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19 December 2018

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M-A, a gleaming copy. Déclin et maturité VIIIe-XIe siècles -- Déclin romain -- Maturité occidentale -- Vox divi et vox populi, la pluralité des droits Soazick Kerneis -- La romanité universelle -- L'édit et ses limites -- Raisons et portée -- Les clauses restrictives -- Comment peut-on être romain? L'exemple du mépris de la cour -- Comment défendre la cour? La bataille de Marignan -- Catherine Mariette : 1814-1815 : entre paix et guerre, dans La Semaine sainte d'Aragon et L'Absent de Patrick Rambaud -- Laure Lévêque : La guerre, stade suprême du progrès?

Pour résoudre cette énigme de la persistance partisane, très négligée dans la science politique, Fabien Escalona construit un modèle de la reconversion partisane, l'inscrivant dans le paradigme général de l'institutionnalisme historique. They set the stage for their exit from the show. M-A MB 20 G1110.

SearchWorks Catalog - Altmann , ou d'autres étrangers J. Avec cet ouvrage, écrit par les meilleurs spécialistes, entrez dans la tête de Napoléon stratège : suivez sa formation, comprenez ses méthodes, analysez ses forces et ses faiblesses, découvrez son influence et son héritage.

Palmer and Fabian Winiger. Throughout the book, state responses to religion at different points in Chinese and South-East Asian history are carefully considered, providing a nuanced and in-depth understanding of post-secular strategies and relations in these areas. Particular attention is given to Catholicism in the Philippines, Vietnam, and Singapore, and Hinduism and Chinese religion in Malaysia, Singapore, and India. This theoretically engaged work will appeal to students and scholars of Asian studies, anthropology, religious studies, history, sociology, and political science. Palmer and Fabian Winiger. Throughout the book, state responses to religion at different points in Chinese and South-East Asian history are carefully considered, providing a nuanced and in-depth understanding of post-secular strategies and relations in these areas. Particular attention is given to Catholicism in the Philippines, Vietnam, and Singapore, and Hinduism and Chinese religion in Malaysia, Singapore, and India. This theoretically engaged work will appeal to students and scholars of Asian studies, anthropology, religious studies, history, sociology, and political science. A bit of history; 3. Challenges in process and product design; 4. Near-Term Future Directions; 5. The PSE Technology Tree; 6. References; Multilevel and multiscale PSE: Challenges and opportunities at mesoscales; Abstract; 1. Commonality and speciality of the three levels3. Mesoscience bridges element behaviour and system performance; 4. VPE perspective: Towards a new paradigm; References; Chemical Product Design: Advances in Research and Teaching; Abstract; 1. Design, analysis and development; 3. Perspective and Conclusions; 6. References; Real-Time Mixed-Integer Optimization for Improved Economic Performance in HVAC Systems; Abstract; 1. Reformulations and Decompositions; 4. General dynamic optimization formulation; 3. Intentionally dynamic operation; 4. Intrinsically dynamic operation; 5. Conclusions; References; Including Nature in Engineering for Innovation and Sustainability: Promise, Progress and Peril; Abstract; 1. Course Topic Overview; 4. Motivating Example: Automated Insulin Delivery; 5. Approaches and Material from Other Sources; 7. Comparison of Reinforcement Learning and Model Predictive Control; 4. Implications for Process Control; 5. Future research directions; 6. Process Supply Chain; 3. A bit of history; 3. Challenges in process and product design; 4. Near-Term Future Directions; 5. The PSE Technology Tree; 6. References; Multilevel and multiscale PSE: Challenges and opportunities at mesoscales; Abstract; 1. Commonality and speciality of the three levels3. Mesoscience bridges element behaviour and system performance; 4. VPE perspective: Towards a new paradigm; References; Chemical Product Design: Advances in Research and Teaching; Abstract; 1. Design, analysis and development; 3. Perspective and Conclusions; 6. References; Real-Time Mixed-Integer Optimization for Improved Economic Performance in HVAC Systems; Abstract; 1. Reformulations and Decompositions; 4. General dynamic optimization formulation; 3. Intentionally dynamic operation; 4. Intrinsically dynamic operation; 5. Conclusions; References; Including Nature in Engineering for Innovation and Sustainability: