Resume templates to design your resume

25 August 2022

Views: 306

It is well known that CVs are the most important documents when looking for a job in any company. Before appearing for an interview, you must submit a resume to a potential employer to confirm your suitability. If, after reviewing the details listed, the employer considers you suitable for the position, they may invite you for an interview and evaluate your work in interaction. See

Even if you are a good employee but don't know how to put the right details on your resume, you may be missing an opportunity. To do this, you need to know the basic tips on how to write an attractive resume. Resume templates are ready-made formats for putting together your resume. You just have to enter your details in this format and your CV is ready. There are many different resume templates designed for different jobs. You have to choose the right one for you. Resume templates will help you overcome the first hurdle on your way. Check

Microsoft Office application provides various sample resume templates for end users. You can choose the right format based on your needs, edit the template and fill in your details accordingly. Thus, your specific CV is ready. There are three main types of resume templates. They are -

Chronological Pattern

functional template

hybrid pattern

Different professionals offer different ways to write a resume. It is best to create your CV yourself using the employer's expectations and the details you have relevant to those expected by the employer.

Chronological Pattern

A chronological resume template is used when you need to focus on past work experiences when approaching recruiters. This format is the most commonly used by job seekers these days. The order of the sections in the resume is as follows:

contact information

Career goal

work experience

Academic Certificates

key skills

Prizes and awards

personal profile


The "Experience" section is listed immediately after the "Objectives" section on the resume. This format is used when a person with sufficient experience in a similar field is applying for a senior position at another company. In this case, the employer, based on their extensive experience, assumes that the candidate already has the skills required for the job and does not waste time reading this section. Your relevant work experience will help you get the job you want.

Items in this template should be listed in reverse chronological format. When listing experiences, list your most recent experience first, then your most recent experience, and so on. The details of the training are also listed in a similar way.
