#Chan-Ban Evasion v2.0.1 : Oct 2023

Author: c67fdff6c9

October 23, 2023

Views: 238

Original Version


4chan Ban Evasion Guide v2.0.1 ; If you are reading this, you have taken the first step into learning how to ban evade on 4chan. Sorry in advance for the walls of text.
In this messy guide, we are going to go over every method (I know of at least) to ban evade on 4chan. Keep in mind - It is important to read all of the sections. If you do not, you run the risk of making this more complicated for yourself by exposing that you are ban evading.
If you are here because you were IP range banned, you may still want to read the first section 'Image Cleaning' or you can skip down to the 'IP Range Ban' section.

\*==Preparations & Hiding your Tracks==*/

Image Cleaning

We start off with prep section. Before you even attempt to come back, it is important to clean the meta data off your images. You know that meme folder you have with all the images? Every one of them has meta data on them, known as MD5 data.
Jannies can use this to pin if you are ban evading, as the image you upload will have a matching MD5 hash as an image that was used on a banned account. It is important to note that jannies don't always check for this because they are lazy and suck at their 'jobs', and normally will only check if they notice a pattern in images.
However, if they one day do decide to check and see multiple MD5 hashes that match on multiple banned accounts, they will IP range ban you which is what we are trying to avoid. If you have already been IP range banned, we will discuss that further down.

Q ; So how do I change the file properties? Just make a copy?
A ; No, and removing properties wont work either. The most effective method is to download a MD5 changer that will let you mass change your files MD5 data in bulk. Otherwise, you would have to delete and re-download your images to change their MD5 data or manually change a pixel in every picture in an art app.
I will link to an MD5 changer at the end of this guide, along with other useful tools. Another tool which is wise to use is the Filename Randomizer. This will allow you to randomize your filenames in bulk.

Q ; Why do I want to change my filename?
A ; Because people and jannies can search by filename, and if they see the same picture with matching filename even if the MD5 is changed, that is enough suspicion for them to IP range ban you.

Keep in mind this is not a catch-all. If you decide to spam the same image over and over again unsubtly, jannies will see the pattern and IP range ban you. They can also track similar images that are posted and see every time you posted the same image.
You may be asking "What's the point in changing the file name and MD5 if they can trace it still?". The answer is someone else could have downloaded your image and re-uploaded it, so the jannies wont know if it is you or not unless you are super unsubtle about it.
Naming the image the image # of the last time you posted the picture also makes it seem more convincing you are someone else, however, jannies aren't detectives or being paid and likely wont look that far into it.

[Side Notes]

Q ; Does the MD5 data only apply to pictures?
A ; It applies to everything. So yes, you SHOULD use the tool on your .gif, .webm, and whatever other files you upload as well. Or like I said, just delete and re-download them.

Q ; Do I have to do this every time I post?
A ; Yes. At least, if you are/were banned and plan continuing to troll more. Just change them every time you get banned and ban evade. It's not hard if you use the tool to do them in bulk.

Q ; What if I already ban evaded and posted the same pictures without the meta data scrubbed?
A ; Hope the janny didn't notice through his moderation tools. If he did, he can flag your IP range as 'suspicious'. You would know if your range is flagged if you were banned for 1 month for 'ban evasion'. These flags wear off over time.

Q ; Does it matter how I post it?
A ; Generally if you are phone posting, phones will convert PNG images into JPEG/JPG. This will cause artifacting(pixilation) in the image and apply more meta data to the image.
Think of it this way ; Your phone alters the image and then 'signs' it with extra meta data that can be tracked. This makes subtle phone posting more complicated, and I can't quite give you an answer since I don't use JPEGS because I hate artifacting.
The answer may be as simple as "Don't use the same picture twice. After use, copy the picture(s) to your computer, select them all, right click, properties, then click remove all personal info before going through the normal MD5 Process"
The alternative is your phone applies a matching hash to all pictures it converts that you post which can be tracked to see "Oh all these pictures are coming from this same source that is ban evading". Idk. Figure it out yourself, the research for this guide was already tiring enough for me.

Q ; What if I don't want my images to be traceable?
A ; Changing the MD5 data will not make your images come up under the 'view same' function, however, if you are unsubtle jannies will notice and have tools to compare similar looking images, regardless of MD5 hash.
There will be a guide bellow on basic photoshop pointers to edit your images so they aren't traceable and can get past image filters. Also keep in mind that other users could have downloaded your pictures and re-posted them, so if you are posting a wojak I don't think the jannies will know it is you unless you include the same copy-pasta on a dozen different posts.