Promise, Progress and Peril; Abstract; 1. Course Topic Overview; 4. Motivating Example: Automated Insulin Delivery; 5. Approaches and Material from Other Sources; 7. Comparison of Reinforcement Learning and Model Predictive Control; 4. Implications for Process Control; 5. Future research directions; 6. Process Supply Chain; 3. Chief among such events was the Easter Rising in Ireland, an occurrence that took on worldwide significance as a challenge to the established order. This is the first collection of specialist studies that aims at interpreting the global significance of the year 1916 in the decline of empires. Chief among such events was the Easter Rising in Ireland, an occurrence that took on worldwide significance as a challenge to the established order. This is the first collection of specialist studies that aims at interpreting the global significance of the year 1916 in the decline of empires. La bataille de Marignan -- Catherine Mariette : 1814-1815 : entre paix et guerre, dans La Semaine sainte d'Aragon et L'Absent de Patrick Rambaud -- Laure Lévêque : La guerre, stade suprême du progrès? Le meilleur des mondes de Jules Verne -- Rémy Pech : Pourquoi ont-ils tué Jaurès? La contribution de l'Empire à l'effort de guerre français entre 1914 et 1918 -- Béatrix Pau : Le retour des Biterrois morts pour la France -- Anne-Laure Bonvalot : Mémoires de la guerre d'Espagne et du franquisme : discours, poétiques, représentations -- Christiane Chaulet Achour : Guerre en Algérie 1954-1962. Mémoires des deux rives dans les récits postcoloniaux -- Christopher Hainsworth : La victoire en chantant! La guerre et le inonde, extension de champ terrifiante qui fait de la guerre un universel, donnant au passage la clé des rapports de subordination qui unissent guerre et paix? Sans polémique, mais sans se faire non plus illusion sur l'irénisme, cc volume envisage sur deux millénaires une dialectique de la guerre et de la paix qui prend la forme d'une succession de conflits à peine entrecoupés de paix qui ont la fragilité d'armistices, nonobstant, depuis l'abbé de Saint-Pierre jusqu'à Kant, force projets de paix perpétuelle dont l'esprit a soufflé sur les organismes chargés d'assurer la sécurité collective, de la SDN à l'ONU. Avec plus ou moins de réussite. Loin du bruit des armes, impuissantes à imposer la paix, les auteurs explorent ici d'autres pistes, qui tiennent à la mémoire des conflits, plaidant pour une gestion sans amnistie et sans amnésie de ces enjeux. Les dix contributions ici réunies sont issues d'un cycle de conférences organisé en 2014, 2015 et 2016, dans le cadre du festival annuel Patrimoine en Domitienne à l'initiative du Parc Culturel du Biterrois dont l'activité, en valorisant les ressources patrimoniales, s'attache à diffuser les avancées de la recherche en prise avec les grands enjeux de société. La bataille de Marignan -- Catherine Mariette : 1814-1815 : entre paix et guerre, dans La Semaine sainte d'Aragon et L'Absent de Patrick Rambaud -- Laure Lévêque : La guerre, stade suprême du progrès? Le meilleur des mondes de Jules Verne -- Rémy Pech : Pourquoi ont-ils tué Jaurès? La contribution de l'Empire à l'effort de guerre français entre 1914 et 1918 -- Béatrix Pau : Le retour des Biterrois morts pour la France -- Anne-Laure Bonvalot : Mémoires de la guerre d'Espagne et du franquisme : discours, poétiques, représentations -- Christiane Chaulet Achour : Guerre en Algérie 1954-1962. Mémoires des deux rives dans les récits postcoloniaux -- Christopher Hainsworth : La victoire en chantant! La guerre et le inonde, extension de champ terrifiante qui fait de la guerre un universel, donnant au passage la clé des rapports de subordination qui unissent guerre et paix? Sans polémique, mais sans se faire non plus illusion sur l'irénisme, cc volume envisage sur deux millénaires une dialectique de la guerre et de la paix qui prend la forme d'une succession de conflits à peine entrecoupés de paix qui ont la fragilité d'armistices, nonobstant, depuis l'abbé de Saint-Pierre jusqu'à Kant, force projets de paix perpétuelle dont l'esprit a soufflé sur les organismes chargés d'assurer la sécurité collective, de la SDN à l'ONU. Avec plus ou moins de réussite. Loin du bruit des armes, impuissantes à imposer la paix, les auteurs explorent ici d'autres pistes, qui tiennent à la mémoire des conflits, plaidant pour une gestion sans amnistie et sans amnésie de ces enjeux. Les dix contributions ici réunies sont issues d'un cycle de conférences organisé en 2014, 2015 et 2016, dans le cadre du festival annuel