Time management - what is it?

October 10, 2022

Views: 106

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A person doesn't have 10 hands. In order to do everything on time, you need to master the art of time management, also known as time management. But this term is shrouded in so many myths and prejudices that one can lose count. And it all depends on how you use the tool ...

I'll bring clarity to this confusion - I will talk about time management, destroy common myths and list popular techniques.

Definition of time management
Time management is a technique of organizing conscious control and the distribution of time. With its help, you can achieve your goals and objectives in time, improve efficiency and effectiveness. Read more here: https://getassist.net/time-management-tips-for-students/ .

The term "time-management" translates to "time management". Initially used in business, it has migrated to everyday life.

What is it for?
To organize your time! Time-management is needed to separate the most important things from the flow of things and do only them.

Think back to the last time you didn't have time to do everything you planned. Or when the thought occurred to you that unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day, not 30. If this sounds familiar to you, you should definitely do some time management.

The main principles of time management
The principles of time management

To ensure that the time-management process runs smoothly, there are a few important principles to follow.

Goal setting. Setting clear goals and results is half the battle.
Prioritising. It is necessary to understand what you have to do faster to reach your goal.
Planning. Make a plan for your day and follow it.
Analysing your experiences. A plan is made on the basis of how you act in certain situations.
Rest. You need to replenish your energy, so make sure you include rest in your action plan.
Motivation. This is usually the result of a set goal. But you may give yourself small rewards for accomplishing boring or difficult tasks. There is also a method of punishment - if the task is not completed, you deprive yourself of some nice thing.
Using helper services. These can be different websites, apps on your computer or smartphone.