\*==Ban Evasion==*/

So first and foremost, the obvious thing to do is delete your cookies. Any cookies you have in your web browser tied to 4chan. This includes local storage. Or you can just open 4chan in a private window.
I recommend Brave Web Browser where you can easily block or delete cookies on exit in the settings, especially because it has a built in TOR, which is recommended if you use /pol/, as it's been proven that feds track IPs on /pol/ and put users on watch lists.
It's once again important to state that you should be subtle with your posting. I.E. Don't post the same pictures over and over again. If you want to do that, you will just be IP range banned. Limit yourself to only posting the same picture-thread once a week, and avoid copy-pasting the same threads.
Take time to look at the 4chan /(insert board letter)/ archive and filter by deleted posts or something to find picture you like and build a large folder so you are less likely to be repetitive.
Most importantly, if too many IPs within your IP range have active bans, you will automatically be IP range banned. This number varies based on if your IP range already had been IP range banned in the past or has flags.
In other words, You probably shouldn't have more than 20 IPs with active bans at a time, and should wait for the (normally 3 day) ban counter to expire on some IPs before heading back in.

1. Phone Posting
Phone posting is one of the most simple ways to ban evade due to how phones work. All you have to do is simply turn your Sim Card service on and off, or airplane mode on and off, and you will have a new IP.
If you want to post on a computer, you can enable Hotspot on your phone, add a password to your hotspot, then connect your computer's Wifi to your phone.
Keep in mind all data will be sent through your phone, so it can quickly eat up your data if you have a data limit. If you use this method, it is advised to shrink the size of your images to conserve data.
This isn't a perfect method as most phone carriers have already been IP range banned due to how easy it is to abuse it and people have already done just that.

2. Routers
What is most likely to be unbanned is your ISP company. There are various different methods to change your IP, but first you need to know how it works.
First thing to know is if your router is a static or dynamic IP router, or both. This can be checked in your router settings. If you don't know how to access them, go to your ISP's home page and check.
You need to have your IP set to dynamic for it to be able to change. A router assigns an IP address to a device that is plugged into it. It can be a computer, a wifi modem, etc.
However after assigning a unique IP to a device, it will 'release' the IP if the device hasn't connected to the router in a set amount of time.
This can range anywhere from 5 minutes to 24 hours depending on your ISP and if they want you to keep your IP so they can more effectively build a marketing profile off your IP to sell to companies, because ISP companies suck.
2.1. Disconnect the internet
You may have an ISP that will give you a new IP strait away. To check, open a web browser and type 'what is my IP'. Check it, save it, disconnect your router. Wait 5 minutes, turn it back on, and search again. If your IP changed, congrats. If it didn't, you may have to wait longer.
2.2 Changing/Spoofing MAC address
Go into your router's settings and change the MAC address. Now power cycle the router, maybe the modem as well if you have one. This should change your IP, regardless of of your ISP's time limits because it will see it as a new device. If you don't know what a Mac Address is or how to change it, look it up.
2.3 New devices
Connect a new device to your router. It has to be done via ethernet, because if you are connecting via wifi, then the modem connected to the router is what has the IP address. Or you can hook up/swap out other modems.
Basically, you can hook up laptops or new devices that can connect to the internet and to the router to get new IP addresses for that specific device. This method works well if you have lots of spare laptops, Ipads, modems, etc.
(Note ; This method only works if you have an IPv6 Address and not an IPv4 from my understanding, I don't use IPv4 so I wouldn't know since it's not my profession to know everything about IPs.)

\*==IP Range Ban==*/

So you got yourself IP range banned? You must have pissed off a janny in an unsubtle way or left a paper trail to track you, congrats! Or maybe someone else living close to you & trolling got your range banned. Lets discuss how IP range bans work.
An IP range is a set group of numbers in your IP address that never change even if you change IP. This is the IP range and it is chosen based on your ISP and your location(ping) to the closest ISP data center.

Q ; Can you change an IP range?
A ; You would have to change ISP, move, or have an ISP that lets you choose what centers you can connect to (which is rare).

Jannies don't like giving IP range bans because this kills 4chan traffic, making 4chan even more irrelevant. What jannies will often do is only give IP range bans on a per board basis, IP range image ban you, or IP Range ban your ability to create threads.
However, eventually any IP range ban will be removed automatically after a set time frame. After all, if they didn't 4chan would be a dead website no one would go to because they can't post. I do not know the exact timeframe, but it is a minimum of 6 months - over 1 year.
Even if it is removed however, they may keep your IP range image banned, prevent your range from posting threads, prevent you from abusing reports, and keep your range on high notice which means it would take less IPs being banned in your range at once for them to re-range ban you again.