Patrimoine en Domitienne à l'initiative du Parc Culturel du Biterrois dont l'activité, en valorisant les ressources patrimoniales, s'attache à diffuser les avancées de la recherche en prise avec les grands enjeux de société. It is a valuable resource for chemical engineers, chemical process engineers, researchers in industry and academia, students, and consultants for chemical industries. It is a valuable resource for chemical engineers, chemical process engineers, researchers in industry and academia, students, and consultants for chemical industries. American Sociologists and French Sociology During the First World War-- Andrew Johnston. Adopting a strong international approach, the contributors to this volume examine the impact of the War on individuals, institutions, and disciplines, cumulatively demonstrating the strong afterlife of conflict for scholarly practices and academic communities across Europe and North America, in the decades following the cessation of the Great War. American Sociologists and French Sociology During the First World War-- Andrew Johnston. Adopting a strong international approach, the contributors to this volume examine the impact of the War on individuals, institutions, and disciplines, cumulatively demonstrating the strong afterlife of conflict for scholarly practices and academic communities across Europe and North America, in the decades following the cessation of the Great War. Aggravées par la crise climatique, les migrations sont désormais un chantier majeur pour les pouvoirs publics. Partout dans le monde, les opinions sont divisées entre les craintes de beaucoup et la volonté d'accueil de tant d'associations et de citoyens. Dans ce livre, spécialistes et grands commis de l'État éclairent à la fois l'histoire des migrations en France C. Wihtold de Wenden ; F. Gemenne , leur impact économique J. Dumont , leurs régulations juridiques complexes, selon qu'il s'agit de bénéficiaires ou de déboutés du droit d'asile Convention de Genève , de mineurs isolés protégés A. Altmann , ou d'autres étrangers J. Toubon, ancien garde des Sceaux, défenseur des droits ; P. Brice, directeur de l'OFPRA, J. Ces données essentielles, le livre ajoute l'expérience vécue des migrants, et celles d'acteurs de terrain à la mairie de Strasbourg M. Dreyssé , à la direction de la Cimade G. Jacques et d'un centre d'accueil P. Les discours de responsabilité s'y conjuguent avec les convictions humanistes A. Gotmann , et les références chrétiennes C. Mellon sj ; D. Fiévet, pasteur qui guident les pratiques associatives. Confrontations, association d'intellectuels chrétiens, rassemble des personnes qui veulent contribuer par la réflexion et le débat d'idées à la vitalité, à la créativité et à l'espérance dans notre société. L'association suscite des débats à partir d'expériences professionnelles et sociales de laïcs et de clercs, de chrétiens et d'agnostiques, qui pensent que le message évangélique peut donner du sens à un monde multiculturel. Aggravées par la crise climatique, les migrations sont désormais un chantier majeur pour les pouvoirs publics. Partout dans le monde, les opinions sont divisées entre les craintes de beaucoup et la volonté d'accueil de tant d'associations et de citoyens. Dans ce livre, spécialistes et grands commis de l'État éclairent à la fois l'histoire des migrations en France C. Wihtold de Wenden ; F. Gemenne , leur impact économique J. Dumont , leurs régulations juridiques complexes, selon qu'il s'agit de bénéficiaires ou de déboutés du droit d'asile Convention de Genève , de mineurs isolés protégés A. Altmann , ou d'autres étrangers J. Toubon, ancien garde des Sceaux, défenseur des droits ; P. Brice, directeur de l'OFPRA, J. Ces données essentielles, le livre ajoute l'expérience vécue des migrants, et celles d'acteurs de terrain à la mairie de Strasbourg M. Dreyssé , à la direction de la Cimade G. Jacques et d'un centre d'accueil P. Les discours de responsabilité s'y conjuguent avec les convictions humanistes A. Gotmann , et les références chrétiennes C. Mellon sj ; D. Fiévet, pasteur qui guident les pratiques associatives. Confrontations, association d'intellectuels chrétiens, rassemble des personnes qui veulent contribuer par la réflexion et le débat d'idées à la vitalité, à la créativité et à l'espérance dans notre société. L'association suscite des débats à partir d'expériences professionnelles et sociales de laïcs et de clercs, de chrétiens et d'agnostiques, qui pensent que le message évangélique peut donner du sens à un monde multiculturel. Artmann