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16 October 2017

Views: 3,603

**EMAIL #19 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Pleiadian Sentiments**

I'd like to briefly touch upon two interesting recent blog posts.

That post is not particularly relevant to what we've been discussing, but it's noteworthy enough to file away as something to potentially remember down the road.

That is a post by Kabamur. I find a couple of things interesting about it. First it was posted on 10/12, the same day that the first link was posted. Again, this doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it's a data point worth remembering.

Second, Kabamur appears to be positing a similar theory as mine in regards to the Podesta/Delonge alien disclosure fiasco. As I've maintained all along, I have no preferred frame of reference or desired outcome in all of this. My mind is open to all possible scenarios, and I'm more than willing to change my mind about various actors/entities as new information becomes available. One blog post certainly isn't enough to sway my opinion, but it does present an additional variable that must eventually be accounted for.

Lastly, since I've begun anonymously making the contents of these emails public, I'd like to address any casual readers.

The true test of who is "legit" in all of this will be determined when a multitude of state actors are removed from positions of power and in handcuffs. Until that happens, very little else matters. What's more, we (myself and my team) know the identities and crimes of many high-level actors. These are not names that have been publicly associated with pedogate/pizzagate. What happens to them will be a signifier of who is acting in good faith, and who is attempting to deceive humanity.

I can already hear the obvious follow-up question to the previous paragraph. "If you know who has committed these atrocities and have proof, why haven't you turned over the information to the authorities? Or why don't you at least go public with the information?"

The simple answer is, we have. On numerous occasions. Everyone from the local police, to the FBI, to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has been notified. The uncomfortable truth is that these organizations function as mechanisms for control by protecting those very same high-level actors we would wish to expose.

In the words of Sun Tzu:

"You will find a place where you can win.

You cannot first signal your intentions.

Manage to avoid battle until your organization can count on certain victory."


**EMAIL #20 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: GWEN Towers**

I've speculated with a few of my fellow researcher before about the possibility of some sort of mass-telepathy communication device. That may sound absurd, but the Gateway protocols from the US Military explain how tinkering with frequency and vibrational levels can assist human consciousness in resonating with the ionospheric cavity of the earth.

When one takes the time to read and understand exactly how this process works, it's no longer far-fetched to imagine that "voices" masquerading as the Pleiadian mothership or "higher self" could be artificially embedded into the mass consciousness of those with higher vibrational energy levels.

How would a disinformation operation on this grand of a scale be carried out?

It might look something like the GWEN Towers. Happy reading.


**EMAIL #21 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Hoover Dam**

I came across this tweet today:

Which reminded me of this excerpt from the 'Hidden Hand Dialogue':

"Q: You mention Alcyone ... it's interesting there's a celestial map of it at Hoover Dam. There's also a compass, framed by signs of the zodiac.

A: Indeed. Just like in Hollywood productions. We hide the Truth right out in the wide open. What humanity is offered as "Science Fiction", more often than not, is actually Science Fact.

Q: What do the winged statues, commissioned by the U.S govt, guarding the entrance at the dam really represent? Is any of this collection of celestial symbolism found there connected to your luciferian/alien/equinox/transformation agenda?

A: That is actually very simple. You'll note that the feet point directly downward to the earth, and the hands and wingtips point directly up to the sky. The Life-Force Energy flows into the human mind/body/soul complex from the earth up through the feet. The Intelligent Energy from the Infinite Creator flows down from above and in through the crown chakra. The wings represent our (Lucifer's) inherent Divinity. You'll also note that the figure is seated. "The seat of our (Lucifer's) Power connects Heaven and Earth, and all things must pass through us"."

When initially examining this material I researched the artwork, architecture, and symbolism at the Hoover Dam. It is certainly Pleiadian & Luciferian in nature. This link explains the meaning of the symbolism used, from the architect himself:

It would seem that we once again connect the Pleiadians and Luciferians to the Galactic Cross, Mayan Great Year, and symbolic architecture capable of surviving an extinction level event for future generations to discover. As I'm fond of saying at this point, you cannot make this stuff up.

This video from earlier this year (2017) is interesting as well:

So what would happen if the Hoover Dam was destroyed? Here's a thoughtful article discussing some of the potential ramifications:


**EMAIL #22 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Tom Delonge Disclosure Tweet**

I didn't have a chance to check out Tom Delonge's Twitter account yesterday. I checked it today. I was not disappointed....

"The head of a secret UFO program at the DOD has just come forward to confirm the existence of that program...."


**EMAIL #23 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Victory of the Light Endorses Tom Delonge**

"Listen, set aside feelings re: Podesta endorsing Tom's endeavor and see this for what it is:
A monumental first step in official disclosure"

My recommendation would be to read everything Victory of the Light has tweeted in the last three hours. It is "soft" confirmation of many of our recent suspicions.

Something is about to happen. The pace is quickening.


**EMAIL #24 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Hoover Dam & Luciferian Towers?**

I'm going to list a few loosely associated connections related to the Hoover Dam, Luciferianism, and the Pleiades below. My hope is that one of you might be able to draw further connections and shed light. I know there's a common thread, but I'm a few steps short of seeing the larger picture at play.