Q ; I'm only image banned. How am I supposed to evade it or troll?
A ; Copy-pastas. I'll provide some in the links, but you can use a browser to search up 'copy-pasta' or '4chan copy-pasta', or check deleted posts on the archive sites.
Ideally it is best not to get IP range banned if you can avoid it, however, there are methods to get around it.

1.Traveling /w/ Phone

While you are out an about, maybe driving to a store or something, you can connect to different wifi towers. Your phone connects to the nearest wifi tower with the lowest ping. It should do this automatically but you may have to quickly turn your sim carrier wifi off and on again, or just set your phone to airplane mode on and off.
Because you are near a new wifi tower, that tower will be under a different IP range. Again however, lots of people troll via phone because it is easy, so there is a chance the new wifi IP range your phone connected to is also IP range banned. So it's all about exploring and testing. You can find detailed lists of all cell tower locations in your area online.
If you use an older Android Phone, you can look up how to enable Engineer Mode / Service Mode on your Android to manually choose and connect to any wifi tower that is in range, rather then which ever one is closest. Your phone has to have a MediaTek processor and you will need an app to see each wifi tower's info such as LTE Discovery so you can plug the Cell ID and ARFCN in.
There are tutorials online if you need more info. You can also look up Signal Guru, but it is a paid app service. Maybe new free apps will come out by the time you read this.

2. VPNs
Most VPNs are not recommended. The problem with VPN IPs is that they are not exclusive to you. This mean 9/10 times, they will be already banned or IP range banned by someone else who posted cunn on it before you did.
However, there are a few out there that are ok. What you are looking for is a VPN with rotating residential proxies. This means they change their IPs regularly, normally on a monthly basis. The more IPs and locations they have the better, because you are more likely to find a spot that isn't range banned.
Here are some examples -
(Note ; The slow 'free' option allows 10 IPs per day, and lets other users use your IP and network. You can get range banned from multiple services if your IPs are abused by others. Use the free version AT YOUR OWN PRECAUTION since people could send illegal material through your IP. It's hosted in USA, Slow upload / download speeds so it should only be used for 4chan, and acts more like a large scale proxy network then a VPN.)
(Make sure to buy ONLY rotating residential proxies package on IProyal.)
Keep in mind residential VPNs act more like proxies then VPNs, and for most of them you are paying the individual rather then the company. If you're American a VPN is always nice to have for faster download speeds to sail the high seas without your ISP threatening you. Or if you are doing shady stuff where you will need extra layers of security (Just make sure the VPN isn't hosted in a "5 eyes country").
You could also try smaller, niche, unknown VPN providers since their IP ranges likely aren't logged or used (yet).

3. Proxy
Finding a GOOD proxy network is effective, but may be a bit less simple. You can set up your own proxy server remotely at a relative's house or somewhere else and connect to it. Or you can look to buy proxies from places like Brightdata, Oxylabs, SmartProxy, etc. Though they may be expensive.
Most of the time you will have to pay for this kind of service, on the cheap side you can get 25$ for 150 proxies in 3rd world countries. But you can also scrape free proxies if you look around enough.
Here's an example (Keep in mind they are banned half the time) - List of proxies detected by Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Open_proxy_detection
The page is automatically updated daily with new proxies. However anything you upload through the proxies can be tracked, including your IP, so you may want to take precaution via VPNs.
In this scenario you do not need a good VPN to connect to a proxy to avoid being tracked. Just download a free VPN not hosted in America like ProtonVPN or something. If you need more security then that, I question what you are posting.
The best proxy services that people tend to use are the foreign ones for numerous reasons such as they don't know what 4chan is so they are likely not IP range banned if they are fresh and un-used. This will require you to browse questionable webpages is foreign languages though. You should try to find Dynamic IP Proxies and not Static so that you can change the IP address on them. Also important to note slightly further down is a link to a paid API 4chan uses to block proxies and other services, make sure the proxy you are buying isn't on that list. Here's a small example list of Proxy services you can try, and cross check to see if they are already banned.

4. Experimental
(Note - I have not tried any of the methods in this section and have a feeling they wont work.)
Tor Masking via Android tethering (EXPERIMENTAL) - You will need to know how to code, and you may need an android phone.
- Other methods that may (Emphasis on may) work but I never bothered even the most basic level of researching are "ZeroNet" & "Tails TOR".


