April 24, 2023

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Opening links is very simple and easy and only take a minute. Make sure to follow the steps below and watch the videos if you need to.

video for download step:

video for article step:

1. click on the link you would like to open. you will be taken to the linkvertise screen. from there scroll down to, and click on free access with ads. you will get a step or 2 to complete before getting the content.

2. to complete the step read interesting articles, just click on the white box with that step in it (sometimes the window will pop up by itself) then hit the X at the top of the window containing the articles it may ask you to wait 10 seconds. you dont have to read anything. You may need to keep the page open while waiting for the check on the linkvertise page to clear.(if you dont get another task just tap free access with ads again to get the content.)

3. You may have to install operagx browser to proceed just install it and you wont have to do this step again

4. You may see a task that says download an app and run it for 30 seconds. if you see this task click on it then select download the app. You DONT have to download anything though. when the window pops up to take you to the app page or when your phone notifies you to open the play store just hit back. the press button circle will now be checked off. Now all you must do is wait untill the other 2 loading circles check off. It may take a minute or 2. Next tap get and you will be directed to the pastelink with the content. Easy!