3rd November 2021 - Paste Defaults & New Languages

Author: 41f64514c3

03 November 2021

Views: 13,804

Hi Everyone!

This month we've added a useful new feature - paste defaults. If you often create very similar pastes, this will let you add a template version to your Pastelink account, which will load every time you create a new paste. This is available for every one of the Pastelink paste options!
Even better, we also included support for some macros, which will change depending on the day, or your account stats. For example, %day% will return the day of the week. To make it work for everyone, we also added a language setting for each of our 8 supported languages and a timezone setting that will ensure the date macros are always correct.
Once you've logged in, visit the 'Paste defaults' link in the sidebar or follow this link: https://pastelink.net/account/defaults

In other news, we've added three highly requested languages, Arabic, Spanish and Malay. Arabic and Spanish posed a number of issues for us, hence the 3 weeks in between updates. We had to re-word a few things after signing off the translator, so a few sentences here and there will still be in English. Those will be patched up on our next round of translation very soon.

Now that default options are available, it made our sticky options feature cause some potential confusion. So, if sticky options are in effect, we'll now tell you about it on the submit page and give you the option to reset them.

We also just concluded our first Pastelink poll, which saw hundreds of you voting on what you'd like to see added to Pastelink next. At the top of the list was more sharing options, we've got some great ideas to help you all share your pastes and we'll get started on them right away. Our next poll will likely cover #2 and #4 on the list, as they both open up the further question - what tools and options are most in demand?

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