growing up in the “Family”, and corroborates the two other sources I am using. Svali went missing shortly after this interview took place in 2006.

Q&A Session with a member of the ‘Hidden Hand’ Bloodlines:

In 2008, a person claiming to be a Luciferian Pleaidian gave a satisfying, thoughtful, and thorough breakdown of the Illuminati.

Who is Kabamur?:

Everyone’s favorite Pleiadian explains who he is, his mission, and what is in store for planet Earth.


**EMAIL #5 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Overview**

Svali, the Hidden Hand Insider (henceforth referred to as ‘Insider’), and Kabamur (an accurate representation of what countless others claiming to also be Pleiadians are saying) all refer to the childhood trauma experienced at the hands of the Illuminati. They also acknowledge the human sacrifices, particularly of children, perpetrated by them. Svali believes what they do is evil. Insider claims it is necessary because “they” love us, and also to instill loyalty among members of the family. Kabamur claims that his mother chose to incarnate into the life of a “programmed” and abused child so that one day she could help expose the Illuminati.

Svali claims the Illuminati are Luciferians, Kabamur confirms this, and Insider goes into great detail describing how Lucifer is actually a loving being. Insider claims that Svali is “middle management”, or part of the earthly bloodlines that humans know about (i.e. Rothschild, Rockefeller, world governments, etc). Insider claims that the “true” hidden hands of the Illuminati stay behind the scenes, and that they are not from Earth. Insider claims that the “true" Illuminati are from the Pleiades, that their official name is the Luciferians, and that they hail from the solar system of the star Alcyone. Insider claims that the Luciferians made a pact with certain earthly bloodlines thousands of years ago. This pact allowed specific earthly bloodlines to rule over the world publicly, while the Luciferians ruled from behind the scenes. Insider claims that Svali was from a “regional” branch of an earthly bloodline, and as such would not have been aware of the “bigger picture” of what those behind the scenes were really doing, or who they really were. Insider does confirm that what Svali spoke about is true, just that she didn’t have a complete understanding of what was actually going on behind the scenes.

Svali claims that the Illuminati trace their heritage back to Atlantis and beyond, and that they were known openly as the Luciferians at that time. Kabamur claims that once the Mayan Great Year is completed (this year), and we enter into the Age of Aquarius, Earth will be transformed into the “New Atlantis”. Insider confirms that the Pleaidian Luciferians trace their heritage back to Atlantis and beyond. Just as Kabamur predicts that an “event” will occur this year signifying the end of the Mayan Great Year, Insider also claims that the end of the Mayan Great Year will trigger an “event” that will drastically change the earth.

Insider claims that there are millions of star-seeds here on earth right now. Star-seeds are alien souls that have chosen to incarnate into earthly bodies. Insider claims these star-seeds are slowly awakening so that they can help the people of earth during the transition period, once the “event” happens. Kabamur also claims that there are millions of star-seeds here on earth right now. He claims they are "waking up" in order to assist with the transition period once the “event” happens.

Note: This appears to be the same “event” that synchronicity has lead me to study intensely over the last few months. Otherwise known as the ‘Galactic Cross’.

Svali claims that the Illuminati have been working towards an “event” in which they can finally go public with their plan for world domination, as opposed to ruling from behind the scenes. Insider claims that the Pleiadian Luciferians will soon reveal themselves as saviors by offering publicly to "save the failing political and financial institutions with our esteemed leadership”. According to Insider’s own words, this would mean they would be offering to rid the world of the earthly bloodlines that have been publicly ruling humanity for thousands of years. These are the same earthly bloodlines that they have been empowering and controlling from behind the scenes (AKA the “middle management”).

Because the general public would not know that the Pleiadian Luciferians had actually been in control all along, it would appear as though they were “saving” humanity from their oppressors. According to Kabamur, "This moment of breakthrough is referred to by us as 'The Event'. Many plans will move into action at this time: mass arrests of the Cabal, temporary shutdown of the world financial systems, release of suppressed technology. There are many ‘white hats’ who have been preparing for this moment for years. The network of Light is planet-wide. Everything is ready and the moment itself is pending the final ‘go’ from Source-Creator”.

Notice that Kabamur refers to this effort as the ‘Network of Light’, and often mentions the 'Galactic Federation of Light’. Insider claims that the Luciferians are "The Light Bearer" and “The Bright and Morning Star”. Insider also says this about the Luciferians: "In appearance, were you to gaze upon Lucifer's fullest expression of our Being, the appearance would be that of a Sun or a "Bright Star". Or, when stepping down into a 3rd Density vibration, we would appear as what you may term an 'Angel' or 'Light Being’.”

