Torrent lynda objective c essential training program

06 November 2018

Views: 105

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Core Concepts Why use Objective-C? Jen Kramer walked me through Bootstrap step-by-step, but then I came across a huge problem.

Derek Banas mentions that almost 80% of the questions he gets on how to code something in Android can be easily done in App Inventor. We really like the video tutorial format, especially when learning a new development environment. It has around 160+ videos each has the length between 6-10 mins. In this course, I'll show you the basics of a C program, and then we'll dive into the details of data types, strings, and variables.

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This course is your primer. Get the tools you torrent, learn the structure of Objective-C, and get your first code up and running. Author Simon Allardice also walks you essential the Foundation framework, a collection of prewritten code that makes the coding process easier; shows you how to design and build your own classes; and provides memory management techniques—the key to efficient programming. Plus, learn how lynda make training way around Xcode 5, the app to write, test, and debug Objective-C, and into objective features like categories, protocols, and dynamic typing. Introduction Welcome What you should know 1. Getting Started Installing the tools Creating your first application Introduction to Xcode Using Objective-C frameworks 2. Core Concepts Why use Objective-C? The structure of an Objective-C program Compiling and building your application 3. Basic Syntax Logging ohjective and using format strings The if statement Using switch statements Operators and expressions Working with loops Creating functions Using code snippets 4. Working with Eswential Introduction to object-orientation terms Using pointers Messages and method calls Using classes in the Foundation framework 6. Memory Management Memory management in Objective-C Object-creation instantiation options Autoreleased objects 7. Creating Custom Classes Creating your own programs Adding methods Adding class properties Essntial initializers and object keywords Using dealloc methods 8. Using Collections Working with C-style arrays Using Objective-C array classes Creating dictionary objects Fast enumeration 9. Language Features Inheritance and overriding in Objective-C Adding categories to an existing class Using class extensions Using protocols Dynamic typing in Objective-C 11.
Memory Management Introduction to memory management 06:37 Object lifetime 06:31 Cleaning up 06:33 Using autorelease pools 05:05 5. There are more recent courses available, like this , but we still find the format of the 2012 course to be a bit richer in content. The downside may be that this is a course from 2012. Would you like to get the latest updates on our posts and apps? The problem is YouTube videos vary greatly in quality and it's difficult to find consistently useful content unless you're into videos of cats. This course is your primer. It is about the Objective-C language itself and the core language skills that you'll need, whether you're coding for the Mac, the iPad, or the iPhone, or all of them. Plus, learn how to make your way around Xcode 5, the app to write, test, and debug Objective-C, and into advanced features like categories, protocols, and dynamic typing. He'll show how these basic elements fit together in control structures like loops and if-else statements—where the real logic behind your code comes into play.
