15 December 2022

Views: 548

Interesting, that’s pretty much exactly what my BF says. The other day he told me he was never into the “hot” girls, he always liked the ones with pretty faces and good personalities. Sadly, those girls used to friendzone him… until I came along. ;-)
Olive´s last [type] ..Disney Princesses Ranked

“According to some study, men look at women’s bodies for short-term mating, and look at women’s faces for long-term mating”

So bodies are “fetishized” for short term and faces are “fetishized” for long term? Tsk, tsk. Shame, shame on those men.

I think maybe you missed my point. I’m not shaming people for preferring big boobs/huge dicks if that’s what they want. I’m mostly just saying that the emphasis on size is largely cultural, and that it doesn’t actually matter when looking for a LTR, as the girls with big boobs/guys with huge dicks don’t end up in LTRs more often. As for casual sex? Probably a different story, at least for the boobs.
Olive´s last [type] ..Disney Princesses Ranked

Yes Olive, I just said that for the benefit of those blond dudes who don’t “have more fun”. I don’t look like a 12-year-old either. I look perenially 27. Another perk to Yellowland.

Hope: Obviously. All the tits and ass in the world go southward and horizontal, respectively, at some point. But you gaze into that face many times in long-term mating. Years of nagging and praise will come out of that face. Choose it well.

Actually, what I’m seeing is that we’re moving a different direction than what you describe. The combination of widely available contraception, social programs, and the cultural norms are actually making it easier for people to act on their primal impulses. Fewer consequences or social sanctions. And I don’t see that trend stopping anytime soon. As we move forward with “social progress” we’re moving backward in time with regards to behavior. Even game is an adaptation to the prevailing trends.

@Yohami, hey it’s like I predicted. You’re attracted to your mirror! But no, you’re not narcissistic. Susan scored pretty high on the test, too. ENFJs seem to defy their testing algorithm a bit. NF’s in general cannot be narcissists. Too much altruism and empathy.

@BroHamlet, that is because when you disconnect actions from consequences, most people will find this to be an excuse to act according to their basest desires. People live as if nothing bad will happen to them. They drive like it, too…
