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07 June 2015

Views: 1,302

Ibrahim would be in his 3rd year of college if he wasn’t in prison right now #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Imagine having a bullet through your hand.. and even after 2 years, you are still denied medical help #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Ibrahim's courage and patience are admired but a person can only take so much. #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Starving, alone, innocent, afraid, injured,tortured..All he ever asked for was to be free #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Since when was freedom of speech a crime #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Why do we have to tell you to do something that should have done 2 years ago? @EndaKenny #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Is Ibrahim a second class citizen? @EndaKenny #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

The only time you will do enough for Ibrahim is when you let him free @EndaKenny #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

@EndaKenny 2 years it is about time.. #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Why is this necessary? Why do we have to resort to this to be heard?! @EndaKenny #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Ibrahim has been innocently imprisoned for almost 2 years,21 months, 86 weeks, 600 days @EndaKennyTD #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Ibrahim Halawa,an IRISH Citizenunjustly in Egyptian prison for 21 months,for standing up for what he believes in #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Been held without evidence or charge of a crime and subjected to humiliating and degrading treatment @EndaKennyTD #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

@EndaKennyTD As a nation that prides itself on justice,equality and democracy,detested to see its citizen not yet freed #FreeIbrahim

It is an abomination that an Irish citizen who committed no crime has been in prison for even a day,let alone almost 2 years #FreeIbrahim

The casual dismissal of the Irish government's call for release of its citizen for this farce of a legal process #FreeIbrahim

@EndaKennyTD The moral numbness it must take not to free a teen imprisoned in the prime of his life for no crime, aggression, or wrongdoing

@EndaKennyTD Ibrahim just wants to come home to his family and friends #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Repugnant and preposterous at this point that you still haven’t meaningfully tried to #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall @EndaKennyTD

There's no prospect of a fair trial, courts do not operate fair and orderly in Egypt,Irish government must work to #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Australian&US gov secured their citizens' release.Ireland must contact authorities in #Egypt 2 #FreeIbrahim.What r u waiting 4? MakeTheCall

When is the Irish gov going to take some meaningful actions 2 freeIbrahim?Irish gov not even securing just treatment in prison #MakeTheCall

When is the Irish gov going to take some meaningful actions 2 freeIbrahim?Irish gov not even securing just treatment in prison #MakeTheCall

Still wondering why @EndaKennyTD hasn’t done anything meaningful to #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Irish teen randomly imprisoned&Tortured at 17. Now 19. I cant believe this is happening and Irish gov allowing it #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Ibrahim meant to start uni, in Sept 2013.Little did he know hed be wrongfully imprisoned and gov would ignore him. #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

We are fed up. We were patient for 2 years..but seems that needs 2 change for Irish gov to get up and do something #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

Lost faith in our government.They are disingenuous and seem to 2 care for Ibrahim.They select who deserves rights #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall

We should not be begging Irish gov to do their job.This is pathetic. Efforts should have been made long ago #FreeIbrahim #MakeTheCall
