Guardian (Complete)

12 August 2023

Views: 147

I sat back and looked at Allie, "ask mom to come to the bridge."

"Night Scream this is Fleet Control."

I sighed, "Go ahead."

"Night Scream, Grendel is requesting you stay here. Admiral Peters is taking a shuttle to speak with you."

I smiled, "copy Fleet Control."

I turned as mom walked in and looked at Allie, "can you replay the holo of the alien?"

She nodded as she turned to her console and the image appeared. I looked at mom, "do you know what race it is?"

She looked at the image as she came to stand beside my chair, "we do not have a name for them. They vanished from this part of the galaxy a millennium ago. We only have records of other races telling about them."

I waited and she shook herself, "they were only called the Others and there were warnings. They were not war like but had weapons more powerful than anyone else. They would tolerate war as long as it was contained to a system."

She looked at me, "the records say they were peaceful unless provoked."

She gestured around the bridge, "even your ship might appear primitive to them."

I glanced at Allie, "light up the port airlock for the shuttle."

I lowered the shield and opened the screen and battle screen on the port side, "we can take this to the galley and talk over tea."

Chapter 8

I set the controls on auto before standing and heading towards the airlock while everyone else went to the galley. It was a little while before the airlock light came on and chime sounded and I opened the inner hatch. I nodded to admiral Peters and captain Janis as they left their shuttle. I gestured and waited before closing the hatch and leading them to the galley.

Everyone was waiting when we walked in and mom turned from the synthesizer, "Tea?"

I nodded but the admiral and captain shook their heads, "coffee. Black please."

I sat beside Allie and she took my hand. It was a minute before the admiral and captain sat and I gestured, "mom said they were called the Others. She should tell you what she knows."

Mom sat next to David and began talking as I sat and thought and whispered to Allie. She looked at me and my holo board appeared. What I wanted to make did not take long and I gave it to her, "check it."

She leaned against me, "it is good but what are you going to use it for?"

I smiled, "it is a drone with a FTL transmitter and receiver. I was going to send it home."

Everyone looked at me as I stretched and stood, "whoever these aliens are they are not hostile. They might have better weapons or defenses but they seem reasonable. While we wait for them to return we will spend the time salvaging from the wrecks to make our bio sphere. I will also make a few drones to carry FTL devices to send to other systems."

The admiral cleared his throat but I shook my head, "I will not give you weapons or the technology. The others will return in six days which is something you need to think about."

He blinked and then his eyes opened, "how..."

I smiled as I pulled Allie up, "exactly. How can they get there, check it out and return in only six days? That is days faster than Night Scream."

I headed for the hatch, "I need time with my wife. Someone can show you out when you are ready."

We walked to the hydroponics section and through the trays of flowers. I sighed and stopped to turn her, "I want you to take the shuttle. Take mom, David, Ginger and Tony and go to Miros."

She opened her mouth but I touched her lips, "you are pregnant and the babies safety comes first. Download the plans for the phase reactor, the FTL receiver and transmitter and all of the medical equipment."

I smiled and gave her a soft kiss, "you can even take the plans for the food synthesizer but guard those."

She leaned against me, "I do not wish to leave you my husband."

I held her against me, "I wish you could stay but I do not know what these aliens will do."

I turned at the ship alarm and frowned before letting Allie go. I started walking as the alarm continued and then began to run. When I reached the bridge it was to see several of the huge alien ships. I slid into my seat and glanced back at admiral Peters and captain Janis. I checked and kicked their shuttle away before closing my screens and shield.

Allie, Ginger and Tony sat as all the systems came alive and one of the ships moved towards us. A holo appeared in front of me and the alien waved a tentacle as it began speaking, "we wish to board your ship and speak with you."

I glanced at Allie before looking at the alien, "may I send my mate away in our shuttle?"

I felt the others shifting but ignored them as the alien tilted its head before gesturing, "you may send your pod mate away."

I nodded and turned to Allie, "go to the shuttle and take it insystem."

I looked at Ginger and Tony, "go with her and take mom and David."

