Whole Genome Synthesis Market CAGR Value 2023, Dynamics, Oncoming Demands, Indus

28 March 2023

Views: 31

The global Whole Genome Synthesis Market, which was estimated at 1.93 (USD Billion) in 2019 and is anticipated to accrue earnings worth 8.53 (USD Billion) by 2026, is set to record a CAGR of nearly 25.6% over 2020-2026. The report offers valuation and analysis of Whole Genome Synthesis market on a global as well as regional level. The study offers a comprehensive assessment of the industry competition, limitations, sales estimates, avenues, current & emerging trends, and industry-validated market data. The report offers historical data from 2016 to 2019 along with a forecast from 2020 to 2026 based on value (USD Billion).

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Whole Genome Synthesis Market: An Overview

The whole genome synthesis is the part of flourishing synthetic biology domain and is likely to transform cell engineering sector. In Coronavirus, viral genomes were synthesized and they have helped researchers in gaining insights about the spreading of virus and causing of the COVID disease. Persistent efforts were made for synthesizing the complete genome during the time of completion of human genome project. Reportedly, in 2002, through synthesizing of poliovirus cDNA, Eckard Wimmer and his fellow researchers assembled poliovirus genome commencing from oligonucleotides. In 2003, Craig Venter and Hamilton O. Smith reported a complete synthesis of a particular kind of bacteriophage genome, which was first sequenced by Fred Sagner in 1978. During 2008, the complete synthesis of Mycoplasma genitalia genome was done.

Reportedly, in 2019, researchers in China had stored the genome sequence of Coronavirus to its genetic database. However, a Swiss group of researchers synthesized the complete genome of the virus and sent it for lab study without waiting for the physical virus samples.

Whole Genome Synthesis Market: Growth Dynamics

Breakthroughs in Nanotechnology will favorably influence the growth of whole genome synthesis market in the forthcoming years. Furthermore, launching of new kind of technologies (or bio-technologies) for synthesizing Genome supported by new methods of exploring oligonucleotide synthesis made on microarrays will steer the whole genome synthesis market expansion over the forecasting timespan. Apart from this, with costs of genome synthesis declining considerably, it is likely that the whole genome synthesis industry will gain traction over the forthcoming years.

Furthermore, advent of golden-gate cloning technique and in vitro method along with inception of in vivo recombination-based technique will provide impetus to the expansion of whole genome synthesis market over the ensuing years. Apparently, with the advancements witnessed in the biotechnology sector, synthesizing of larger genomes like S.cerevisiae genome can become possible and this will create lucrative growth avenues for the industry over the forthcoming years. The whole genome synthesis will also aid the growth of gene editing technologies along with facilitating the research on creating new medicines for treating chronic diseases as well as eliminating dreadful virus.

The global Whole Genome Synthesis Market is segmented as follows:

Global Whole Genome Synthesis Market: By Type Segment Analysis

● Cloud Based
● Application

Global Whole Genome Synthesis Market: By Application Segment Analysis

● Chemical & Specialty Chemical
● Biotechnology
● Pharmaceutical
● Farming Sector

North America To Augment Whole Genome Synthesis Market Growth Over 2020-2026

North American market is predicted to witness a humungous growth over the forecast timeline owing to large-scale research projects pertaining to whole genome synthesis carried at various educational institutions like John Hopkins University. Apart from this, presence of key players in the countries like the U.S. will further contribute towards the regional market growth over the forecast timeline.

In addition to this, Asia Pacific market is likely to make notable contributions towards the overall whole genome synthesis market proceeds with China contributing nearly over 40% towards yeast genome synthesis.

Whole Genome Synthesis Market Key Players

• J. Craig Venter Institute
• Ansa Biotechnologies
• Twist Bioscience
• Integrated DNA Technologies
• Icon Genetics

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With necessity for producing new vaccines and immunotherapies, the market for whole genome synthesis is likely to gain momentum in the years ahead. In addition to this, whole genome synthesis will contribute sizably towards whole genome engineering market in the foreseeable future. Moreover, whole genome synthesis is going to be the catch phrase of the coming decade and next-gen trending gene technology due to the low-costs associated with highly-accurate genome synthesis. Citing an instance of genome synthesis of yeast, it is possible to create new strains of synthetic yeast with enhanced fermentation & ethanol tolerance along with its utilization in biofuel production as well as wine sector. It can also be used for producing products like antibiotics, vaccines, and fine chemicals.

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