Pokemon aqua blue rom hack

12 November 2018

Views: 96

Pokemon CAWPS

Download: http://exfindfiles.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9wYXN0ZWxpbmsubmV0LyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MjY6IlBva2Vtb24gYXF1YSBibHVlIHJvbSBoYWNrIjt9

Oath stellt Ihnen auch personalisierte Anzeigen auf den Produkten unserer Partner zur Verfügung. Its very impressive and i actually have respect for u..

If you want to try something different, see FireRed: Rocket Edition no megas and incomplete. And then you crash with Band Ambar...

Pokemon CAWPS - After that he escaped again. He gives you a misterious egg pokémon to start with.

This takes place after the events of Fire Red. You are an average kid living in Saffron City. You're looking forward to your first ever Pokemon coming in through an ordering service, and after several weeks of waiting the day has finally arrived! Professor Oak contacts your mother and prepares to meet you in Pokemon Saffron City Pokecenter. However, when you arrive, things don't quite go as planned. During your visit at the Pokecenter, a meteor crashes into Silph. Before you know it, you're hurled into an adventure larger than you're prepared for. When things take a turn for the worst, you're forced to blue with them and you find out the Pokemon you ordered was shiny! Despite your victory, they manage to steal the meteor. After a heated battle you black out only rom wake up back in your home, being greeted by Professor Oak and your mother. Oak explains that the meteor is the cause of your Pokemon's alternate color, and instead of cataloguing the Pokedex, he asks you to collect fragments that fell off the meteor so they can further be studied. This adventure leads you all over Kanto, a regions previously only found in the Anime. Features: Choose any starter from gens 1-3 Brand new story using Kanto and adding just about all cities from the anime Pokemon loot system Wild fainted pokemon drop items Item crafting system, including new legendary held items Cardboard Box able to sneak past trainers Pokemon have a chance of aqua when fainted. Revives don't work in battle Forced set battles. The option is completely removed and is unchangeable. You and the trainers you face are on hack footing. Multiple fights before you're able to capture them.
This takes place after the events of Fire Red. But you're looking for an new adventure. This adventure leads you all over Kanto, including regions previously only found in the Anime. Story You have a dream of your life to become the strongest Pokemon Trainer even when you are child. I bid you good luck! After checking the creator's You Tube page for his most recent spoiler vid and disregarding all the spam , it might be some time till anymore progress is made on it. Features: Choose any starter from gens 1-3 Brand new story using Kanto and adding just about all cities from the anime Pokemon loot system Wild fainted pokemon drop items Item crafting system, including new legendary held items Cardboard Box able to sneak past trainers Pokemon have a chance of dying when fainted.
