Class 11 business studies notes chapter 2

27 November 2018

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Minor members - A minor can also become full fledged member of Family business. Leadership- concept, styles- authoritative, democratic and laissez faire. It is not only confined to business organisations but also in organisations such as government, religious, charitable bodies etc.

Sole proprietorship refers to a form of organisation where business is owned, managed and controlled by a single individual who bears all the risks and is the only recipient of all the profits. Qualification No minimum qualification is necessary. This is the main document of the company.

Please check website URL - Needs and demands of the employees of the organisation are overlooked.

An Atlantan with great business acumen, Mr. Although procedurally a member is required to serve a notice before leaving the society, there is no compulsion to remain a member. The strong points of joint Hindu family business include effective control, stability in existence, limited liability and increased loyalty among family members. Limited capital for established No capital required. Staffing: It refers to recruitment, selection, training, development and appointment of the employees. State any one consequence of non registration of a partnership firm. So, it is not a separate function of management, rather it is the essence of management. Further, from the point of view of expansion, a company is more suitable because of its capability to raise more funds and invest in expansion plans. Students teams should be encouraged to submit their findings and conclusions in the form of project reports and multi-media presentations. Minimum number of directors: 3 3. Completing task efficiently is also important.
