Ancient Whites

Author: 960ce8cd70

May 15, 2017

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Ancient Whites / Ancient Aryans

White Adamic Man Found All Over The World

Up to 70 percent of British men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, geneticists in Switzerland said.

Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy centre, iGENEA, reconstructed the DNA profile of the boy Pharaoh, who ascended the throne at the age of nine, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III, based on a film that was made for the Discovery Channel.

King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y Chromosomes
Despite the refusal of the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, to release any DNA results which might indicate the racial ancestry of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the leaked results reveal that King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes.

The DNA test results were inadvertently revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary filmed with Hawass’s permission — but it seems as if the Egyptian failed to spot the giveaway part of the documentary which revealed the test results.

Hawass previously announced that he would not release the racial DNA results of Egyptian mummies — obviously because he feared the consequences of such a revelation.

On the Discovery Channel broadcast, which can be seen on the Discovery Channel website here, or if they pull it, on YouTube here, at approximately 1:53 into the video, the camera pans over a printout of DNA test results from King Tut.

Firstly, here is a brief explanation of the results visible in the video. It is a list of what is called Short Tandem Repeats (STRs).

STRs are repeated DNA sequences which are “short repeat units” whose characteristics make them especially suitable for human identification.

What does this mean? Fortunately, a genius by the name of Whit Athey provides the key to this list. Mr Athey is a retired physicist whose working career was primarily at the Food and Drug Administration where he was chief of one of the medical device labs.

Mr Athey received his doctorate in physics and biochemistry at Tufts University, and undergraduate (engineering) and masters (math) degrees at Auburn University. For several years during the 1980s, he also taught one course each semester in the electrical engineering department of the University of Maryland. Besides his interest in genetic genealogy, he is an amateur astronomer and has his own small observatory near his home in Brookeville, MD.

He also runs a very valuable website called the “Haplogroup Predictor” which allows users to input STR data and generate the haplogroup which marks those STR data.

For those who want to know what a haplogroup is, here is a “simple” definition: a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation.

Still none the wiser? Damn these scientists.

Ok, let’s try it this way: a haplotype is a combination of multiple specific locations of a gene or DNA sequence on a chromosome.

Haplogroups are assigned letters of the alphabet, and refinements consist of additional number and letter combinations, for example R1b or R1b1. Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups have different haplogroup designations. In essence, haplogroups give an inisight into ancestral origins dating back thousands of years.

By entering all the STR data inadvertently shown on the Discovery video, a 99.6 percent fit with the R1b haplogroup is revealed.

The significance is, of course, that R1b is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup in Europe reaching its highest concentrations in Ireland, Scotland, western England and the European Atlantic seaboard — in other words, European through and through.


R1b is the most common haplogroup in Western Europe, reaching over 80% of the population in Ireland, the Scottish Highlands, western Wales, the Atlantic fringe of France, the Basque country and Catalonia. It is also common in Anatolia and around the Caucasus, in parts of Russia and in Central and South Asia. Besides the Atlantic and North Sea coast of Europe, hotspots include the Po valley in north-central Italy (over 70%), Armenia (35%), the Bashkirs of the Urals region of Russia (50%), Turkmenistan (over 35%), the Hazara people of Afghanistan (35%), the Uyghurs of North-West China (20%) and the Newars of Nepal (11%). R1b-V88, a subclade specific to sub-Saharan Africa, is found in 60 to 95% of men in northern Cameroon.

Most people are unaware of this reality regarding ancient Egyptian civilization. Indeed, in the early 1990s, U.S. schools were pushing Afrocentrism in predominantly black schools stating that Egyptians—and indeed all the great civilizations of ancient history—were the product of black Sub-Saharan Africa. Many white students openly bought into this dogma and thereby were unaware of the hard evidence regarding widespread white influence throughout the legacy of human civilization. Arthur Kemp has done a miraculous job in countering these fallacies.
In The Children of Ra he writes:

Unintentionally leaked DNA results from a television documentary on the genetic testing of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun revealed that his paternal lineage is a 99.6 percent match with western European Y-Chromosomes.”