Ginger hesitated before standing, "a ranger should..."

I waved that away, "I am a ranger. Now take them to safety."

She nodded as Tony stood and moved to help Allie up. I looked at Allie and wanted to hold her so bad. She smiled softly before letting Ginger and Tony lead her away with the admiral and captain. I opened the shield and screens and watched the shuttle bay. After they left I dropped the shield and screens completely.

I looked at the alien, "do you require a special atmosphere?"

It shivered, "no but your ship seems a bit on the warm side."

I looked at the internal controls as the temperature setting changed. I nodded and looked at the alien, "which airlock would you like..."

I stopped as the alien suddenly appeared in front of me. It shifted as little before one tentacle gesturing and I heard it click and a translator spoke, "show us your ship."

I stood and turned to walk towards the hatch and tried to ignore the way the alien seemed to flow after me. It clicked again, "you use many technologies from many who no longer ply the ways between the stars."

I nodded as I glanced at it, "when we made it we were in a system called Grer. There were many trying to learn about all those that had gone before. We were young and because there was war we wanted a way to protect ourselves. We used what we learned from the many abandoned ships."

I thought of the girls and was silent before looking at the alien, "we were to slow. War came and my mates died very badly."

We reached the galley and the alien shifted before turning completely around. It pointed into the open dining compartment door at the holograph of the medical biosphere before moving closer. I saw the holo flicker before it looked at me, "what purpose is this?"

I smiled, "it is a medical biosphere we designed."

It turned to look again before a tentacle waved and it started walking. I followed as it went to the hydroponics section. It slowed and looked around before reaching out to touch a flower, "this is not food or for air regeneration."

I smiled and bent to smell another before looking at it, "no."
It nodded before turning to head towards the hatch and went to the med bay. It moved through the room slowly before returning to the hatch, "the one that is your mate was in an engineered body."

I frowned, "Allie was an AI on one of the warship. She was abandoned and left and one of my mates saved her and brought her to our ship. After the girls were killed I made a body because she had become a part of us."

It nodded, "some few can make the change and remain stable."

It looked at me as we walked through the ship, "you do not like or enjoy destroying."

I shook my head and it clicked but the translator did not work. When we returned to the bridge it turned once more, "the human war is over."

I smiled, "I would like it if that were true."

It sighed, "we will tell all and make it so. If the Kull have done what you say and what your computer records show, we will isolate them and they will ceases to move between the stars."

I thought of the Sentinels, "I went to Kull and another system called Morp. I destroyed all the ships and space stations and left a type of stealthed satellite to keep them restricted to the planets."

It waved a tentacle, "this we know."

It looked around before looking at me, "take your mate and go home."

It vanished and I watched as its ship moved away slowly. All three turned as a huge wormhole opened. They jumped out together and I sat in my seat before absently bringing my screens up and opened the system comm, "fleet control this is Night Scream."

"Go Night Scream."

I turned the ship, "I need an immediate meeting with the emperor."

I began scanning for my shuttle and saw it deeper insystem and opened the FTL, "Allie?"


I started the ship moving, "I am on the way in and will pick you up."

"Admiral Peters wants to know what happened."

I accelerated, "I will explain when I get there."

I opened the system comm, "fleet control I am headed in to pick up my shuttle before going to Miros."

"You are cleared to Miros. Contact Miros orbital control when you are ready."

I slowed when I reached the shuttle and Allie matched speed and I pulled the shuttle in. As the bay door began to close I started to accelerate again. I looked back when everyone came onto the bridge. Allie ignored them and everything else as she came to me. I reached out and caught her hand and gave it a squeeze.

She smiled and then glanced around before moving to her seat. I looked at the admiral, "they gave a warning and an ultimatum. They said the human war was over."

I checked the displays, "I believe if we continue they will more than just warn. They said the Kull would cease to move between the stars. It did not have anything and read my ship’s computer without it setting off an alarm. It read everything and understood what it read."

I looked back, "it showed knowledge of our biology when we reached the hydroponics."