I’ve mentioned before that multiple Pleiadians have contacted me in real life. These are people who have nothing to do with social media, or any of the areas of investigation I’ve been working on. The first of these people I met by chance at a bar, and five minutes into the conversation he was teaching me sacred geometry on the back of a napkin. We talked for nearly three hours, and towards the end he asked me if I knew about Svali. I told him I didn’t, and that’s when a red flag moment occurred.

His tone changed, and his face looked as though he had realized that he had said something he shouldn’t have. He quickly told me “Don’t look up anything about her on Google. I’ll give you a flash drive with all the information about her that you need.” I didn’t think anything of it at the time.

It should also be noted at this point that this man DID NOT tell me he was a Pleiadian during our first meeting. It wasn’t until our second meeting that he shared that information with me.

I did not realize the significance of him discouraging me from learning about Svali until I read the ‘Who is Kabamur?’ article a few days ago. Kabamur talked about the abuse his mother received at the hands of the Illuminati, and I instantly connected it to what I had read from Svali and Insider.

CONCLUSION: The data suggests that if an “event” occurs and Pleiadians make contact with planet Earth, they may do so with dishonest intentions. They will offer to rid the earth of the cabal/Illuminati/oppressors, but in reality they will simply be throwing their own “middle management” under the bus.

The Pleiadian Luciferians may be trying to convince the most intelligent and thoughtful people among humanity that they are star-seeds, so that those people will willingly assist them in dismantling their own middle management. By using this tactic, there is little-to-no-chance that the common do-gooder would even think to question the intentions of the Pleiadian Luciferians. Instead they would help them. Slavery by a different name.

Force the middle management “earthly bloodlines” to take the fall, become hailed as saviors by the citizens of earth, and usher in a new era of worldwide illumination. As Saul Alinsky said, “Accuse others of what you yourself are doing.”


**EMAIL #6 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Childhood Trauma**

SVALI: "Sexual trauma, learning to dissociate and increase cognition, decrease feeling." (Details of these 3 steps vary according to child's future role in the cult. These roles include Informers, Breeders, Prostitutes, Pornography, Media personnel, Preparers, Readers, Cutters, Chanters, High Priest/Priestess, Trainers, Punishers, Trackers, Teachers, Child Care, Couriers, Commanding Officers and Behavioral Scientists.)”

SVALI: “Basically, they are trying to install in this child the ability to obey, loyalty to the group, and the ability to do their job within the group.

Now those jobs vary in complexity. You may have on one side a child trained to be a prostitute. On the other end you may have a child trained to become a governmental figure, which is a lot more complex programming.”


Q: "You see, if this really existed there would be countless thousands of people involved, and any one person could leak.

A: Thousands? Try Millions. And you have no possible comprehension of the rigorous training and the harshness of the conditioning we undergo from an early age. No one dares to go against the Family. We know what would happen if we did. But that is not the prime motivator. The motivator is unbridled Loyalty to the Family, and our Creator. We understand the importance of what we are doing here, even though most of humanity does not.”

HIDDEN HAND: "One is Born into the Family, and raised in a very specific and rigorous way, which engenders unwavering Loyalty. No matter how keen and sincere one may be to "join" us, we can only place our trust in those raised in our ways. I would not wish the conditioning process we go through on anyone, it can be grueling at times, and it is too late to begin the process once childhood has passed.”

KABAMUR: “Since 2012 both myself and my mother have been fully awake to who we are and our purpose. All souls in this lifetime incarnate with a mission, or path of growth. Her path included a very difficult childhood which has allowed me to speak with knowledge of some dark subjects.

She was a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse as a child, and witnessed countless abuse and murder of children in ritualistic settings. This was done by a local group of ‘satanists’ or black magicians, controlled by demonic entities, and was connected to certain local power structures. I say with certainty that these groups exist worldwide and go to the highest levels of authority in Government, Military, Church.”

**EMAIL #7 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Atlantis**

SVALI: “The Illuminati completely believe that Atlantis is real. They teach it to their children as part of the oral history. They believe that it was one of the greatest civilizations that ever existed, and one of the most advanced.

What they teach... their take on it is that Atlantis was a great race of highly intelligent people who had a highly advanced faith, and who were highly enlightened.

But what they teach the Illuminati children is that then this prophet of the enemy, who was a prophet of God, came and foretold their destruction if they didn't change their ways.

They were definitely Occultists. They were Luciferians on Atlantis. That was the religion. And in fact, a lot of the advances that Atlantis enjoyed was passed down to them through supernatural means... that is what I will say.

So they laughed at the prophet. In fact they killed him. And, he... I guess sometime afterward, we were taught that a few inhabitants escaped, but that tragically the great city was lost.

The Illuminati to this day mourn the loss of Atlantis, because they feel that these were... that the few survivors that left were among the great people who helped found the Free... what you would call the precursors of Illuminism.”