und seine Kinderliteratur : Neue schöne Kinderreime? Artmann und seine Kinderliteratur : Neue schöne Kinderreime? Le Journal d'un curé de campagne adapté par Aurenche et Bost -- Le projet d'adaptation de Journal d'un curé de campagne par Aurenche et Bost : un problème de formes -- La genèse du Diable au corps 1947. En comparant les romans ou les pièces de théâtre à leurs variantes scénaristiques et cinématographiques, les contributeurs du volume examinent les fonctions de la référence littéraire, certaines étapes de la création notamment le découpage technique ou certains procédés narratifs comme le flash-back ou la mise en abyme. L'oeuvre filmique apparaît alors comme le résultat d'un geste nécessairement collectif, comme l'aboutissement d'un travail d'écriture mouvant dont l'étude nous apprend beaucoup sur le pouvoir respectif des mots, des images et des sons. Le scénario est souvent étudié dans une optique normative ; le voici envisagé comme le lieu des possibles. Le Journal d'un curé de campagne adapté par Aurenche et Bost -- Le projet d'adaptation de Journal d'un curé de campagne par Aurenche et Bost : un problème de formes -- La genèse du Diable au corps 1947. En comparant les romans ou les pièces de théâtre à leurs variantes scénaristiques et cinématographiques, les contributeurs du volume examinent les fonctions de la référence littéraire, certaines étapes de la création notamment le découpage technique ou certains procédés narratifs comme le flash-back ou la mise en abyme. L'oeuvre filmique apparaît alors comme le résultat d'un geste nécessairement collectif, comme l'aboutissement d'un travail d'écriture mouvant dont l'étude nous apprend beaucoup sur le pouvoir respectif des mots, des images et des sons. Le scénario est souvent étudié dans une optique normative ; le voici envisagé comme le lieu des possibles. The conference was organized to commemorate 100 years of Bose Institute. The book is based on the theme of the conference and provides a clear picture of basics and advancement of detectors for nuclear physics, high-energy physics and astroparticle physics together. The topics covered in the book include detectors for accelerator-based high energy physics; detectors for non-accelerator particle physics; nuclear physics detectors; detection techniques in astroparticle physics and dark matter; and applications and simulations. The book will be a good reference for researchers and industrial personnel working in the area of nuclear and astroparticle physics. The conference was organized to commemorate 100 years of Bose Institute. The book is based on the theme of the conference and provides a clear picture of basics and advancement of detectors for nuclear physics, high-energy physics and astroparticle physics together. The topics covered in the book include detectors for accelerator-based high energy physics; detectors for non-accelerator particle physics; nuclear physics detectors; detection techniques in astroparticle physics and dark matter; and applications and simulations. The book will be a good reference for researchers and industrial personnel working in the area of nuclear and astroparticle physics. The book focuses on a wide spectrum of nanostructures, ferroelectric crystals, materials and composites as well as promising materials with special properties. It presents nanotechnology approaches, modern environmentally friendly piezoelectric and ferromagnetic techniques and physical and mechanical studies of the structural and physical-mechanical properties of materials. Various original mathematical and numerical methods are applied to the solution of different technological, mechanical and physical problems that are interesting from theoretical, modeling and experimental points of view. Further, the book highlights novel devices with high accuracy, longevity and extended capabilities to operate under wide temperature and pressure ranges and aggressive media, which show improved characteristics, thanks to the developed materials and composites, opening new possibilities for different physico-mechanical processes and phenomena. The book focuses on a wide spectrum of nanostructures, ferroelectric crystals, materials and composites as well as promising materials with special properties. It presents nanotechnology approaches, modern environmentally friendly piezoelectric and ferromagnetic techniques and physical and mechanical studies of the structural and physical-mechanical properties of materials. Various original mathematical and numerical methods are applied to