6 Things To Do In Murchison Falls National Park

04 January 2022

Views: 62

The Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda is among the best places to visit in Africa. Situated on the shore of Lake Albert, the park is known for the Murchison Falls, where the Victoria Nile River gushes through a narrow gap before making a massive drop. Naturally, there are plenty of activities for adventure seekers and nature lovers alike. So if you’re looking for some fun and exciting things to do in Africa, a visit to the Murchison Falls National Park must be on your list. Here’s a gist of the activities for you:

Hike to the Waterfall

The Murchison Falls National Park is vast and exploring it by foot is one of the best things to do in Africa. You can take a river cruise that will give you spectacular views of the park and its animals before bringing you to the starting point of your hike. Then you can hike up to the falls through the lush woodlands, coming across a variety of animals and birds on the way.

For more information,
visit : https://bushmansafaris.com/murchison-falls-national-park/
