Iconic Characters Full of Magnets - The Batman 2022

02 March 2022

Views: 266

Synopsis and Review of The Batman (2022) The Emo Version of the Bat-Man, Dark and Full of Anger
The Batman again Maybe these are the thoughts of people who don’t like superhero stories when they find out that The Batman was made. Understandably, this iconic character made by Bob Kane has been brought to the big screen many times.

Starting from Adam West wearing the superhero robe in the 1960s, Tim Burton directed Batman (1989), to movies from the 90s to 2017 which featured a parade of famous actors. Starting from Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale, to Ben Affleck.

It is undeniable, when it was announced that he would play Batman, Robert Pattinson was bombarded with question marks. Not a few feel that the effect of a romantic vampire character is too attached to him.

But he was quite successful in bringing this character to life. Closed and gloomy like an emo boy whose bangs cover his face as Bruce Wayne, and fiery in a Batman cloak.

Not only Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz also shines as Selina Kyle who is full of magnetism. Likewise with Andy Serkis who plays Alfred, the loyal butler who brings the human side to the dynamics of the main character. The tension between these two iconic characters was palpable when Bruce Wayne snapped at Alfred, "You're not my father!"

