Progress test 2 unit 7-12 ответы

21 November 2018

Views: 146

Progress test Unit 7


Did you buy any clothes? He drove it carefully to Manchester.

He works in a small French restaurant. The camel also has little flask - shaped bags which line the walls of its stomach. Josephine got a job in new york in june.

Progress test Unit 7 - E clothes shop 4 You can send a parcel here.

She wanted to speak to him. We went to a restaurant. Are the sentences true or false? Stephen King published his first book when he was a teenager. He lived from 1812 to 1870 and he wrote fifteen major novels and lots of short stories. There are over 180 TV and film adaptations of his books. Some of his most famous books are Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and David Copperfield. Dickens was born in Portsmouth in the south of England, but the family moved to London when he was ten years old. He had a difficult childhood. His father spent a long time in prison and Charles had to work in a factory from the age of twelve. Charles studied law but he hated it and became a journalist. This was when he started writing his books. These characters are often very sad and very funny at the same time. He died in 1870 and is buried in Westminster Abbey. Some people say he was one of the greatest writers in history. It is certainly true that his books are as interesting today as they were when he first wrote them. When and where was Charles Dickens born?
I never meet any interesting people nowadays. D chemist 3 You can buy fruit and vegetables here. За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл. Progress test 5 Units. With such provisions, a camel is able to travel several days between water holes without drinking, and for an even longer time with no nourishment except what it draws from the fat of its hump. E clothes shop 4 You can send a parcel here. Are the sentences true or false? The camel is one of man's oldest servants and has been used by man in Egypt for more than 3,000 years! Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. To stay healthy, be creative and form friendships. They have been written the test for an hour. Mary and Jackie are studying Japanese at college.