Arthur Kemp further tells us:

The DNA tests results. . . . were revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary ‘King Tut Unwrapped,’ filmed with the permission of the secretary general of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass. He had previously announced that he would not release the racial DNA results of Egyptian mummies.”

Kemp pointed out that the camera panned over a printout of these DNA results and it unequivocally showed R1b DNA, a signature which is shared by those people in Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia, England and Western Europe. The R1b haplogroup is one of the most common of European haplogroups.

To wrap up his book The Children of Ra, Kemp states that the original population of Egypt was of old European stock. As the Lithuanian anthropologist Marija Gimbutas described in her book The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, this population, also known as the Pre-Aryans, reached their zenith in the Neolithic Age around 7500 B.C. and occupied a region that extended from the Aegean and Adriatic as far north as western Poland and the Ukraine.

Half of European men share King tut's DNA

REAL King Tut DNA Test = WHITE 100%

Ancient Egypt was one of the first great White civilizations. It is practically indisputable that this collection of pictures shows a race of White Egyptians in the earliest times. Many of them may not be perfect models of the ideal Aryans, because it is recorded that some of them had Hittite blood, however they certainly were White. There are no black Africans pictured here. However Egypt also became a "multicultural" empire at an early time. And for that reason the nation degenerated. By the 8th century BC, Egypt had been invaded and ruled by Nubians from the south. It is from these that the myths of an African Egypt emerge. The culture had long since reached its epitome, and was in a state of sharp decline. The later Egypt of the Ptolomies was a Greek colony, and not really Egyptian at all. However this former center of White civilation had long since been supplanted by those of Mesopotamia, Persia, Greece and Rome. What is happening to America today is exactly the path that Egypt took three thousand years ago.

Every other European male is related to King Tutankhamun, the celebrated boy pharaoh who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, according to researchers in Zurich.
REAL King Tut DNA Test = WHITE 100%
Scientists at Zurich-based DNA genealogy center, iGENEA, say they have reconstructed the DNA profile of the pharaoh, his father Akhenaten and grandfather Amenhotep III.

The researchers didn't evaluate the DNA themselves; they say they made their findings "with the help" of a film made for the Discovery Channel.

The researchers say they believe King Tut belonged to a genetic profile group known as haplogroup R1b1a2. More than 50 per cent of all men in Western Europe belong to this genetic group as do up to 70 per cent of British men.

But among modern-day Egyptians, less than 1 per cent of residents belong to this haplogroup, according to iGENEA.

Researchers say it's likely that King Tut and Europeans share a common ancestor who lived in the Caucasus region about 9,500 years ago.

The geneticists were not sure how Tutankhamun's paternal lineage came to Egypt from its region of origin. They say that Tut's full paternal ancestry is unknown.

Along with the discovery, iGENEA made another announcement this week: it is now selling a DNA testing service for those who would like to know if they are related to King Tut. For between 139 and 399 euros, the company will conduct testing to find which modern-day European is the closest living relative of King Tut.
Ancient Aryans and the Ramayana -Atlantean Gardens
Lost Civilizations and Ancient Bloodlines - ROBERT SEPEHR

Ancient Egypt

Forbidden History - Mummies of China
In the late 1980′s, perfectly preserved 4,000-year-old mummies began appearing in a remote Chinese desert. They had long reddish-blond hair, European features and didn't appear to be the ancestors of modern-day Chinese people. Archaeologists now think they may have been the citizens of an ancient civilization of Aryans that existed in the east.

The mummies had long noses and skulls, blond or red hair, thin lips, deepset eyes, and other unmistakably Caucasian features. Dr. Victor H. Mair of the University of Pennsylvania said, "The Tarim Basin Caucasoid corpses are almost certainly representatives of the Indo-European family".