HIDDEN HAND: "Our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded"history", and beyond, our Family has been 'directing' the 'play' from behind the scenes, in one way oranother. Before the rise and fall of Atlantis. (Yes, that was indeed perfectly real). We are 'born to lead’. It is part of the design for this current paradigm."

KABAMUR: “All of this manipulation is now ending. A cycle of time is complete (26,000 year revolution around the Galaxy), and we are soon to enter a new golden age. The Age of Aquarius. New Atlantis.”

**EMAIL #8 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Earthly Bloodlines**

HIDDEN HAND: “There were Ruling-Bloodlines long before your 'Yahweh' and his'Christianity' arrived on this planet. Yahweh is 'a' Creator, not 'The' One Infinite Creator. Thereare other and Higher 'gods' than him. Ultimately, All, are a part of The One, and either consciously, or unconsciously, exercising their Free Will to Create. Begin to study 'outside of the box' for a True understanding of the Creation.

The British Royalty is not the most powerful line. The names that you know, do not hold the real ancient power. There are others above these lineages in the Hierarchy. You will not know the namesof these lines.”


Q: "You say that you come from 13 original bloodlines. Yet the DNA mapping project clearly proved
that all humanity descends from only 3. Does this mean you aren't human?

A: An excellent question, thank you. Yes, that is correct, in a manner of speaking. If you were to meet me walking down the street, I would appear just as human as you do. We've been incarnating here with you for generations, yet, our bloodlines do not originate from this planet.”

HIDDEN HAND: "Understand, that we HAVE to be Negative. That's what we were sent here to be. It is our contract, and it has always been to help you, by providing the "Catalyst" I spoke of earlier. Being Negative is very hard for us, not on a physical level, (the characters we play enjoy our roles, as we’re programmed that way), but on a Spiritual level, it is hard. We surpassed the lowly negative vibrations eons ago. We are Light, and we are Love. It is a very hard thing for us to do Spiritually, to create all this Negativity, but we do it because we love you, and it is for your highest good, ultimately. You could say, that it is our Sacrifice that we have made, in order to be of Service to the One Infinite Creator, and to you, our Brothers and Sisters in the One.

Remember, we are all just acting out a grand old game here, where we agree to forget who we really are, that in the remembering, that we may find each other again, and know that we are One. That All of Life, is One.”"


Q: "Other questions I have, and sorry if you explained this. Are these bloodlines the wealthy, as most assume, or seemingly ordinary people (including celebrities and politicians, etc), blending in with society, going relatively unnoticed, but yet contributing to your cause in the grander scheme of things?
A: The names you know, have no real power. Sure, they "appear" to have lots of power, in the way earthbound souls perceive power. Our wealth makes the million and billionaire "celebs" and corporate bigwigs look like a child's pocket money. Our wealth is Family wealth, which has passed down through the generations over thousands of years. True wealth however, is knowing deep in your heart, that you and your Infinite Creator, are One. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of 'God' (Infinite Creator), and all these things shall be added unto you".
Q: So part of this question could also be, are all of them aware they are part of this bloodline, or are some members oblivious to this connection they have? Are they informed of this at a particular age? For example, how and at what age were you told you belonged?
A: Yes. If you are Bloodline (Family), you are born into it, and you are raised this way, from birth. There is no other way. I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.
Q: I have probably found this the single most insightful thing so far. It helps me to understand the answers to some of the questions I've asked.
A: I am glad. It is the probably the single most important thing that I have shared.
Q: Unfortunately, its connotations also alleviate the 'NWO' of most accusations.
A: That depends upon your perspective. Does it alleviate the Negativity we have perpetuated? No.
Does it alleviate the pain and suffering we have caused, and are causing upon the planet? No.
Does it alleviate that we are closing our End Game scenario, and soon to openly come out and offer publicly to "save" the failing political and financial institutions with our esteemed Leadership? No.
Does that mean that you should give into and feed the Negativity? No.
Does it alleviate that we will have to spend a Cycle in Karmic restitution, to balance this lifetime of overt Negativity? No.
Does it mean that you should use the Negativity as the tool that it is, to show you that which you are not? Yes.
Remember, always, that this is a beautiful Game that we are playing here and co-creating together, with our Infinite Creator. And that "off stage" (between lives) we are the very best of friends, and that no one really "dies" and no one really "suffers", except in the Game. The Game is not Reality. Reality is Reality, and you have the Power to Express your Reality within the Game, once you have learnt how to do so.”

HIDDEN HAND: "When I speak of Family in this particular reply, I am referring to the Power lines, ie; those that do not originate from this planet. The bloodlines that you know of, whilst they are a part of our extended Family, are not born with the same extent of (Spiritual/Esoteric) Power that we are, and in this response, I am referring to our True and Pure Family. We are not born with the same veil of forgetfulness as you are. The veil is still in place, but would be most accurately described as being somewhat "thinner”.

