Breaks in your CV: Have the courage to leave gaps

August 25, 2021

Views: 61

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Even with a gap in your resume, you can successfully go looking for a job. Whether illness, a break or a longer job search: The reasons for a gap in the CV are diverse - and unpleasant for many applicants. We - - assure that if you deal confidently with it, your chances of getting a new job can even improve.

Gaps and breaks in the resume are bad. With them, applicants show weakness - and that where every employer is looking for resilient employees. At least that is the common prejudice - but that is no longer true.

Authenticity is more important than a smoothly polished resume like something out of a textbook. HR manager would like to know: How does the applicant deal with the exceptional situation? This is why applicants can use a gap in their CV to their advantage, will help you correctly write it.

We - - advises: Applicants should stand by. With a self-confident approach they can impress their counterparts.

However, the gaps and breaks should be interpreted as positively as possible. A voluntarily taken time-out such as a trip can of course be sold particularly easily: you have seized the opportunity and fulfilled a long-awaited dream. On the other hand, it is more difficult to present gaps due to unemployment or health problems in a positive light. One way: interpret it as a reorientation and focus on having overcome the crisis.

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