Ancient Greek and Chinese historians had long referenced a unique cultural and ethnic group on its western frontier with red hair and blue eyes, a group that settled ancient Afghanistan and forged a vibrant Buddhist empire that spread Buddhism to much of the the world through China and India. But when 4,000-year-old mummies were unearthed in the early 20th century in the Tarim Basin of the western Chinese desert with blatant "white" physiognomy and clothing of apparently European origin, historians, anthropologists, and archeologists were awestruck.

Ancient White Mummies of Asia
Famous Mummies From China Were White. After years of controversy and political intrigue, archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China's Tarim Basin 1,000 years before East Asian people arrived. Asian Caucasoids, tall people with red or blond hair and light eyes, had long been the subject of ancient Asian legend. Then, in the early 20th century, archeologists digging in the Tarim Basin in western China, unearthed mummies resembling these legendary "gods".

The research, which the Chinese government has appeared to have delayed making public out of concerns of fueling Uighur Muslim separatism in its western-most Xinjiang region, is based on a cache of ancient dried-out corpses that have been found around the Tarim Basin in recent decades.

It is unfortunate that the issue has been so politicized because it has created a lot of difficulties, It would be better for everyone to approach this from a purely scientific and historical perspective.

The discoveries in the 1980s of the undisturbed 4,000-year-old "Beauty of Loulan" and the younger 3,000-year-old body of the "Charchan Man" are legendary in world archaeological circles for the fine state of their preservation and for the wealth of knowledge they bring to modern research. In historic and scientific circles the discoveries along the ancient Silk Road were on a par with finding the Egyptian mummies.

But China's concern over its rule in restive Xinjiang has widely been perceived as impeding faster research into them and greater publicity of the findings. Tarim Basin mummies, have not only given scientists a look into their physical biologies, but their clothes, tools and burial rituals.

Mair, who played a pivotal role in bringing the discoveries to Western scholars in the 1990s, has worked tirelessly to get Chinese approval to take samples out of China for definitive genetic testing. One expedition in recent years succeeded in collecting 52 samples with the aide of Chinese researchers, but later Mair's hosts had a change of heart and only let five of them out of the country. "I spent six months in Sweden last year doing nothing but genetic research," Mair said from his home in the United States where he teaches at the University of Pennsylvania. "My research has shown that in the second millennium BC, the oldest mummies, like the Loulan Beauty, were the earliest settlers in the Tarim Basin.

"From the evidence available, we have found that during the first 1,000 years after the Loulan Beauty, the only settlers in the Tarim Basin were Caucasoid." East Asian peoples only began showing up in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin about 3,000 years ago, Mair said, while the Uighur peoples arrived after the collapse of the Orkon Uighur Kingdom, largely based in modern day Mongolia, around the year 842.

"Modern DNA and ancient DNA show that Uighurs, Kazaks, Krygyzs, the peoples of Central Asia are all mixed Caucasian and East Asian. The modern and ancient DNA tell the same story," he said.
China has only allowed the genetic studies in the last few years, with a 2004 study carried out by Jilin University also finding that the mummies' DNA had Europoid genes, further proving that the earliest settlers of Western China were not East Asians.

In the preface to the 2002 book, "Ancient Corpses of Xinjiang," written by Chinese archeologist Wang Huabing, the Chinese historian and Sanskrit specialist Ji Xianlin soundly denounced the use of the mummies by Uighur separatists as proof that Xinjiang should not belong to China.

"What has stirred up the most excitement in academic circles, both in the East and the West, is the fact that the ancient corpses of 'white (Caucasoid/Europid) people' have been excavated," Jin wrote. "However, within China a small group of ethnic separatists have taken advantage of this opportunity to stir up trouble and are acting like buffoons, (styling) themselves the descendants of these ancient 'white people' with the aim of dividing the motherland." Further on, in an apparent swipe at the government's lack of eagerness to acknowledge the science and publicize it to the world, Ji wrote that "a scientist may not distort facts for political reasons, religious reasons, or any other reason".

