One Big Horny Weasley Family- Chapter 06 Coming to an Understanding

23 May 2023

Views: 497

"I’m going to gloss over the fact that you keep secrets from me. I think there are secrets you keep from yourself. I also think that’s part of our problem, the secrets. I keep them just because I know you’re keeping them. I understand why you keep secrets, and I understand that there are some secrets you have to keep; but secrets about things that relate to us as a couple are not healthy." She held up a hand when he started to interrupt her. "That’s another conversation for another day." She leaned in close and kissed him.

"Right now we’re talking about sex and fantasies. Really naughty sex," she said with a wicked laugh in her voice. "You know what I think of guys having sex. How many bi- and gay porno’s have I bought over the years? Besides, you didn’t think I was a dyke when I told you about my fantasies of sleeping with other girls."

"Okay, that’s different."


"Girls with lesbian fantasies are just fuckin’ sexy. Girls making out are just way hot. Face it, lipstick lesbians are sexy, even you have said so. Girl-girl-guy threesomes are every guy’s fantasy. Every guy wants to watch his girl eat pussy, and he wants to fuck her while she’s doing it. Even Ron, straight-laced-I-didn’t-kiss-a-girl-till-I-was-sixteen-Ron wants his wife on her hands and knees so he can watch her go down on another girl."

"Yeah, I was pretty shocked by that one," Ginny said with a laugh.

"But it’s different for guys. Guys who have fantasies about sucking cock or taking it in the arse are thought to be queer," Harry continued before she could say anything more. "It’s like there’s something wrong with them, something less manly."

"Oh trust me, if you were licking my pussy and getting fucked in the ass, you would not be any less manly in my eyes." She was almost panting as she said it, and Harry could tell she was getting seriously turned on talking about this.

"Tell me," he whispered in a dark, seductive voice, "what would you do if you saw me sucking some guy’s dick?" He could almost see the fires of passion burning in her eyes when she looked at him. "Would you watch? Would you finger your pussy?" He felt her fingers beside his own as he ran his fingers over her smooth, damp mound. "Would you get on your knees and help me, so that you could feel my lips on his dick?"

"Oh, God, Harry," she moaned as she grabbed him and kissed him. He groaned in response when she reached down and grabbed his already very hard cock. "You’re getting turned on by this as much as I am, aren’t you?"

"I am," he agreed.

"I have a surprise for you, then," she said with a wicked smile. "Let’s go upstairs and I’ll get it for you." He wondered what she had in store for him as he helped her up. Her surprises were usually very surprising, and frequently led to all kinds of adult naughtiness. He was very intrigued, because she seemed very excited about this one. "So tell me," she asked over her shoulder as they climbed the stairs, "did you enjoy sucking Ron’s dick?"

"I did," he admitted, "both times."

"Both times? I see you have more stories to tell me later. Did you do a good job of it?"

"I did okay. I choked when he came in my mouth, and I accidentally bit him a couple of times."

"Hmm, sounds like you need some lessons," she said in teasing voice. She reached down and gave his bum a healthy squeeze. "Tell me, did anybody play with that cute little arse of yours?"

"No, I don’t think they’re into anal. I didn’t see Ron so much as kiss her arse, let alone anything else."

"Oh, you poor boy," she said sympathetically, as she dropped down to her knees in the doorway to their bedroom. "I do know how much you like to have your arse fingered when I’m sucking your dick."

Harry spread his feet slightly as she sucked on her finger, then began to probe around his asshole as she kissed his pecker. Harry groaned and reached down to grab handfuls of Ginny’s hair. "Oh, yeah," he moaned as her finger slid into his arse and began to wiggle around. "You’re such a naughty little girl. You suck my dick like you were born to do it." Harry tightened his grip and began to thrust into his wife’s willing mouth.

The harder he thrust and the dirtier he talked, the more eagerly she sucked and the more energetically she worked his arse. He could feel it, he was getting close. He started to slow down so that he could savor the sensation of her sucking his entire length. However, this time she stopped and stood up.

"Now that I have your undivided attention, I need your help with something." She turned, sauntered over to the closet, and bent over to reach for something inside. He was seriously considering walking over and giving her a good spanking for leaving him high and dry. Then she stood back up. In the sparse light he couldn’t see what it was, but he could see what looked like straps hanging down and something long and phallic-looking. "Would you be a dear and help me put this on?"

