Jarvisbox Community

Author: 3e4410c3ff

July 08, 2018

Views: 1725

Original Version


Hi All

We have been asked to communicate some info regarding a new discussion group for JarvisBox Owners.

After the recent eviction from Facebook we have lost our Facebook support group.

A few members have Joined together to create a discussion group on an app called “Band App”.

This won’t be a a support group as such but rather a discussion group for people with similar interests to discuss those interests amongst themselves. I’m sure it will be beneficial to everyone though.

To get involved what you need to do is download an app from your App Store called Band App, Create a profile and then search for a group called “JB Community”.

Remember this is not an official support group but will be a place for info, tips and ideas to be swapped.

Jarvisbox still has its existing support measures in place like the help website http://www.Jarvisboxhelp.com and for hardware issues there is the support email of support@jarvisbox.com

Please be patient when waiting on your Join request to be approved as it may take some time to verify all members before admittance.

There will be some pinned posts at the top of the group with some general rules etc to ensure the group remains manageable.