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22 October 2017

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**EMAIL #27 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Kabamur Pushes Disclosure Propaganda**

Here's the tweet he sent out:

Which links to this article:


**EMAIL #28 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: The Adam And Eve Story**

In 2013 a book titled 'The Adam and Eve Story' was declassified by the CIA and made available to the public. It was written in 1965, and it's an incredibly descriptive (firsthand?) account of a global cataclysm. The version approved for release is "sanitized", so one wonders exactly what was scrubbed out from the original story.

Here's a link to the document:

Why would the CIA classify a fiction novel in the first-place though?

The first page of the book reads as follows:

Like Noah's,
6,500 years ago...

Like Adam & Eve's,
11,500 years ago...

This, too,
will come to pass...

The narrator describes what seems to be a magnetic pole-shift, caused by earthquakes that were triggered by some sort of energy weapon. Wardenclyffe Towers? GWEN Towers? Interesting indeed.

What's most interesting to me though, is HOW the narrator describes the poles shifting. Rather than north and south exchanging positions, the book describes the earth rotating approximately 90 degrees so that Antarctica is suddenly situated on the equator. Given all the recent happenings surrounding the forgotten continent, this is disconcerting to say the least. According to the author, if a magnetic pole shift occurs, Antarctica will be the safest place on earth...

As to why the CIA felt the need to classify a fiction novel; could the author have used remote viewing to observe this event in the future?


**EMAIL #29 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Bill Cooper**

I recently "discovered" the work of Bill Cooper (I realize his work has been around for many years). A few things have stood out to me as I have been acclimating myself to his work.

1. The below video meshes together many of the theories we've had about the earthly Illuminati bloodlines being "middle management" in the grand scheme of things. That they are all essentially practicing the same inward things, only by a different outward presentation.

2. The below quote from Cooper's book, 'Behold A Pale Horse'. I had no previous knowledge of Cooper's beliefs, which encourages me given the fact that we have arrived at a similar possible conclusion regarding false flag alien disclosure and staged alien invasion/contact.

"It is true that without the population or the bomb problem the elect would use some other excuse to bring about the New World Order. They have plans to bring about things like earthquakes, war, the Messiah, an extra-terrestrial landing, and economic collapse. They might bring about all of these things just to make damn sure that it does work. They will do whatever is necessary to succeed. The Illuminati has all the bases covered and you are going to have to be on your toes to make it through the coming years.

Can you imagine what will happen if Los Angeles is hit with a 9.0 quake, New York City is destroyed by a terrorist-planted atomic bomb, World War III breaks out in the Middle East, the banks and the stock markets collapse, Extraterrestrials land on the White House lawn, food disappears from the markets, some people disappear, the Messiah presents himself to the world, and all in a very short period of time? Can you imagine? The world power structure can, and will if necessary, make some or all of those things happen to bring about the New World Order."

3. The below account of his beliefs in regards to the earthly Illuminati bloodlines (Rothschild, etc) simply being expendable stooges (middle management) that could be easily discarded by the actual powers that be.

"Cooper believed that aliens "manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religions, magic, witchcraft, and the occult", and that even the Illuminati were unknowingly being manipulated by them."


**EMAIL #30 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Max Spiers**

I had no knowledge of who Max Spiers was until recently. And even then, until today I had only watched one of his interviewers (his final interview before he was killed). I can't say why I had abstained from examining most of his material, only that today for some reason I was intuitively nudged to listen to his body of work.

I texted the below message to one of you a couple of months back (after I had listened to his final interview):

"You just helped me understand what's going on in a BIG way. The first time I ever heard of Max Spiers was when my Freemason friend warned me not to expose the Cabal via pedogate or else I would end up like him. I had legit never heard of Spiers before that. Then you brought him up and told me to listen to his final interview. Within the first 10 minutes he's talking about pedogate and tunnels and Aquino. Aquino had him killed for that.

Spiers died a days before my switch was "flipped on". My investigation "accidentally" began the week after his death. I believe Spiers has been the one helping me."

I won't go into detail, but those of you who have been following along since the beginning will be able to match up previous emails I've sent and compare them to the date that Spiers died. You'll understand what I mean.

I'm linking the conversations with Spiers that I've listened to today below. Pedophile rings, off-world and interdimensional entities, the earthly Illuminati bloodlines being "middle management", the Crowley connection, it's all there. I'm so glad that I refrained from listening to all of this before now. Arriving at a similar conclusion as Spiers while remaining free of confirmation bias will prove to be critical as we proceed forward. Not to mention I wouldn't have had the slightest clue what he was talking about until recently.