She turned slightly so that more of the moonlight coming through the window illuminated what she was holding. He balked slightly as he realized his wife was holding a strap-on rig. "I thought I’d teach you how to give a really good blow-job." She held the dildo up to her mouth and sucked on it. She moved it down so that it was right in front of her pelvis, like it would fit when she was wearing it. "Then I thought I might bend you over the bed and fuck that tight little arse of yours while I reach around and stroke your nice, hard cock." Harry let out an involuntary moan of excitement.

"I thought you might like that," she said with a smile. "Now, why don’t you come over here and help me put this on?" Harry stepped forward and dropped to his knees in front of her, eager to assist. He caressed the leather straps and fondled the life-like rubber dildo. He held it out at ankle height so she could step into it. Then he slid it lovingly up her legs, caressing and kissing them as he did so. When he finally had it adjusted so that it fit her perfectly, he reached out and took hold of the business end of it and gave it a playful stroke. "Oo," Ginny moaned approvingly. "There’s a little knob back there that rubs my clit when you do that. This is going to be very nice."

"Shall we get started then?" Harry said as he looked up at his wife in all her kinky glory. He was practically trembling with excitement and arousal as he took hold of the phallus. It was perhaps six inches in length and had what was probably an average thickness, certainly much smaller than his own. He leaned in and breathed deep, it certainly didn’t have the smell of cock. He ran his hand down its length. It was smooth in the way that only plastic can be, but the veins gave it texture that he was sure would be exciting for whoever was on the receiving end of it. The harness was structured so that her labia was exposed, and her lips were damp with anticipation as he ran his fingers over her. He slid two, then three fingers into her and slowly pumped them in and out of her.

"You’re supposed to be sucking my cock, not fingering my cunt," she said between moans.

"I know." He twisted his fingers to make sure they were good and wet, then slid them out of her. He took hold of the dildo by its head with his now sloppy fingers and jacked her off. She thrust her hip in counterpoint to his hand for a few strokes before she put her hand on top of his head.

"Suck it, baby." It was both a command and a request. "You know you want to."

He grasped her protruding cock by the base and ran his tongue up the underside of it. When he reached the tip he swirled his tongue over it before closing his lips over it. He found it to be very pleasant when he could taste her pussy as he sucked it. It wasn’t as nice as sucking Ron’s cock. It didn’t have the warmth, and it didn’t pulse with life, but he focused on the rough feel of the veins passing over his lips as he began to bob his head up and down.

He remembered how sexy it was when Ginny looked up at him with her mouth full of his cock, so he tipped his head back a bit and looked up at her. She smiled down at him and ran her hand along the side of his face.

"That’s it baby," she cooed to him, "just like that." He felt her hand on the back of his head as she rocked her hips forward and forced it farther into his mouth. He gagged a little over half-way down and backed off a bit. "That’s okay," she said as she held him in place, "we’ll teach you how to swallow all of it." She kissed her fingers and held them to his cheek. Her breathing began to pick up a bit as she placed her hands on both sides of his head and began to slowly fuck his mouth.

"When I’m done with you, you’ll be able swallow all of eight inches of Ron’s cock. I know that’s what your really want, isn’t it."

Harry’s eyes got wide as she continued to stroke in and out of his mouth. "That’s right," she said with a wicked smile. "One day, I’m going to watch you suck my brother’s dick. You’re going to suck all of it." Her head rolled back and her tits jutted out as she drove her hips forward until he gagged again. "Sorry," she whispered. "Stroke it while you suck me. I’m getting close."

He stroked her with short hard strokes so that the nub on the back pounded against her clit. He just held his head still but he kept his eyes on her. The foreign object was starting to feel more comfortable in his mouth, and he wished she could tell him if he was doing a good job as he rubbed his tongue back and forth across the bottom vein of her cock.

"You’re going to suck it, and, and, and he’s going cum in your mouth." Her breathing got ragged and her eyes closed for a minute as she continued to thrust in an out of his mouth. "You’re going to show me all of his cum before you," her head fell back and she cried out as her body shook with the power of her orgasm.