The Hoover Dam has a prominent piece of artwork that shows a man rising up out of a sea.


Explanation of the Artwork:

Considering the anti-christ birthing ritual is rumored to "birth" the anti-christ from the Book of Revelation, the next step would be looking for the fulfillment of Revelation 13. The desert is of course filled with sand, which would explain why John says that's where he was standing.

"Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name."

In that same artwork, the head of the Egyptian deity 'Ra' is also seen floating in the bottom-left corner. As of this moment, I have been unable to discover a satisfying explanation for this aspect of the piece.

Ra has drawn comparisons to Lucifer at times throughout history, with both being bearers of light. In fact, one of Lucifer's title is 'Son of the Morning'. Ra was known for the rising of the sun each day.

In ancient Egypt, we find many artistic representations of bull horns with a sun disc in the middle. The Pleiades reside in the middle of the constellation Taurus the Bull. Here are a few pictures of bull horn/sun disc artwork in ancient Egypt.,_Valley_of_the_Queens,_Dynasty_XX,_1190-1160_BC.jpg

Go back farther than ancient Egypt though, and an interesting thread reveals itself. The 10,000-12,000 year-old (dating roughly to the time of Atlantis) civilization of Gobekli Tepe contained remarkably similar artwork depicting bull horns with a solar disc in the middle.

Given all the information on Luciferians, Pleiadians, and Atlantis in the Red Team email project, this is something that is likely significant. Learn more about Gobekli Tepe below:

Lastly, we arrive at the Hoover Dam Towers.

An the extraordinary stroke of synchronicty occurred last night. After speaking with a few of you about these topics, I was inspired to listen to a song titled 'Dead Flag Blues' by an experimental band named 'Godspeed You! Black Emperor'. I hadn't checked to see if they had released any music in the last few years, and I was shocked to discover that they released a new album on September 22nd of this year (the day before the Virgo/Leo alignment from Revelation 12) titled 'Luciferian Towers'. The band is currently signed with Constellation Records. (insert obligatory sentence about being unable to make this stuff up)

The band listed this note on their website upon releasing the album:

"this, this long-playing record, a thing we made in the midst of communal mess, raising dogs and children. eyes up and filled with dreadful joy – we aimed for wrong notes that explode, a quiet muttering amplified heavenward. we recorded it all in a burning motorboat.

(context as follows:)

1. UNDOING A LUCIFERIAN TOWERS – look at that fucking skyline! big lazy money writ in dull marble obelisks! imagine all those buildings much later on, hollowed out and stripped bare of wires and glass, listen- the wind is whistling through all 3,000 of its burning window-holes!

(NOTE: The Hoover dam was constructed with vast quantities of marble, to the point that officials themselves became exasperated at the creators for the unnecessary, superfluous amount of funds being poured into the project as a result. The wiring was also said to have contained a far greater amount of gold than was necessary.

2. BOSSES HANG – labor, alienated from the wealth it creates, so that holy cow, most of us live precariously! kicking at it, but barely hanging on! also – the proud illuminations of our shortened lives! also – more of us than them! also – what we need now is shovels, wells, and barricades!

3. FAM / FAMINE – how they kill us = absentee landlord, burning high-rise. the loud panics of child-policemen and their exploding trigger-hands. with the dull edge of an arbitrary meritocracy. neglect, cancer maps, drone strike, famine. the forest is burning and soon they’ll hunt us like wolves.

4. ANTHEM FOR NO STATE – kanada, emptied of its minerals and dirty oil. emptied of its trees and water. a crippled thing, drowning in a puddle, covered in ants. the ocean doesn’t give a shit because it knows it’s dying too.

finally and in conclusion;
the “luciferian towers” L.P. was informed by the following grand demands:
+ an end to foreign invasions
+ an end to borders
+ the total dismantling of the prison-industrial complex
+ healthcare, housing, food and water acknowledged as an inalienable human right
+ the expert fuckers who broke this world never get to speak again

much love to all the other lost and wondering ones"

The first track on the album is titled 'Undoing A Luciferian Towers'. Could undoing be synonmous with destruction here? Read the text that's on the front of the album cover:

"The building chokes, folding inwards. There's a pit inside where the beating heart of the sun expands. Dust traces its contours like a radiograph."

The song itself is beautifully haunting:

Ominous indeed.


**EMAIL #25 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Jesus, Judas, & Disclosure**

I'm going to list a few loosely associated connections related to the Hoover Dam, Luciferianism, and the Pleiades below. My hope is that one of you might be able to draw further connections and shed light. I know there's a common thread, but I'm a few steps short of seeing the larger picture at play.

The Hoover Dam has a prominent piece of artwork that shows a man rising up out of a sea.


Explanation of the Artwork:

Considering the anti-christ birthing ritual is rumored to "birth" the anti-christ from the Book of Revelation, the next step would be looking for the fulfillment of Revelation 13. The desert is of course filled with sand, which would explain why John says that's where he was standing.

"Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name."

In that same artwork, the head of the Egyptian deity 'Ra' is also seen floating in the bottom-left corner. As of this moment, I have been unable to discover a satisfying explanation for this aspect of the piece.

Ra has drawn comparisons to Lucifer at times throughout history, with both being bearers of light. In fact, one of Lucifer's title is 'Son of the Morning'. Ra was known for the rising of the sun each day.

In ancient Egypt, we find many artistic representations of bull horns with a sun disc in the middle. The Pleiades reside in the middle of the constellation Taurus the Bull. Here are a few pictures of bull horn/sun disc artwork in ancient Egypt.,_Valley_of_the_Queens,_Dynasty_XX,_1190-1160_BC.jpg

Go back farther than ancient Egypt though, and an interesting thread reveals itself. The 10,000-12,000 year-old (dating roughly to the time of Atlantis) civilization of Gobekli Tepe contained remarkably similar artwork depicting bull horns with a solar disc in the middle.

Given all the information on Luciferians, Pleiadians, and Atlantis in the Red Team email project, this is something that is likely significant. Learn more about Gobekli Tepe below:

Lastly, we arrive at the Hoover Dam Towers.

An the extraordinary stroke of synchronicty occurred last night. After speaking with a few of you about these topics, I was inspired to listen to a song titled 'Dead Flag Blues' by an experimental band named 'Godspeed You! Black Emperor'. I hadn't checked to see if they had released any music in the last few years, and I was shocked to discover that they released a new album on September 22nd of this year (the day before the Virgo/Leo alignment from Revelation 12) titled 'Luciferian Towers'. The band is currently signed with Constellation Records. (insert obligatory sentence about being unable to make this stuff up)

The band listed this note on their website upon releasing the album:

"this, this long-playing record, a thing we made in the midst of communal mess, raising dogs and children. eyes up and filled with dreadful joy – we aimed for wrong notes that explode, a quiet muttering amplified heavenward. we recorded it all in a burning motorboat.

(context as follows:)

1. UNDOING A LUCIFERIAN TOWERS – look at that fucking skyline! big lazy money writ in dull marble obelisks! imagine all those buildings much later on, hollowed out and stripped bare of wires and glass, listen- the wind is whistling through all 3,000 of its burning window-holes!

(NOTE: The Hoover dam was constructed with vast quantities of marble, to the point that officials themselves became exasperated at the creators for the unnecessary, superfluous amount of funds being poured into the project as a result. The wiring was also said to have contained a far greater amount of gold than was necessary.

2. BOSSES HANG – labor, alienated from the wealth it creates, so that holy cow, most of us live precariously! kicking at it, but barely hanging on! also – the proud illuminations of our shortened lives! also – more of us than them! also – what we need now is shovels, wells, and barricades!

3. FAM / FAMINE – how they kill us = absentee landlord, burning high-rise. the loud panics of child-policemen and their exploding trigger-hands. with the dull edge of an arbitrary meritocracy. neglect, cancer maps, drone strike, famine. the forest is burning and soon they’ll hunt us like wolves.

4. ANTHEM FOR NO STATE – kanada, emptied of its minerals and dirty oil. emptied of its trees and water. a crippled thing, drowning in a puddle, covered in ants. the ocean doesn’t give a shit because it knows it’s dying too.

finally and in conclusion;
the “luciferian towers” L.P. was informed by the following grand demands:
+ an end to foreign invasions
+ an end to borders
+ the total dismantling of the prison-industrial complex
+ healthcare, housing, food and water acknowledged as an inalienable human right
+ the expert fuckers who broke this world never get to speak again

much love to all the other lost and wondering ones"

The first track on the album is titled 'Undoing A Luciferian Towers'. Could undoing be synonmous with destruction here? Read the text that's on the front of the album cover:

"The building chokes, folding inwards. There's a pit inside where the beating heart of the sun expands. Dust traces its contours like a radiograph."

The song itself is beautifully haunting:

Ominous indeed.


**EMAIL #26 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Gobekli Tepe & The Pleiades**

I included the below link in an earlier email this morning, but upon further meditation I have decided to send it as a standalone email as well. The information is worth a detailed analysis:

The more I delve into Gobekli Tepe and it's Pleiadian star maps, the more I am convinced of its significance. The fact that it's located in Turkey seals the deal for me. The seven "end times" churches in the Book of Revelation are located in Turkey. This reference to "Satan's throne" comes directly from Revelation 2:13:

"I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells."

That verse is directed to the church at Pergamon (now modern-day Bergama, on the West coast of Turkey). Pergamon was previously the home of the 'Altar of Zeus', aptly nicknamed the 'Seat of Satan'.

Guess where the Seat of Satan is located now? It was moved to the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany in 1886.

The Pergamon Museum was temporarily closed in 2016 for an eight-year renovation project to the Altar of Zeus that will see it reopen again in 2023.


**EMAIL #26 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Mainstream Media: Fox News Alien Disclosure**

Fox News just posted this article.

Stay vigilant friends.