I looked at mom and she nodded, "from what I have seen and they have done I would say they are a race of telepaths."

She grinned, "that would explain a lot."

I gestured to the seats, "I asked for a meeting with the emperor. We are done and returning to Grer. I will build our hospital biosphere there."

I looked at the admiral as everyone sat, "I will also release the FTL technology."

He nodded and I turned back to what I was doing, "these aliens seem... reluctant to get involved. As if they are only doing it now so they do not have to later."

I looked at mom, "I think perhaps they have a hive mind or are developing one."

She moved to my chair, "now that would explain why they do not interact with other races and their absence."

We talked all the way to orbit around Miros. I took the shuttle down with Ginger, Tony, mom and David. After I left the shuttle Allie put it in stealth and brought it back to Night Scream. To say the emperor was not happy would be an understatement. He was willing to stop hostilities if the empire systems remained safe.

Allie picked me up in the imperial garden after the meeting and I returned to Night Scream. Mom had left a message that she would be coming to Grer before Allie had her babies. I kept the ship in stealth as I headed out and jumped. I sat back after putting the auto pilot on and turned to Allie with a smile, "now it is just us."

She stood from her seat and moved to me, "I have given it much thought and consideration. It would be safer if I were to place our children in artificial wombs."

I waited and she took my hand, "I do not wish to do that."

I smiled, "than you will follow the other path. No exercises and going slow or even bed rest."

She nodded and I moved out of my chair to hold her. I turned to head towards the galley, "I wish Angel..."

I sighed, "I wish she were here. She would know what you needed."

The ship alarm screamed and I spun and ran back towards the bridge. The huge alien ship in the scan was beside us and there was a glow spreading over both ships. I started to hit the screens and shields but everything went dark. I heard whispers and soft murmuring that seemed to come from inside my head and everywhere at the same time.

The image of an alien appeared, "we wish to offer you a position. We have felt the pain of your loss. We will return the ones lost if you will take our place and become a guardian."

I looked at it as the voices stilled, "the ones lost? You mean my friends and mates."

It shifted, "yes."

I thought about them going back in time, "and all the others?"

It shook its head, "we may not interfere."

I thought of Allie, "and Allie?"

It seemed to move closer, "it is but a machine."

I almost growled but it was moving back, "you do not believe this."

I tried to turn my head to look for her, "where is she?"

It sighed, "safe and concerned for you and the ones she carries."

Two more aliens joined the first and I heard the voices whispering again. The center alien shifted, "if she is with you and we return the others will you become the guardian?"

I looked at it and thought of having my friends and lovers back before I nodded. The dark returned and then nothing for a long time. My eyes snapped open to someone moving on me and my arms went around her. Olivia looked into my eyes, "what happened? We were with the others at the dig and then men in armor came and everything went dark."

I turned my head to see Jess, Teri and Julie and moved Olivia, "Allie?"

Her head lifted a moment later from the other side of Julie. Something about the way she looked, (almost frightened) made me move quickly, "Allie!"

She looked at me with wide eyes, "I can not feel the ship."

I held her and caressed her face before I looked around quarters that were larger. I moved off the bed, "everyone up!"

I swept Allie into my arms as the girls moved out of bed and turned to head for the door, "I need you Angel!"

Olivia ran to catch up, "who is she?"

The others were following and I slowed to look at the longer and wider halls, "ship? I need directions to the med bay!"

"Down a level and across to the blue section."

A glowing sphere appeared in the air and I began following it while Allie clung to me. I looked at Olivia, "It is a long story but she is Allie."

Julie moved forward to stride beside me, "our Allie?"

I nodded and glanced at Jess and Teri before I sighed, "I need to get her to the med bay to see if the babies are okay."

The girls gasped and Jess grabbed my arm to stop me, "you got her pregnant?"

I pulled on her and snorted, "it was not exactly my idea. You girls all do what you want. Why should Allie listen to me or be different?"

They laughed and then we were turning in at a huge room. I hesitated before Olivia pulled me to a bed, "put her down."