We see the "invisible" connections of life which are hidden from you, because we retain access to more than just the 3rd Density perspective. Not dissimilar to the manner in which some people can see what you call auras. This is because you are working your way up, whereas we have chosen to step down, in order to help you. We could not do this as successfully if we had to forget all that we have learned. In other words, to you, everything "appears" as being "separate”.

We see that this is not the case. We do not have 'direct’ Soul Memory, as in the manner that you remember what you did yesterday, but we may access any portion of our Soul memory we so chose when we focus upon it, often in a meditative state. Personally, my experiences are different again, in other ways, due to my specialty in the Spiritual disciplines.”


Q: "As spirituality is your focus, could you comment on the role of the Catholic church in terms of your role and how the church fits in either the positive, negative, or miscellaneous paths?

A: The lower parts of our Family (the names you know) use the Vatican for many Rituals and Sacrifices. That should tell you all you need to know.”

HIDDEN HAND: "The Earth lines are not aware of the entire picture. They themselves are not of our Lucifer Group Soul, and as far as they are aware, they are out to 'rule the world', to Control and Enslave, and create as much Suffering and Negativity as is humanly possible. That's what they 'get out of the deal'. World Domination. You'd have to say with that in mind, they're doing a great job. But one of the things they don't know or understand, is that our (Venusian Power Lines) agenda, is ultimately for the Highest Good of all concerned, in providing you with the Catalyst. If they were aware of this Truth, there is a slight risk that they would not have done their jobs properly, and they would miss out on joining us in our 95% Negative Harvest. They are aware of the Harvest, and the need for them to attain the 95%, to get out of 3rd Density, and that is all the motivation they need to help us achieve our ultimate aims.”

**EMAIL #9 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Galactic Cross**

HIDDEN HAND: "Your planet abides by the laws of the Creation of your Galactic Logos. The Galaxy runs on Cycles of time, known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. As I said, seek the Mayan Calendar for a deeper insight as to how the Galaxy runs (it is highly accurate), but for the purpose of this discourse, I will give away brief overview.
The Mayans used an astrological cycle called the "Precession of the Equinoxes". This is a 26,000 year cycle in which Earthtransits through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for about 2,152 years each. Each of these astrological ages represents one month of the grand Cosmic Year. This "Mayan" cycle also corresponds to a 26,000 year relationship of the Sun (Solar Logos) orbiting Alcyone, the central star of our Seven Sisters Pleiades constellation.
The End of this Cycle, heralds literally, a New World Age, and a New Creation. "A new Heaven, and a new Earth", and isthe time of the Great Harvest.
Smaller Cycles yield a Harvest, and then life continues on the planet as normal. Great Cycles yield a Great Harvest, and theend of current life on the 3rd Density. See it as a kind of 'Cosmic jet wash' and deep clean, while the planet takes a rest andregenerates herself..
When this Life-Cycle Ends, "All things will pass away, and All things shall be made new”.”

HIDDEN HAND: "On, the December solstice sun will be found in the band of the Milky Way, directly in the position of the"Dark Rift" in the Galaxy, forming an alignment between the Galactic Plane and the Solstice Meridian. We are about to enter into a literal alignment of the Cosmic, Galactic, Solar, and Lunar Planes. This is an event that has slowly converged, over a period of thousands of years, and is caused by the precession of the equinoxes. Kind of like a "turning" of the Universal Gears. It brings about the Great Harvest, and the return of the Lord of The Harvest.”

KABAMUR: “All of this manipulation is now ending. A cycle of time is complete (26,000 year revolution around the Galaxy), and we are soon to enter a new golden age. The Age of Aquarius. New Atlantis.”

KABAMUR: “A short period of time will pass after the Event and there will be open contact with benevolent ET’s. The Pleiadians will be first. These positive groups are part of a cooperating force known as either Galactic Confederation or Galactic Federation of Light. These groups have prevented nuclear wars and mass catastrophe many times, and will not allow such things to happen from here on out.”

**EMAIL #10 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Luciferianism**

SVALI: “They have a very spiritual orientation. They are not satanic, though; they are Luciferian, which is different.”


Q: "You mention Alcyone ... it's interesting there's a celestial map of it at Hoover Dam. There's also a compass, framed by signs of the zodiac.
A: Indeed. Just like in Hollywood productions. We hide the Truth right out in the wide open. What humanity is offered as "Science Fiction", more often than not, is actually Science Fact.
Q: What do the winged statues, commissioned by the U.S govt, guarding the entrance at the dam really represent? Is any of this collection of celestial symbolism found there connected to your luciferian/alien/equinox/transformation agenda?
A: That is actually very simple. You'll note that the feet point directly downward to the earth, and the hands and wing tips point directly up to the sky. The Life-Force Energy flows into the human mind/body/soul complex from the earth up through the feet. The Intelligent Energy from the Infinite Creator flows down from above and in through the crown chakra. The wings represent our (Lucifer’s) inherent Divinity. You'll also note that the figure is seated. "The seat of our (Lucifer's) Power connects Heaven and Earth, and all things must pass through us”.”