Meanwhile, Yingpan Man, a nearly perfectly preserved 2,000-year-old Caucasoid mummy, was only this month allowed to leave China for the first time, and is being displayed at the Tokyo Edo Museum. Yingpan Man not only had a gold foil death mask -- a Greek tradition -- covering his blonde bearded face, but also wore elaborate golden embroidered red and maroon garments with seemingly Western European designs. His nearly 2.00 meter (six-foot, six-inch) long body is the tallest of all the mummies found so far and the clothes and artifacts discovered in the surrounding tombs suggest the highest level of Caucasoid civilization in the ancient Tarim Basin region.
China's Dessert Mummies Documentary on the Taklamakan Mummies
Documentary 2014, bbc documentary,bbc,national geographic,documentary,national geographic documentary,Structure,documentaries, documentary films, documentari.

Tocharians: Lost White Tribes of Asia White Mummies in China▕ March of the Titans Perfectly preserved 3000-year-old mummies have been unearthed in a remote C.

An amazing investigation into the identity of human mummies exhumed from desert sands of China´s Xinjian region. Some are as old as 4000 years, but all Cauca.

The Tocharians: the Great Lost White migration to China. The Chinese civilization always contained stories of blue-eyed and blonde-haired leaders
A haplotype is a group of genes in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent,[1][2] and a haplogroup (haploidfrom the Greek: ἁπλούς, haploûs, "onefold, single, simple" and English: group), is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single-nucleotide polymorphism mutation.[3][4] More specifically, a haplogroup is a combination of alleles at different chromosomes regions that are closely linked and that tend to be inherited together.
An academic study which included DNA profiling of some of the related male mummies of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010. Tutankhamun's Y-DNA haplogroup was not published in the academic paper,[33][34][35] however iGENEA, a Swiss personal genomics company, claimed to have reconstructed King Tut's Y-DNA profile based on screencaps from a Discovery Channel documentary about the study. iGENEA without producing any proof, proposed that King Tut belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup R1b1a2,[36][37][38]
Members of the research team that conducted the academic study published in 2010 stated they had not been consulted by iGENEA before they published the haplogroup information and described iGENEA's claims as "unscientific." [35] After pressure to publish Tutankhamun's full DNA report to confirm his Y-DNA results, the researchers refused to respond.

-iGenea, the company that did the DNA analysis of Tut was founded by a Jew:

And apparently, iGenea has a pseudo-scientific test to prove if you're a Jew or not--and they claim that they can prove if you're a Jew descended from the ancient Israelites:


Continuing the history of the white man also known as the Hebrew Caucasian Israelite. Without a doubt the white man carried the swastika all over the earth. This is a historical fact, yet the modern atheist-talmudic Jews who are the descendants of Cain through the serpent have actually instilled in us a hate for the holy symbol of the white Aryan man.

​ In his 1896 book, The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol and its Migrations, Thomas Wilson, former curator of the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology in the U.S. National Museum, wrote of the swastika: “An Aryan symbol (卐) used by the Aryan peoples before their dispersion through Asia and Europe. This is a fair subject for inquiry and might serve as an explanation how…as a sacred symbol…the Swastika might have been carried to the different peoples and countries in which we now find it by the splitting up of the Aryan peoples and their migrations and establishment in the various parts of Europe.”


The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt

Ra was the sun god of ancient Egypt, and part of the religion of that culture was a belief that the pharaohs were descended from him.

The sun god was depicted with an eagle’s head and a human body, with the sun sitting on its head—thus the association of red and blond hair with royalty among the ancient Egyptians.

Lavishly illustrated with over 106 full color pictures, DNA evidence and a complete historical overview, this book proves that white people created the initial Egyptian civilization—and that ancient Egypt culture came to an end once those people had been bred out of existence.

Contains the dramatic DNA evidence which shows that Tutankhamun was of the same racial stock as present-day western Europeans, additional DNA evidence and much more. “Eurocentric history is back!”

“A truly magnificent rendition. Fabulous photos plus DNA. Very convincing.” –Dr J Phillipe Rushton, Ph.D., D.Sc.

