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Author: 54bc3e9e88

02 March 2023

Views: 131

@lioneldeleon @LeelooDallasmultipass007 @Unakceptabke_views

@JamesTheJust4Me @ROBODAN @white_powerade @brucebohn @hcuottadtte

There is no such word as "Jew" in the Bible. There is only Judah, Men of Judah,

Judahites and finally Judaeans. All of these names implies both a blood and location.

The word "Jew" carries no aspect of location. Jew was slotted into the Bible much later.

The actual word used in places where we see Jew is the greek "Ioudaios".

Strong's Concordance
Ioudaia: Judaea.
Search: "Juda" to see all examples
Strong's Concordance
Ioudaios: Jewish, a Jew, Judea
Search "Juda" to see all examples
What is interesting in the second search is that there is only one example where

Judaeans is used. But there is no logical reason why Ioudaia (singlular) and Ioudaios

(plural) should have some much difference other than translation convention. Referring

back to the wikipedia page most scholars agree it should just be "Judaean and


And here is why this is important.

The reason in my mind that the actual word is Judaean

Esau's Birthright



Paul literally says the Pharisee are EDOMITES
Here, Jesus and a Pharisee debate. Both agree that the Pharisee are decedent from

Abraham but there is no mention of Jacob.

So who can we assume of Abraham's decedents the Pharisee are from? Ishmael? No.

Of course not. So it must be Isaac. But which son of Isaac's? Esau or Jacob? The

Pharisee answer this question. They state: We were never in bondage. Being "in

bondage" is the very story of the Hebrews who are from Jacob. Further, Jesus calls the

Pharisee children of their father the Devil. Add this to what Paul says and we can clearly

define the Pharisee as Edomites just like their king Herrod. If you study the Old

Testament and Maccabees you can see how the Edomites pushed their way into Judah.

For centuries, the Edomites were bitter and jealous of Jacob because they believed he

stole their birthright to the Covenant with God and the Promised Land which the modern

day Jews have taken back. Modern Jews (as we understand them) have ZERO

Covenant with God. They are imposters. Any Christian that supports Jews and Zionism

is a heretic. Do we have substantiation of this? YES!!

Here, Christ himself reiterates the claim that modern Jews are Edomites pretending to be

Judaeans. And who were the real Judeans? Hebrews of course from the House of

Jacob. These are the lost sheep whom Christ came to gather.

As you can see, the farther away we get from the Old Testament the less all translations

recognize the usage of Judaean instead of Jew. In neither passage will we find any

example of Judaean. Yet the very same Greek "Ioudaios" is used. To me this is nothing

but Satanic Jewish artful deception to confuse the very meaning of Christ's words. If you

simply substitute Judaeans for Jews the entire meaning of what Christ is saying

changes. Starting with the wrong translation Christ says in summary "Those who say

they are Jews but are not" which implies that there are fake Jews and real Jews. Our

minds fill the gap by inserting our modern conception of Jews who we accept as "real

Jews". Remember, all Jews are Edomites which makes all Jews IMPOSTERS. But when

we fill in the passages with the correct word of Judaean we get the actual meaning of

Christ words when he says "Those who say they are Judaeans but are not". Has a

different tone to it does it not? Remember the wikileak page on Ioudaios? Judaea and

Judaean are first a PLACE and second, a PEOPLE or a PEOPLE OF A PLACE. Thus

Jesus is saying those who are in control of Judah/Judaea are not from that PLACE. And

who is not from Judah/Judaea? The EDOMITES. The Edomite invaders have taken

over the land, the throne and the religion of Yahweism and twisted it into Talmudic

Judaism which Jesus himself called "The Synagogue of Satan". Jesus is clear. The

Edomites (the people we call Jews) are Children of the Devil and are the Synagogue of

Satan. This is why they murdered him. Jesus was a Hebrew, gathering Hebrews in

order to establish a New Covenant.

Here, Paul tells the ACTUAL Hebrew decedents to abandon their family trees that track

their ancient lineage to their specific Hebrew tribes because that is the past Covenant.

Jesus is the New Covenant.

Would Paul even conceive of talking to Edomite Jews spread out through Rome's

territories? Of course not. Refer back to Romans 9. Paul makes it crystal clear that the

Edomites are NOT of Israel. He calls the Edomites from Esau "children of the flesh",

"pottery for common use", literally a people God "endured with much patience [who are]

vessels of wrath prepared for destruction". Does anything describe a modern

subversive Jew today more, than a "vessel of wrath"? So if Paul isn't talking about the

Edomites who have been solidly established as in control of Judah/Judaea then who is

Paul talking about? Hebrews of course. He goes on to call them a "remnant" and a

"posterity". So Paul, the Apostles and the Disciples all were spreading the gospel of

Christ to a remnant and posterity of HEBREWS spread all through Asia Minor (Turkey)

and Southern Europe.

Using this Timeline Chart I believe we can see not TWO but THREE Hebrew Diaspora

taking place.

If you look at the largest blue section at the very top you will find in
924 BC that upon Solomon's death his kingdom split into Israel to the north and Judah to

the south. Note the massive population collapse. Over the next 200 years the Hebrew

population loses about 4 million people or 80% of the total population. It isn't until 720

BC that the Assyrian Diaspora takes place. Notice the difference in the drop off in

population. While the first decline is a slope the second decline is a straight line. This is

true of the population loss after the Babylon Invasion and anywhere else there is a

population decline. So why the slope after Solomon's death? Perhaps the Hebrews

were fleeing the wickedness that arose in Israel and Judah after Solomon died. The

Bible explains how bad it got even up to child sacrifice. Would you stick around if

people were sacrificing children? Though I have yet to find bible versus that speak to a

pre-Assyrian invasion diaspora, I think there is room to make a case for one. Could God

have used these Hebrews to seed Europe with Hebrew bloodlines? Evidence points to

an even earlier diaspora.

Back when the Hebrews settled in the Land of Goshen in the north of Egypt there is

substantial mounting evidence that the Hebrews actually were the Hyksos, that for a

time had conquered and ruled Egypt. Evidence has been found of Joseph's Tomb and

his state is depicted as though he was a white man.

This video examines a new timeline for the story of the Hebrews in Egypt. It suggests

that the Hebrews entered and

The first European Christians were Hebrews that fled bad Hebrew kings, invasions and

child sacrificing paganism infesting Israel and Judah. These true Hebrews lived all

through Europe and were seeded there BY GOD. Their decedents were receptive to

hearing about their Messiah Christ who had come to redeem them from their shame and

humiliation do to the very same demonic liberalism we face today. Do you honestly think

it was just some RANDOMS that the Apostles went out to? Everywhere the Apostles and

Disciples went, they were speaking to HEBREWS as their primary audience.

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