Q: "Also do you know of Miriam Delicado? I just watched her interview on the project camelot site and it was very inspiring to me. So let me ask, are you one of the tall blondes that she speaks of?
A: She is a beautiful Soul. I have not seen the interview of which you speak, but we know of her experiences. The 'tall blondes' of which you speak, are of Plejaren heritage. They are working with what is known as the Galactic Confederation of Planets. They serve the Positive vibration. Plejarens are from the constellation you call the Pleiades. It's actual name is the Plejares, hence 'Plejarens'.
And no, we are Lucifer, and nothing directly to do with the Plejarens, though they are indeed good friends of ours."

HIDDEN HAND: "Our Creator, is the one you refer to as 'Lucifer', "The Light Bearer" and "Bright and Morning Star".

Our Creator is not "The Devil" as he has been spuriously portrayed in your bible. Lucifer is what you would call a "Group Soul" or "Social Memory Complex", which has evolved to the level of the Sixth Density, which in effect, means that he (or more accurately "'we") has evolved to a level sufficient that he (we) has attained a status equal or arguably 'greater' than that of Yahweh (we have evolved higher than him). In appearance, were you to gaze upon Lucifer's fullest expression of our Being, the appearance would be that of a Sun or a "Bright Star". Or, when stepping down into a 3rd Density vibration, we would appear as what you may term an 'Angel' or 'Light Being’.”

**EMAIL #11 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Disclosure**


Q: “How come things are moving a little bit faster in America now? I remember back in the 80s when I was confronted with this, when I came back home I didn't really see this kind of New World Order movement... all this different symbolism that you see now. What is going on, just for our listeners, right now? Why are things stepped up since 9-11?

A: I believe it's because they can see the fulfillment of their goal... See, I'm going to sound very cynical now, and please forgive me for this, okay? Their goal is to rule the world, and personally I believe that they do - it's just not open yet.

And they say they're now preparing people for when they disclose themselves openly. Does that mean that they can't be stopped? I believe they could. I believe it would take a miracle, because of the amount of infiltration I see at all levels of society, and the world. These guys, these people have a lot of money. They have a lot of influence. And your average person has no idea of how much is going on behind the scenes that no one understands.

But, with that said, I think that they're already there, they just aren't open. These people just don't know where they're going! (Laughs) If they did, I think the average person would be horrified to know how much is going on behind the scenes that people really don't know.”

Q: So this is some of the methods they go through so you don't get caught. I know that you wrote an article about why the cult doesn't get caught.

A: Well, their security, their money, their influence. Some of these people even own newspapers. Imagine trying to get a (laughs) article published, you know, disclosing... There's a lot of reasons why they don't get caught. That's the first thing people ask.

Then my next question is, "Well, how many child pornographers are there out there, that the police have been chasing for years, and have never found or caught?””

HIDDEN HAND: "We are closing our End Game scenario, and soon to openly come out and offer publicly to "save" the failing political and financial institutions with our esteemed Leadership.”

KABAMUR: “This moment of breakthrough is referred to by us as The Event. Many plans will move into action at this time: mass arrests of the Cabal, temporary shutdown of the world financial systems, release of suppressed technology. There are many ‘white hats’ who have been preparing for this moment for years. The network of Light is planet-wide. Everything is ready and the moment itself is pending the final ‘go’ from Source-Creator.”

KABAMUR: “The Veils are being lifted already and people are beginning to awaken to the truth. Communication with ‘spirit guides’ is becoming more common. Crafts are allowing themselves to be seen with greater frequency. The Solar System is in quarantine by benevolent ET and many operations are currently in progress behind the scenes to assist us. Not all world leaders are corrupt, and a few are briefed on these developments.

While sharing my information, I am also synchronistically connecting with those who are connected with our soul group, strengthening our collective of Light on the ground.

A short period of time will pass after the Event and there will be open contact with benevolent ET’s. The Pleiadians will be first. These positive groups are part of a cooperating force known as either Galactic Confederation or Galactic Federation of Light. These groups have prevented nuclear wars and mass catastrophe many times, and will not allow such things to happen from here on out.

There is information and disinformation on all of these subjects. You must use discernment when choosing what to hold as truth.”