She went looking before grinning as she picked up a small remote, "med bay diagnostics?"


She moved to the bed, "I need a complete exam on the patient on the bed."

I cleared my throat, "check for developing embryos and also do a complete scan of the skull and brain."

It was a moment before I relaxed as I held Allie’s hand. The babies were fine but the neural receptor and transmitter were gone. I smiled and bent to give her a kiss, "you are completely human now."

She smiled and caressed my face before sitting up and looking at the others. I grinned and helped her off the table, "now to find the galley so we can talk."

The galley was much larger with wide comfortable seats. I grinned as Jess went to the synthesizer while we sat. If the aliens had done this they would have everything we had put into the other one. She turned and grinned, "nice selections."

She brought cups of tea back and I took a sip before leaning back, "you were killed."

I looked at them as they looked at each other. I shrugged, "I came down in the shuttle and killed the Talis soldiers but it was to late. Only a handful survived and I guess I lost my mind for awhile. I fixed Night Scream and went after the man responsible. I... I killed a lot of people to get him but I brought him back and let the survivors judge him."

I looked down, "after that I... I do not remember much for a long time. Allie took care of me until I found my way back."

I looked at them, "what they did to you..."

Olivia moved and took my hand, "okay we get the part where we were killed."

I shook my head, "they did not just kill you. The battle suits pulled people apart."

I stood and moved across the room, "you were gone."

I turned, "Allie was always with me. Yes my husband, no my husband..."

I smiled at Allie, "so I made an artificial body for her."

I snorted, "she had to learn how to control the body and I made it like a real body. It had to eat and rest and go to the bathroom."

They laughed and Julie slipped her hand into Allie’s, "but she is not artificial now."

I shook my head, "that was the result of my mother asking why I had not made her a real body."

They looked at each other and Teri leaned forward, "so how did you make the body and where is it?"

I smiled, "it was in storage. I went to Miros and joined the rangers and we went to war. I used DNA from all four of you to make this body for Allie. If she had not started off in the artificial one she might not have made it. It was a little easier the second time."

I looked at Allie and smiled, "she wanted to be human like her sisters. She even took a fertility drug."

I looked at Olivia, "do not ask me why or what because I do not and did not know. I thought she was going to put an implant in."

I looked at all of them, "as you saw in the med bay scan she is pregnant with four babies, four girls."

They grinned and I sighed, "besides the war with Talis, the Kull began another expansion only this time they tried to take us out first. They killed everyone and everything in the Talis system. Then an ancient alien race came, one more advanced than all the others we have studied. They stopped the fighting and restricted the Kull to their own worlds."

I looked at Allie, "we were returning to Greg to start building a medical biosphere. The aliens caught us while we were jumping. They were somehow in the wormhole and used something on the ship. Everything went dark and they... they offered me a position. They said they would return you if I became a guardian for them."

I looked at their quiet faces, "I do not know how I am going to monitor all the systems or know where too..."

Jess chuckled, "just like a male. They will tell you when there is trouble and where it is."

I looked at her and she stood, "this is not our Night Scream so I need to look over the weapons and defenses."

Teri stood and kissed my cheek, "I should go look at the engineering systems."

Julie stood and helped Allie up, "and I need to check the nav systems and the piloting controls."

Olivia laughed as Julie pulled Allie after her and came to give me a kiss, "I should look over the med bay and then check the hydroponics section."

I was left alone and once they were gone a holo of an alien appeared. It looked around, "The girls were right. We will let you know if there is trouble and where it is."

It looked at me, "on the outer rim of the abandoned ships you will find your biosphere. We found it most interesting."

The holo vanished and I sighed, "I guess I should start looking over everything before we have to use it."

We came out of the wormhole a few hours later and Julie set course for the ring of abandoned ships. The new Night Scream was the size of one of the alien ships. It had many surprises, a lot of spaces were for hydroponic sections which were almost garden like. There were large workrooms and the girls all seemed to love everything we saw.

So far the few times we have gone out it has been simple to deal with whoever after a demonstration.

The end

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