Q ; Should I submit a ban appeal?
A ; Don't bother with it unless you want to troll the jannies. They never unban you. The most they will do is take a closer look at your IP range's posts which can put you in the crossfire of being IP range banned if you left any evidence.

Q ; Should I use Tripcodes?
A ; ALWAYS leave the name and tripcode section blank.

Q ; How does 4chan block so many IPs?
A ; Right now, they use a paid API known as Blockscript ( https://www.blocked.com ). It blocks IPs considered to be abusive, such as IPs from datacenters, VPNs, Tor nodes, free proxies, etc. However they could use/add more counter measure services by the time you read this.

Q ; Why doesn't my post/thread go through sometimes? It says post successful but nothing shows up!
A ; It could be the flood filter is on, your user-agent, or your image is filtered by someone who abused it previously.
If 3 threads/replies are posted within a short period of time by users with different IPs and 4chan_pass cookies with a very little amount of posts attached to them (aka 'empty' 4chan_pass cookies), then the flood filter activates. It lasts exactly 5 minutes.
4chan compares your user-agent with what your TLS fingerprint says. e.g. If you have a Chrome TLS fingerprint, but your user-agent says you're using Firefox, this is an immediate redflag and your post doesn't go through. Use only user-agents that would fit your browser type.

1. Filtered Images
Your image has been image banned by you or someone else who spammed it previously. Most filtered images are only blocked from being used as OP posts, and still work on replies.
This is a simple guide on how to get around the image bans so you can post what you want.
When it comes to image banning, It's not as simple as add a pixel to get it unbanned. Rotating, minor cropping, etc wont bypass the restriction, because the model (mostly) focuses on the center point of the image.
A quick (and lazy) way to bypass this would just be to draw a line through the center. However, we are going to discuss how to edit the image with seemingly little quality removal to bypass the filter (so long as they don't upgrade their filter methods).
For this tutorial, I am going to be detailing a step by step guide on how to edit your images with Photoshop. First, download photoshop in the link bellow. Do note ; It will need admin permissions.
If you don't trust it, you can skip the guide and figure it out yourself with MS Paint or whatever. We are going to open Photoshop. In the top left, click file, open, and select your picture. Next, click on filter, distort, and select Twirl. Set the value to 1 or -1 and click ok.
This will ever so slightly change the center of your picture to avoid the image filter, while keeping your picture's quality. This also works with the filter, Distort, Sphereize option. When done, click file, save as (or save), PNG.
If you will be phone posting, you add an extra step and go into the image tab up top when done afterwards, click image size, from the drop down menu change pixels to percent, and lower the percentage to reduce your mobile data consumption.
Note ; If this doesn't work you may have to add a tiny bit more distort to your image until it works. It shouldn't take more then a value of 5 to bypass filters.

2. Converting JPEGs into PNG
JPEGS hold a lot of potentially compromising meta data. If you are phone posting, as phones convert all PNG files into JPEG. You could have also downloaded a JPEG image you want to use online. It's important to minimize our footprint to avoid janny detection where possible.
In this guide I will teach you how to optimize your JPEGS. Because we are making a copy, all of the meta data will be scrubbed and you can delete the original picture when we are done. Open Photoshop and go to file > Open on your JPEG.
We are going to make an automatic JPEG to PNG script. Click on the Window tab up top, and click on Actions. It should be the play arrow on the right of the screen. Next click the paper icon at the bottom of the small window.
Under name, remove action and name it JPEG to PNG. You can also add a quick function key if you want, up to you. Press record. Now, go to filter at the top, go to noise, and click Despeckle. This will remove the image quality degradation from the JPEG quality.
Next go to filter, sharper, unsharpen mask. This tool will bring back some of the quality the Despeckle tool lost when cleaning the artifacting. I recommend setting the amount to 25, Radius 0.6, Threshold 0. Click ok.
Now go to file up top, click save as, click png and select your folder (Keep in mind all future pictures you convert will be saved in the directory you choose). Click save. Go to the actions pop up window again and click the square.
Now in the future, whenever you want to transfer a JPEG to PNG, you open your picture, go to that window , click on the JPEG to PNG file and press the play button. It will then automatically do these steps and you can close photoshop, unless you want to resize or rotate the image, or crop it (the fourth tool on the left)

3. Resources

File Name Randomizer

File MD5 Hash Changer


Backup Upload of MD5 Changer, File Name App Changer, Copypasta

Wojak Collection

Credits ;
This guide was made out of spite towards the jannies who would ban me for replying to off-topic threads that they left up for over half an hour. Do your 'job' and delete the threads instead of the anons who reply to it due to your incomitance.