This is quite possibly the most personally exciting and interesting book I have ever done. It is something I have wanted to do for, oh, at least 20 years now, but have never had the chance or the data to make its conclusions definitive.

The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt is finally the Eurocentric answer to the Afrocentrist hijacking of ancient Egypt.

This hijacking process has been so complete over the last few decades that even many who mock the “black Egypt” theory, still believe that the ancient Egyptians were some other mysterious race—perhaps an intermediary race between say original Mediterraneans and “something else” (although one can never quite find out what that “something else” is).

4. Ginger—the Oldest Mummy. This provides some details on the pre-dynastic Gebelein mummy set, focussing on its most famous member, “Ginger” and his blond-red hair;

5. Statues—the Artistic Evidence. A long section with a number of original paintings, busts, and sculptures which all portray identifiable racial characteristics;

6. Faces of the Dead—Mummies. This section shows how accurate ancient Egyptian artist were in reflecting their subjects, and includes full-colour pictures of the blondest mummies you will ever see;

12. Conclusion. This is maybe the most important section, as it outlines what the artistic, historical and DNA evidence tells us: namely that the founders of ancient Egypt were white, but that society became increasingly mixed (or “diverse”) as time went on, until finally they became the mixed-race mass which is present-day Egypt.

The disappearance of the originating white ruling class into this mass caused the end of ancient Egypt.

As the book says: “The Afrocentrist claim that these handful of black pharaohs “proves” that ancient Egypt was African in origin is as false as claiming that the United States of America was founded by blacks because it had a half-black president in 2011.

“The appearance of blacks as pharaohs marks the beginning of the end of ancient Egypt, not its foundation.

“To claim that ancient Egypt was black in origin is tantamount to claiming that the cities of Detroit or Washington DC in the US were founded by blacks “because their present-day populations are majority black and they have black mayors.”


The evidence is overwhelming that these first Egyptian societies were white—a Proto-Nordic/Alpine/Mediterranean mixture. The leadership elite, in particular the pharaohs themselves, were mostly Nordic. The mummified remains of numerous pharaohs and common folk from this first great Egyptian civilization have unmistakable white features.
For example, the well preserved body of Pharaoh Ramses II has red hair, and there are large numbers of mummies whose blond hair has been extraordinarily well preserved through the centuries.

The fall of Egypt in pictures. Left, the white Egyptian Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, circa 1450 BC. Center, the black Nubian Pharaoh Shabako, circa 710 BC., and right, the last Nubian pharaoh Taharka, who ruled Egypt from 690 to 664 BC. He was the son of Piye, the Nubian king who had conquered Egypt in 760 BC. The last white Egyptians had vanished prior to 800 BC, physically integrated into the mass of Nubian and Semitic peoples who had come to dominate that land. The most prominent of the Nubian invaders then set themselves up as new Egyptian kings, later called the 25th Dynasty (crica 760—656 BC). As can be seen from the racial features of the statues above right, the 25th dynasty was clearly nonwhite. This was the time of the Nubian pharaohs which black supremacists use to claim an African origin for ancient Egypt. The Nubian dynasty came in fact at the end of the Egyptian era, not the beginning. Unable to maintain the original white-run civilization, the 25th Dynasty sputtered out of its own accord and was destroyed by an Assyrian invasion. Although the fall of Egypt is officially dated as from the end of the 25th Dynasty, in reality the true ancient Egyptians had vanished more than 200 years earlier.
The course of racial developments in Egyptian history has been backed up by anthropological research. The British anthropologist G.M. Morant produced a comprehensive study of Egyptian skulls from commoner and royal graves from all parts of the Egyptian lands and times.
His conclusions were that the majority of the population of Lower Egypt—that is in the northern part of the country—were members of the Mediterranean white subrace. In the south (or Upper Egypt) this population pattern was repeated but this time showed a certain percentage of black admixture (reflecting the proximity of the Nubian settlement).
Significantly, Morant found that with the passage of time, the differentiation in skull types between Upper and Lower Egypt became less and less distinct, until ultimately they became indistinguishable—the surest sign of the absorption of the white subrace into the growing nonwhite mass (Race, John R. Baker, Oxford University Press, 1974, page 519).

Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan: The White Alien Gods of Mesoamerica
Viracocha is the great creator god in the pre-Inca mythology. He was one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon and seen as the creator of all things. According to ancient legend, Viracocha created the universe, sun, moon, stars and time by commanding the sun to move over the sky and created afterwards, civilization itself. Viracocha was worshiped as god of the sun and of storms. Interestingly, like many other Mesoamerican gods, he traveled across the lands teaching ancient mankind and bringing order and civilization to the inhabitants of South America. READ MORE:

Minoan civilization built by a European people, say researchers using DNA

Jan 31 2017

White people are the Native Americans

Hidden History -The Lost Civilizations of North America

Part 1
(the documentary , 8 parts)

Native Americans Wrote in Ancient Hebrew -Glenn Beck

Native Americans Wrote in Ancient Hebrew

Hebrew / Phoenician / Adamic STONES IN NORTH AMERICA

Mystery of the Bat Creek Stone

OOPARTS Episode Four: Study of Out of Place Artifacts - Who were the Moundbuilders?

The Bat Creek inscription (also called the Bat Creek stone or Bat Creek tablet) is an inscribed stone (written in Hebrew)

The Grave Creek Stone is a small sandstone disk inscribed on one side with some twenty-five (Hebrew) characters, discovered in 1838 at Grave Creek Mound in Moundsville, West Virginia.

Michigan Tablets and Copper

Los Lunas Stone:
Los Lunas Decalogue Stone is a slab of basalt which appears to have the Ten Commandments written on it in Paleo-Hebrew script. It was found in southwest of Albuquerque, New Mexico with the Decalogue (the Ten Commandments) described in Exodus 20:1-17 of the Hebrew Old Testament written on it.

Barry Fell

Newark Holy Stones - The set consists of the Keystone, a stone bowl, and the Decalogue - Some believe that the artifacts' inscription contains dialect that is in fact of Judean descent

Mechanicsburg Stones - Susquehanna Stones

Mohegan Inscription
As of 1976, reported UPI, some archeologists newly believed the Monhegan Inscription was written in “Ogam script.” This type of writing was used by the Celts in the Iberian peninsula long ago.

Bourne Stone
the markings are in an Iberian script

Poverty Point (French: Pointe de Pauvreté) (16 WC 5) is a prehistoric earthworks of the Poverty Point culture, now a U.S. National Monument and World Heritage Site[2] located in the Southern United States. (said to have Ancient Israelite influence)

Davenport Tablets
Davenport Pontotoc Iowa Stele
It is considered to be the work of an early Iberian colonist in America, as the script is that known otherwise from the Cachao-da-Rapa region in northern Portugal.

The Lost Tribes of Israel (Part 1 of 3) has many of these OOPS

Mystery Hill (America's Stonehenge)
Goodwin became convinced the site was in fact made by “Culdees” or Irish Monks

thx Jacob
Christians Before Columbus - Earl Jones -Ten Commandments Found in New Mexico

The Mystery of the Decalogue Stone

Ancient Hebrew Mounds in North America
(We did not bury our dead under, but above ground, in mounds all across North America.

Language / Scripts

Ancient Egyptians in North America:

Ancient Egyptians Came To America, So Did Joseph, and He Was Their King!

Ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti - Anthropologists classify the skull of Nefertiti as Caucasoid - specifically Indo European.

Ancient Egyptian Hair - Caucasoid - No Doubt About It

Another Ancient Egyptian Hair Video - Microscopic examination of ancient mummified hair reveals them to have been of the Caucasoid stock

Egyptian (caucasian) Caverns in the Grand Canyon – David H. Childress – Full film

Identifying the Phoenicians - Christogenea

Ancient Aryans of China

Ancient Aryans

Origin of the Aryan Race - Historical Facts and Evidence

Ancient Aryan Discovery in Russia

The Hebrew Pyramid Builders