The air reeked of her orgasm as Harry pushed her back on the bed. He spread her legs and pushed them back against her chest so that her arse lifted off the bed and he could get his face in her cunt. He lapped at her like a dog, forcing his tongue into her opening until at last she pushed him away.

"Fuck, that was hot," she finally said. She gave him a lecherous smile. "You look so sexy on your knees sucking my cock."

"Seems to me I’ve said that to you a few times, too." He leaned in and kissed her.

"A few times," she replied with a smile. She pushed him away and rolled over to sit up. She stood up and looked him, then looked down at the ever-ready cock thrusting out from her crotch, then back at him. "Come on, this isn’t going to fuck itself."

Harry laughed as he rolled toward her. "Where do you want me?" The reversal of roles was odd, and he wasn’t quite sure what he was supposed to be doing.

"Right here," she pointed at the edge of the bed, "on your hands and knees." She pulled a bottle of lube out of his nightstand. He did as she bade, and tried not to think too much about what was about to happen. Sure, she’d fingered his arse while she sucked his cock a few times, but that thing was a lot bigger than her finger. He sucked in a breath she smeared a cold dollop of lube on his sphincter. She was right, that shit was cold. She reached down and stroked his cock a couple of times. "I think you’re ready."

"Just be gentle," he said, "it’s my first time."

"I know," she said, and he could hear the grin on her face. "Just relax." She slid a finger into his rectum, then pulled it out and added a second. He took several deep breaths as she sawed her fingers in and out of him in long slow strokes. His breathing eased as she pulled her fingers out of him. He tried to stay relaxed, and wished he’d had a little more wine with dinner. He felt the spongy tip press against his sphincter.

"Wait," Ginny said, and the pressure disappeared. "You haven’t prepped for this." She pushed on his hip and he rolled onto his side.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there’s certain things that should be done before you get fucked in the ass. You probably don’t know them because you’ve never planned for it." She walked over to the dresser and grabbed both of their wands. "Into the loo with you."

When they were both in the bathroom she directed him to the bidet she had asked for when they remodeled the bathroom shortly after buying the house. "The charm," she began, "is pronounced proktiko katharismo." She said it slowly a couple of more times, sounding out each syllable until she was sure he had it correct. He took the wand she handed him. "Think about water when you’re doing it. Press the point to your arsehole, say the charm, and clean up after yourself when you’re done. You’ll get a weird, tickling sensation, then it will feel like you’re peeing out of your arse. Since you’ve never done it before, you might want to do it twice just to make sure."

Harry straddled the bidet. He’d never used it, and Ginny never let him watch her use it. His musing was interrupted by her voice coming through the closed door to the water closet. "If you haven’t… defecated… today, you should do that first."

‘There is no romance left,’ Harry thought to himself. "Umm, that’s a weird thing to say," he called back to her.

"I," she started to call back, then the door opened. She poked her head in and he realized she was blushing. "Please don’t make me spell it out for you. It’s a gross conversation, but I think you’re smart enough to figure it out." Then she disappeared and the door closed again.

He wondered if Ginny had to go through this every time they had sex. Sure, they didn’t have anal every time, but it wasn’t like they planned for it either. He wondered what else she went through just so he could get it ‘stuck in.’ He let his mind wander until it was time to try the charm. He said it a couple of times as he tried to figure out how to sit on the bidet. He assumed the controls were supposed to be in front of him, and when he pushed on the pressure valve it confirmed his suspicions.

He assumed the position and cast the spell. She was right, it tickled, kind of like having a little waterspout inside his arse. Then it was over and she was right again. He rinsed out the bowl, and did it a second time. This time the water ran clear, so he assumed he was done.

"That was… different," he said as he washed his hands. "And that wasn’t latin, was it."

"Greek," she said as she leaned over and kissed him. "Ready to try again?" When he affirmed that he was, she smacked his arse and sent him on his way. He crawled onto the bed and got up on his hands and knees again. "This just won’t do," she said as she reached down and shook his nearly limp cock.

He moaned as she got down behind him an sucked his balls into her mouth one at a time. She pointed his cock backwards toward her and sucked the head into her mouth. As he started inflate again, she let go of his cock and went to licking and sucking on his balls. Then she rimmed him and his head nearly came off. "Wow," he said as she did again.