**EMAIL #12 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Svali**

HIDDEN HAND: "I am aware of her, yes. I've not looked at her supposed "revelations" personally, though heard enough from others in my Family. Yes, she was a part of the Family, at the lower levels, from the German Lines I believe. As I understand, she did reveal a lot of truth about the lower levels, but she was only Regional Level in the Earth Lines, so not that high. She certainly would not have had anything like the "bigger picture". I understand that she went into detail about some of the training techniques in the lower levels, which to be fair, can be extremely harsh, though as I've said, it's all about reaching the 95% Negativity, and when all is said and done, no matter how much one may have suffered in this life-experience, we can never lose sight of the fact that this is a Game we are all playing here together, and each incarnating Soul has already chosen and agreed in advance the parts they will play in the Game. No one really suffers, except in the Game, and ultimately, they have chosen these experiences beforehand, at a Soul level. No one is 'forced' to incarnate into a storyline they do not want to play and learn from.

The German House is renowned for being particularly harsh and severe in it's training, so much of what she shares may have happened, though my Family have also said that unless her "trainers" were acting"out of protocol" (abusing their power) much of what she 'revealed' would not have happened, or has been embellished to some degree, for whatever reason. I cannot comment myself, as I've had neither the time or inclination to examine her story. The world of my own Family is very different from that of the lower Earth-based bloodlines. Whilst our (my own) training growing up was very strict and disciplined, we were never abused in any way. We grew up with the bigger picture, and didn’t need any other motivation.”

**EMAIL #13 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Star-Seeds**

HIDDEN HAND: "Many here at this time (millions) have a part to play in the Great Awakening, and preparations for the Great Harvest. Many who do not believe now, will begin to open their minds, as the Earth changes that are coming begin to take effect. People will be terrified, and have no idea what is going on, because the governments have concealed this information from you. These 'Travelers'or what some have termed "Star-Seeds" are incarnated here to help on the ground level, when this all begins play out, over the next few years. When the time is right, they will come forward.
Most people are not ready to hear this information yet, but not so far off, they will be.
Many of these “ tar-Seeds" have not "awakened" yet themselves. The Confederation stands by ready to "help" them to do so, if it is necessary. For ones such as these who have yet to "awaken”, they will have felt all their lives that they are somehow "different", and they have a deep sense that somehow, they "do not belong here". Many of them will also have many dreams and even visions, of their lives on their Home planets. Many of these "Star Seeds", are in fact Plejaren.That is why the 'tall blondes' keep 'showing up'. To help their Family awaken to their assignments here.”

HIDDEN HAND: "The Wanderers, (or 'Travelers' as they are also known) are those from Higher Densities, who have chosen to incarnate here at this time, in order to perfect Service to Others. They still have to 'remember who they are', and part of the concern, is that sometimes, even they do not manage to awaken in the Game, such is the power of the Illusion. They are here to awaken themselves, and then to help awaken others to prepare for the coming Great Harvest. Though even if they fail to awaken, they are not bound by the 3rd Density Cycle, as they've already mastered it. Once their incarnation is over, they are again free to return to their appropriate levels.”

KABAMUR: “Both myself and my mother have been in telepathic contact with our guides since 2012. We are not channelers. I have also experienced ‘downloads’ from the Pleiadian collective which come as physical vibrations in the body and audible voice transmissions which are also perceived through physical sensation.”

My mother has fully activated clairvoyance and can visually perceive up to 12D with her eyes closed. She can see and interact with many lifeforms including ETs, angels, elementals, fairies. She has frequent visions of past lives, future events and is able to astral travel at will (projecting consciousness non-locally) and has traveled to our point of origin, Taygeta, many times. Her ability to open this way, was planned to happen, and is related to trauma inflicted upon her chakra system through childhood abuse. More below.

There are about 200 million souls here which are not native to this planet. We come from other worlds to assist in raising the frequency and help rid this world of the dark forces. Chances are, if you are drawn to things I am saying, then you are one of these souls as well. 200 million of us out of about 7 billion total population.””

**EMAIL #14 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Illuminati Origins**

HIDDEN HAND: "The Mayans used an astrological cycle called the "Precession of the Equinoxes". This is a 26,000 year cycle in which Earthtransits through each of the 12 signs of the zodiac for about 2,152 years each. Each of these astrological ages represents one month of the grand Cosmic Year. This "Mayan" cycle also corresponds to a 26,000 year relationship of the Sun (Solar Logos) orbiting Alcyone, the central star of our Seven Sisters Pleiades constellation.”

HIDDEN HAND: "We've been incarnating here with you for generations, yet, our bloodlines do not originate from this planet.”


Q: "You mention Alcyone ... it's interesting there's a celestial map of it at Hoover Dam. There's also a compass, framed by signs of the zodiac.

A: Indeed. Just like in Hollywood productions. We hide the Truth right out in the wide open. What humanity is offered as "Science Fiction", more often than not, is actually Science Fact.”

