9th June 2022 - Google Fonts, Account Filters & Updated Translations

Author: 41f64514c3

09 June 2022

Views: 22,128

Hi to all Pastelink Users!

We normally like to aim for monthly updates, but this time we're nearly at 8 weeks since the last. This has been due to one of our updates taking longer than expected, holidays taken and Polish language requiring a slight rework of our translation system - multiple plural forms really messed us up! In any case, we're back to our normal schedule and here's the list of changes made since April:

Font Choice

Our main part of this update, we've created and added a system that allows you to choose any of over 1,400 fonts available on Google Fonts on your pastes. In order to keep it robust, we also coded a system to keep this up to date automatically, so each week a new selection of fonts will appear that you can use right away. It also tracks new font weights that get added (like bold) and keeps the filters updated in case a font updates to support a new script.

As we added this font feature a few weeks ago, some new fonts were automatically added since we launched this feature, bringing the new total to 1424:

Nuosu SIL
Kdam Thmor Pro
Tai Heritage Pro
Charis SIL
Gentium Plus
Tiro Devanagari Sanskrit
Tiro Devanagari Marathi
Tiro Devanagari Hindi
Spline Sans Mono
Tiro Telugu
Tiro Kannada
Tiro Bangla
Tiro Tamil
Tiro Gurmukhi
Blaka Hollow
Crimson Text

Related bug fix: Some phones were taking the list of 1400 fonts and building the magnified selector out of it, which took up to 15 seconds to load on some phones, which unfortunately slipped through our testing. We've fixed this now, load times should be instant again for everyone.

Account Paste List Filters

As some of our users are approaching 10,000 pastes, we felt it was time to improve the paste list controls. You can now filter your lists by status (all, published, expired, deleted).
Also, total views of all of your pastes has been added here.
We'll be adding more improvements to your account paste lists shortly.

Updated Translations

Malay, Arabic and Spanish were all brought fully up to date with over 1000 words of new updates translated.

Sticky Options Improvements

The sticky options banner was appearing a bit too much, even when you didn't make any changes to your paste options. It now works smartly, and will only show if you make a change that differs from the site default options, or from your own defaults.

Adshrink Updates

Adshrink have recently closed for new registrations. However, we've managed to negotiate a working registration link for all Pastelink users - just use the link in the connections page of your account, or pasted here: https://adshrink.it/affiliate-pastelink-sign-up/

Custom URLs and Deleted Pastes

Deleting a paste will now free up the custom URL used.
Note that it won't be restored automatically if you restore the paste! Custom URLs will also not be freed if we had to delete a paste for not complying with our content policy.

Bugs Fixed

The captcha was not meant to appear for logged out users on every paste. Its been reduced as intended.
Cloning pastes wasn't working properly after the font update
The your pastes account page had some visual issues if you had a lot of pastes
The footer image was not correctly loading on dark mode.

Help us Fix Bugs Faster

As always, please do contact us if you spot anything not working correctly on Pastelink. The font picker bug was fixed within 18 hours of us becoming aware of it, but that wasn't for a few days after it first appeared. You can use the contact page, or email us on support@pastelink.net

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