"I don’t know why I’ve never done that to you before," she said as she pulled his cheeks apart and then began to worship his arse. Her tongue poked into him and twirled around, and his cock jumped up and slapped against his stomach. "Looks like you’re ready."

The lube didn’t seem to be any warmer this time than it was earlier. It didn’t make him tense up though. The pressure from the spongy tip of her cock did. "Relax," she said as she slid the cock along the crack of his arse a couple of times. Harry’s eyes got wide as he felt the pressure again, then she pushed a bit and he felt the mushroom head slide through his sphincter.

"Fuck me!" He took several deep breaths as she just left it there and let him adjust to it.

"And to think," she said as she patted his arse. "You’re twice this thick." She slid into him, he wasn’t sure how far, but if felt like he was trying to take a shit in reverse. "You okay?"

"Uh-huh," was all he could manage as he took several panting breaths. "Okay, I think I’m ready," he said after a minute or so of her gently rocking inside him. He felt her hands on his hips, and suddenly she pulled back on him. He felt like he was being split in two when he felt the leather of the harness push against him. Ginny moaned as she bottomed out against him.

"No wonder you like to do that," she said as she rubbed her hands over his back and pelvis. "Gods, that was sexy to watch." She gave him a couple of gentle, experimental pumps. "I wish I could feel what you feel, I’ll bet that’s sexy as fuck." Harry could only grunt in response. When she began to pull out of him, he let out a long breath. He couldn’t describe the feeling, but it was both relaxing and enervating as he began to prepare for when she pushed it back in.

"Ungh," was his response when she pushed back into him and she lightly slapped him on the arse.

"I wish you’d told me about this years ago," she said as she bottomed out in him again and made a little grunt of pleasure. "This if fucking making me hot." She took another long slow stroke in and out of him. "I don’t know how much longer I can keep going slow." She put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him hard against her and ground her pelvis against him. "I really want to feel this pounding against my clit." She bounced him hard against her a couple of times. "Fuck, yeah, that’s going to be really nice."

Harry saw stars when she did that, and could already feel his balls getting tight. "Just a couple more long strokes," he said. He loved that delicious feeling of her pulling back and the anticipation of her pushing deep back into him. At the bottom of each stroke she ground against him and made mews of pleasures.

"Fuck, Harry, I’m so close," she said. Her voice was ragged.

"Fuck me, baby, fuck my tight little arse," he cried as she started to pound him with short strokes. "Oh god, oh god, oh god damn!" He couldn’t see for the pulses of light going off in his mind with each sharp stroke as he bounced off her harness and pelvis. "Oh fuck," he shouted, "I’m gonna cum."

"Yeah you are," she shouted as she dug her fingers into his hips and pounded his arse against herself. He heard the beginning shout of her orgasm and she ground against him. "I'm fucking cumming!" she shouted and Harry couldn’t hold it anymore. Streams of sticky white jizz erupted from cock, it splattered across his chest and the comforter beneath him as he shouted in exultation.

His upper body collapsed down on the bed and he took several deep breaths.

"Oh, look," Ginny said after she caught her own breath. "My cock is still hard." She took a long stroke back and forward.

"Oh, god, no," Harry begged. He didn’t even have the energy to push himself up.

"Are you sure?" she ground against him again.

"Yeah, I’m sure," he made himself say.

"Alright," she sighed, "if you’re sure." When she pulled out of him, it was as though she had taken his entire spine. He simply collapsed on the bed. Ginny leaned down and kissed his cheek. "I’ll be back in a minute."

He heard water running from the bathroom, and it reminded him he was thirsty. He forced himself to sit up, but couldn’t make himself stand. He grabbed Ginny’s wand from the night stand since he’d left his on the vanity sink. With a tap and a word, the cup on his bedside table filled with water. He took a long slow drink. Then he tapped the comforter with the wand to clean up his mess.

"How’s your arse," Ginny asked as she walked to the closet, her strap-on rig in her hand.


"Yeah," she called from the closet. "I remember that part." She came back out and walked to her side of the bed. "Probably not up for another round then?" she asked as she crawled under the covers.

"I don’t think so," he replied after he finished his water. He crawled into bed and pulled her to him.

"That’s fine," she said as she curled herself into him. "Next time I’ll teach you about snowballing."

He turned off the light and lay in the darkness wondering if that was as much fun as this had been.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