HIDDEN HAND: "If you are Bloodline (Family), you are born into it, and you are raised this way, from birth. There is no other way. I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet.”


Q: "Also do you know of Miriam Delicado? I just watched her interview on the project camelot site and it was very inspiring to me. So let me ask, are you one of the tall blondes that she speaks of?
A: She is a beautiful Soul. I have not seen the interview of which you speak, but we know of her experiences. The 'tall blondes' of which you speak, are of Plejaren heritage. They are working with what is known as the Galactic Confederation of Planets. They serve the Positive vibration. Plejarens are from the constellation you call the Pleiades. It's actual name is the Plejares, hence 'Plejarens'.
And no, we are Lucifer, and nothing directly to do with the Plejarens, though they are indeed good friends of ours.

KABAMUR: “Both myself and my mother have been in telepathic contact with our guides since 2012. We are not channelers. I have also experienced ‘downloads’ from the Pleiadian collective which come as physical vibrations in the body and audible voice transmissions which are also perceived through physical sensation.”

My mother has fully activated clairvoyance and can visually perceive up to 12D with her eyes closed. She can see and interact with many lifeforms including ETs, angels, elementals, fairies. She has frequent visions of past lives, future events and is able to astral travel at will (projecting consciousness non-locally) and has traveled to our point of origin, Taygeta, many times. Her ability to open this way, was planned to happen, and is related to trauma inflicted upon her chakra system through childhood abuse. More below.

There are about 200 million souls here which are not native to this planet. We come from other worlds to assist in raising the frequency and help rid this world of the dark forces. Chances are, if you are drawn to things I am saying, then you are one of these souls as well. 200 million of us out of about 7 billion total population.”

**EMAIL #15 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Remote Viewing**

Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process:

This is a declassified CIA document directly from their archives. The CIA admits that consciousness is quantifiable, observable, and exists outside of the physical body. They explain how frequency, vibration, and magnetism are the components that make this phenomenon possible. The document explains how consciousness can be projected far beyond the limitations imposed on humans by physical laws. For example, consciousness can be projected anywhere on earth almost instantaneously. This is known as “remote viewing”.

Patent for Remote Viewing Amplifier:

This is an actual US patent application for "An apparatus which enhances the ability of a person to perform remote viewing by connecting the human spiritual eye to the tetrahedral geometry of subspace.” The tetrahedral geometry of subspace is another way of describing the geometry of the vacuum that I’ve discussed in previous emails, often by sharing video clips from Nassim Haramein. The official term for this “subspace” or “vacuum” is “four frequency isotropic vector metric”.

Note: The patent holder suggests that his device is able to perform functionalities far beyond remote viewing. Interacting with one’s environment via projected consciousness is what’s known as “remote participation”.

Here’s a link to a BRIEF video by Nassim Haramein explaining this concept:

What’s EXTREMELY interesting about the patent application (filed in 2004), is who the holder claims to have been in contact with. That’s right, you guessed it. The Pleiadians.


**EMAIL #16 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: 9/23**

I’m sure most of you are aware of the alignment occurring tomorrow night (9/23), and how it is a literal fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-2. Out of everything I’ve researched thus far, this is an area where I’m definitely outside of my comfort zone. I’m no doomsayer, and apocalyptic predictions are not my cup of tea. I’m just following the data, and presenting it here for all of you to assess.

Revelation 12 Prophecy:

I want to again make it clear, I am not predicting that anything is going to happen at any precise moment in time. Rather, I am suggesting that these signs may be indicative of plans that are currently being made, and that are now close to fulfillment (tribulation period). The part about Virgo with the moon at her feet and the crown of 12 stars above her head (Leo, Venus, Mercury, and Mars), being about to give birth to a child (Jupiter aligns with the womb of Virgo) is part of the public zeitgeist at this point. What I’ve heard very little about is the “great dragon”, also referred to in the same chapter as “that ancient serpent called the devil”. The constellation 'Ophiuchus The Serpent Bearer’, is a man holding a large snake. Ophiuchus is known as the ‘13th constellation of the zodiac’, mainly because it is so prominent. Yet for some reason it was not included in our modern precessional zodiac cycles.

Ophiuchus is located just below Virgo, with the head of the serpent situated by her womb. Could this be what is meant when Revelation states "The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born”? Jupiter, as it precesses, moves from Virgo’s womb towards the head of Ophiuchus.

Revelation also says “Its (dragon/serpent) tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.” One way to interpret this would be that meteorites or comets crashing down onto the earth. What sticks out to me though, is that John claims these are stars. Meteorites and comets move much differently than stars and planets, and would be easily identified by our modern-day astronomers. John’s implication suggests that entities of a fixed origin, that we believed to be stars, would descend down to the earth at this moment.

