To the Unloved Daughter: For all the unloved daughters by Danu Morrigan on Audio

20 March 2024

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Book To the Unloved Daughter: For all the unloved daughters PDF Download - Danu Morrigan

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To the Unloved Daughter: For all the unloved daughters
Danu Morrigan
Page: 224
Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
ISBN: 9780232533828
Publisher: Darton Longman & Todd Ltd

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There’s so much that so many daughters have never heard from their mothers: from advice to support, to compliments, to validation, to encouragement. All the things you longed to hear, but never did, and never do. Perhaps you do not have a mother who is able to say these things to you, or perhaps you have a mother who won’t. To the Unloved Daughter is a daybook of the loving words you need to hear. They are designed to be read as if they are said to you by your own inner mother, the part of you who is your own wise mother to yourself. This wisdom and love is accessible to you through your quietness and attention, a place of personal healing and kindness. This simple but life-healing book can be read one note a day, in one whole sitting, or dipped into occasionally as you need to. The messages are simple but true, and are intended to replace years – even lifetimes – of reinforced negative messages.

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To the Unloved Daughter: For All the Unloved Daughters by Danu
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