**EMAIL #31 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Max Spiers Predicts Current Hollywood Scandals**

I want to highlight one specific idea that Max Spiers discussed. Whenever he was asked about Jimmy Savile, Spiers hypothesized that Savile was an "expendable" (AKA middle management). Max believed that Savile was the first of many celebrities and politicians to come that would be thrown under the bus in an effort to control the narrative. He thought that the powers that be (the ones above middle management) would offer up visible sacrificial lambs in the mainstream media, and convince people that after Hollywood and Washington had been "cleansed" of pedophiles and deviants, that something new and honorable could take its place.

These words came out of his mouth in 2016. No one wonder they needed to kill him off.

Except Spiers knew that the above narrative would be fraudulent, created solely to hoodwink the populace into believing that evil had been disposed of.

Hollywood's filth being exposed, the (most likely intentionally) botched Vegas massacre, alien disclosure. Beware the distractions...


**EMAIL #32 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: VictoryOfTheLight Deleted Tweet**

I use a program called Tweetbot when accessing Twitter on my mobile devices. There's a glitch with Tweetbot where if you happen to refresh your timeline right after someone tweets out something by mistake, but BEFORE they have a chance to delete it, the tweet is permanently embedded in your timeline, even though the user has deleted it.

By chance this happened with VictoryOfTheLight a few days ago. I've linked a side-by-side image for reference. The text of the tweets is also posted below. I'm not sure what it means, or even if it's relevant. I'd love to know what your intuition tells each of you.

"Or, as many have put it: "Your enemy isn't human, but can take the form of a human.Therefore, look at what's inside & not outside to see government recruited me into a career of intelligence and consulting in the Middle East & Africa?""


**EMAIL #33 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: JFK Assassination Disclosure**

I had no idea when I sent the email on Max Spiers earlier today that Trump had approved the release of the JFK assassination files. One part of me hopes this is a "good guy" move. The other part of me worries that it is an action taken in the same vein as the recent Hollywood exposals. Throw a fall guy (or organization) under the bus in an extremely public spectacle, and then claim the house is clean once you eradicate the contrived enemy.

Either way, the plot continues to thicken...


**EMAIL #34 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: More Kabamur & VictoryOfTheLight Tweets**

Victory of the Light:

"For anyone who has been following since the beginning: We told you to have patience and wait until October/November for real fun to begin."

"The CIA you know, the boogeyman, has been neutered. Welcome to the new era."


"This Universe is larger than most can comprehend, and it is FULL of life. We are soon to become a galactic civilization + we must be ready.

Many of these Beings are here now, and there is much activity happening that people cannot see - on many planes of existence.

Open Contact with positive races is not far off. Not already because of issues of free will and much manipulation by the negative groups."


**EMAIL #35 - Red Team Meta-Analysis: Turning The Tide**

In practical, pragmatic terms, what can each and every one of us do to stymie the efforts of those who wish to do humanity harm, and turn the tide back in our favor? In all my meditation and study, I've arrived at two tools that are effective at accomplishing these goals. May each one of you take them as you will, and apply them as you see fit.

1. Have you ever wondered why it seems like so many clues for future disasters, false flags, etc, are hidden in plain sight? Hollywood and the mainstream media tell the truth far more than we know, but in a way that arrogantly waves their negative intentions for humanity in front of our faces. If an entity or consciousness shows you what they plan on doing to you and others, and you respond with fear or apathy, then you have granted them passive approval to execute their plan. This draws deep parallels with the idea of karma, as being fearful or apathetic is essentially surrendering your free will. Once you've surrendered your free will to a another entity or consciousness, they are no longer forced to feel the full brunt of karma for their actions. They have not imposed upon your free will--you've allowed them to exercise power over you! When you see negativity taking root, hoild your ground and stand up for what is good and just. Do not stay silent, instead speak out against those plans which wish to stay hidden in the shadows.

2. Care--truly care--about one another. Perhaps the greatest revelation of all that I've received over the last year is the fact that none of us are separate from one another. We are all interconnected distortions of one unified consciousness, personally manifesting a different aspect of that consciousness through what we call an individual personality. To care for another is to care for yourself.

In the ancient days (before they were corrupted into their modern-day perversions), the mystery schools required each initiate to answer one question before they were granted access to the most sacred teachings about creation and consciousness.

"How do you truly know that you are suffering?"

The answer is: "When you see that someone else is suffering."

You have heard that it was said, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I tell you, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