Now remember how the Hidden Hand Insider described that Lucifer would appear to human observers: "In appearance, were you to gaze upon Lucifer's fullest expression of our Being, the appearance would be that of a Sun or a "Bright Star". Or, when stepping down into a 3rd Density vibration, we would appear as what you may term an 'Angel' or 'Light Being’.”

Two final details concerning the Book of Revelation. The book as it is compiled today is not chronologically accurate. The events of Chapter 12 occur directly after Chapter 5. The 9/23 alignment is also the only “great sign” mentioned in the book. Everything else is a just a “sign”. Could this mean that the celestial alignment above us tells us when to start looking around on earth for the rest of the signs? Kind of like a tornado siren alerts you of the danger that is about to come.

I found this gem buried in the remote viewing patent application from the previous email.. "The soul looks like a two-inch diameter orange ball of plasma.”

Kind of makes one wonder what “false stars” hanging in the night sky might look like, just before they descended to the earth.

Remote Viewing Patent Application:

Is it possible that John utilized remote viewing by looking into the future, in order to write the Book of Revelation and warn us about what was to come through symbolic poetry? Gnostic lore claims that Jesus studied for many years in Egypt, learning the secrets of the ancient Egyptians and the pyramids. The geometry of the pyramids on the Giza Plateau are similar to the “tetrahedral geometry of subspace” described in the remote viewing patent application, as well as the “four frequency isotropic vector metric" described by Nassim Haramein as the geometry of the vacuum. John was known as “disciple whom Jesus loved”, denoting their intimate friendship. He almost certainly would have been privy to the knowledge that Jesus had acquired while in Egypt.


**EMAIL #17 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Alien Disclosure**

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. The US government is preparing to disclose the existence of aliens and alien technology.

Check out this tweet from John Podesta:

Here’s the article Podesta linked to:

And here’s a link to the full announcement by Tom Delonge about the To The Stars Academy:

Podesta’s stance on alien disclosure and his relationship with Tom Delonge has been common knowledge for some time now. Check out the below links for context:

Delonge also recently helped take down a pedophile ring, so he has “street cred” at this point when claiming to be working for the “good guys”:

On the same day that the Huffington Post announced Delonge’s intention to disclose the existence of aliens, David Wilcock happened to release a four-part meta-analysis of the Las Vegas massacre. The analysis seamlessly weaves in alien disclosure and discusses (at length) Delonge’s efforts, as well as tying in the Las Vegas massacre. Slightly strange that such an in-depth and lengthy article was ready to be posted so close to the time that Delonge’s announcement came out. It almost seems coordinated. Here’s that article:

On Wilcock’s show, ‘Cosmic Disclosure’, the narrative pitched is that our planet is being protected by a group of alien entities known as the "Blue Avians”. These entities are resisting the “Cabal” (Wilcock’s term for the shadow government/Illuminati/etc). According to Wilcock, when these entities finally intervene publicly there will be mass arrests, justice will be served, and a new golden age of humanity will be ushered in.

If you’ll recall in my previous emails concerning Crowley and Yeats, Thoth is a central entity to nearly all occult and esoteric traditions. There is strong reason to believe that the Blue Avians Wilcock claims are contacting us, are analogous to Thoth. In fact, this may have been stated in the show at some point, although I am not certain either way. Of note is that the first four letters of ‘To The Stars Academy’ are T-O-T-H. It’s missing the letter “H”, but it’s close enough to warrant consideration.

Wilcock’s primary source is Corey Goode, who claims to be a former astronaut in the secret space program. Delonge is working with US government insiders who claim to have worked with the secret space program. After all, To The Stars Academy’s stated goal is to use the entertainment industry to provide “soft disclosure” to the masses, before eventually dropping the major bombshells publicly.

Lastly, Wilcock’s four-part article asserts that the Cabal botched the Las Vegas massacre so badly that the Blue Avians may be forced to intervene. In layman’s terms, the Blue Avians may be forced to reveal themselves to humanity and step in to make arrests, serve justice, and usher in a new golden age of humanity.


**EMAIL #18 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Hollywood Exposed**

Consider the following an extension of the previous 'Alien Disclosure' email.

Here's the article I'm referencing from:

David Wilcock postulates that Hollywood's currently crumbling credibility may be an act of the resistance or 'Blue Avians'. While I am always ecstatic to see human suffering alleviated, this feels too convenient, all things considered.

Hollywood's entire purpose is to tell stories by acting them out via movies and television. Could this be the grandest production of them all? Offer up an extremely visible slice of Americana, in hopes that the more egregious atrocities of the ruling elite will be ignored? I'll be convinced when Hollywood AND the rulers of this world are exposed for their crimes against humanity. Color me skeptical until I see state actors in handcuffs.

Beware the distractions...