the solution of different technological, mechanical and physical problems that are interesting from theoretical, modeling and experimental points of view. Further, the book highlights novel devices with high accuracy, longevity and extended capabilities to operate under wide temperature and pressure ranges and aggressive media, which show improved characteristics, thanks to the developed materials and composites, opening new possibilities for different physico-mechanical processes and phenomena. Vaseashta: Roadmapping the Future in Defense and Security: Innovations in Technology using Multidisciplinary Convergence. Drahokoupil: Crystalline Thin Layers of BaTiO3 for Gas Sensors Prepared by PLD. Closset: A Comparative Study of the Morphology of Y-Type Hexaferrite Powders Obtained by Sol-Gel Auto-Combustion and Ultrasonic Co-Precipitation. Manoryk: 2D hybrid Si-, Ti-Nanocomposites for Optoelectronic Devices Manufactured by the Sol-Gel Method. Stepanov: Surface Plasmon Resonance Band of Ion-Synthesized Ag Nanoparticles in High Dose Ag:PMMA Nanocomposite Films. Stepanov: Formation of a Periodic Structure in a Chalcogenide Film Substrate by Silver Ion Implantation. Stepanov: Optical Band Gap and Carbon Clusters in PMMA Nanocomposite Films Formed by Ion Implantation: Boron, Helium, and Xenon Ions. Furjes: Preparation and Characterization of SERS Substrates of Different Morphology. Tonchev: Synthesis of UV Sensitive Rare Earth Doped Materials. Petkova: Characterization of Nickel-cobaltite Spinel Prepared by Different Methods. Petkova: Structure and Thermal Behaviour of Lithium Sodium Sulphate. Paiuk: Influence of Modification on the Structure and Physical Properties of Arsenic Trisulfide. Costa: Time Domain versus Frequency Domain in the Characterization of Materia. Prezas: The Measurement of Thermally Stimulated Depolarization and Polarization Currents. Costa: Iron Concentration Effect on the Microwave Dielectric Properties of BiNbO4 Ceramics. Graca: Dielectric Analysis of Phosphate-Borate Glass-Ceramics Doped with Alkali Oxides. Costa: Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Yttrium Ferrites. Maser: Nanostructured Carbon Materials: Synthesis and Applications. Popov: Quantum Information Technology and Sensing Based on Color Centers in Diamond. Koos: Experimental Study of Spectral Parameters of Silicon-Vacancy Centers in MWCVD Nanodiamond Films Important for Sensing Applications, Chap. Anson-Casaos: Preparation of Metallic and Semiconducting SWCNT Inks by a Simple Chromatographic Method: A Two-Parameter Study. Karagulle: Loaded Nanofibers - Force Protection, Filtration, Decontamination. Vaseashta: Nanocomposites of Electrospun Polymeric Materials as Protective Textiles against Chemical and Biological Hazards. Costa: Temperature Effect on the Dielectric Response of Carbon Nanotubes Particles Filled Polyester Polymer Composites. Koutzarova: Nanosized Ferrite Materials for Absorption of and Protection from MW Radiation. Mabrouki: Dielectric Relaxation in Biocomposites Based on Olive Pomace Grain. Antova: Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Application in Thin Polymer Films. Iukhymenko: Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Modified with Silanes and Their Heating Ability in Alternating Magnetic Fields. Ilcheva: Ureasil-based Polymer Matrices as Sensitive Layers for the Construction of Amperometric Biosensors. Mocreac: Impedance Characterization of Gas Sensitive Chalcogenide Films. Ilcheva: Swelling Behavior of Organic-Inorganic Ureasil-Based Polymers. Petkova: Synthesis and Characterization of Organically Modified Silicates by Co-condensation of Two Organic - Inorganic Ureasilicate Monomers, - Chap. Russel: Sr-substituted Barium Titanate Glass Ceramics from Oxide Glasses as Potential Material for Sensor Preparation. Pashova: Application of Sm Oxide Doped Oxyfluoride Glasses for the Development of Extrinsic Fibre Optical X-ray Sensors. Germer: Next Generation Diagnostics: Highly Sensitive Integrated CMOS Photodiode Sensor Array for Light Absorption Measurement. Hassan: Preparation of Nanoporous Hybrid Materials with Bridged Tetra Sulfide Functional Groups and Determination of Their Sensing Characteristics towards Relative Humidity. Piroeva: Humidity Sensing Properties of Tungsten Based Glass Crystalline Materials in the WO3-ZnO-La2O3-Al2O3 System. Boelgen, Ashok Vaseashta: Green Synthesis of Silva Nanoparticles Using Lantana Camara Leaf Extract and Their Use as Mercury II Ion Sensor. Kostadinova: Highly Ordered AAO Layers for Various Sensor Applications. Adelung: Individual Bi2O3-Functionalized ZnO Microwire for Hydrogen Gas Detection. Dimitrov: Improvement of the Catalytic Activity of Pt through Synergetic Interaction with Co. Miksovsky: Antibacterial Coatings for Biomedical Applications. Pavlidis: Identification and Evolution of Biocatalysts of Interest. Voloshanska: Self-organized Magnetic Nanoparticles in Plant Systems: ESR Detection and Perspectives for Biomedical Applications. Petkov: Development of Nanostructured Materials with CBRN Agents Sensing Properties. It provides chapters addressing the preparation and characterization of different nanoscale materials metals, oxides, glasses, polymers, carbon-based, etc. In addition, it presents an interdisciplinary approach as the contributors come from different areas of research, such as physics, chemistry, engineering, materials science and biology. A major feature of the book is the combination of longer chapters introducing the basic knowledge on a certain topic, and shorter contributions highlighting specific applications in different security areas. Vaseashta: Roadmapping the Future in Defense and Security: Innovations in Technology using Multidisciplinary Convergence. Drahokoupil: Crystalline Thin Layers of BaTiO3 for Gas Sensors Prepared by PLD. Closset: A Comparative Study of the Morphology of Y-Type Hexaferrite Powders Obtained by Sol-Gel Auto-Combustion and Ultrasonic Co-Precipitation. Manoryk: 2D hybrid Si-, Ti-Nanocomposites for Optoelectronic Devices Manufactured by the Sol-Gel Method. Stepanov: Surface Plasmon Resonance Band of Ion-Synthesized Ag Nanoparticles in High Dose Ag:PMMA Nanocomposite Films. Stepanov: Formation of a Periodic Structure in a Chalcogenide Film Substrate by Silver Ion Implantation. Stepanov: Optical Band Gap and Carbon Clusters in PMMA Nanocomposite Films Formed by Ion Implantation: Boron, Helium, and Xenon Ions. Furjes: Preparation and Characterization of SERS Substrates of Different Morphology. Tonchev: Synthesis of UV Sensitive Rare Earth Doped Materials. Petkova: Characterization of Nickel-cobaltite Spinel Prepared by Different Methods. Petkova: Structure and Thermal Behaviour of Lithium Sodium Sulphate. Paiuk: Influence of Modification on the Structure and Physical Properties of Arsenic Trisulfide. Costa: Time Domain versus Frequency Domain in the Characterization of Materia. Prezas: The Measurement of Thermally Stimulated Depolarization and Polarization Currents. Costa: Iron Concentration Effect on the Microwave Dielectric Properties of BiNbO4 Ceramics. Graca: Dielectric Analysis of Phosphate-Borate Glass-Ceramics Doped with Alkali Oxides. Costa: Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Yttrium Ferrites. Maser: Nanostructured Carbon Materials: Synthesis and Applications. Popov: Quantum Information Technology and Sensing Based on Color Centers in Diamond. Koos: Experimental Study of Spectral Parameters of Silicon-Vacancy Centers in MWCVD Nanodiamond Films Important for Sensing Applications, Chap. Anson-Casaos: Preparation of Metallic and Semiconducting SWCNT Inks by a Simple Chromatographic Method: A Two-Parameter Study. Karagulle: Loaded Nanofibers - Force Protection, Filtration, Decontamination. Vaseashta: Nanocomposites of Electrospun Polymeric Materials as Protective Textiles against Chemical and Biological Hazards. Costa: Temperature Effect on the Dielectric Response of Carbon Nanotubes Particles Filled Polyester Polymer Composites. Koutzarova: Nanosized Ferrite Materials for Absorption of and Protection from MW Radiation. Mabrouki: Dielectric Relaxation in Biocomposites Based on Olive Pomace Grain. Antova: Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Application in Thin Polymer Films. Iukhymenko: Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Modified with Silanes and Their Heating Ability in Alternating Magnetic Fields. Ilcheva: Ureasil-based Polymer Matrices as Sensitive Layers for the Construction of Amperometric Biosensors. Mocreac: Impedance Characterization of Gas Sensitive Chalcogenide Films. Ilcheva: Swelling Behavior of Organic-Inorganic Ureasil-Based Polymers. Petkova: Synthesis and Characterization of Organically Modified Silicates by Co-condensation of Two Organic - Inorganic Ureasilicate Monomers, - Chap. Russel: Sr-substituted Barium Titanate Glass Ceramics from Oxide Glasses as Potential Material for Sensor Preparation. Pashova: Application of Sm Oxide Doped Oxyfluoride Glasses for the Development of Extrinsic Fibre Optical X-ray Sensors. Germer: Next Generation Diagnostics: Highly Sensitive Integrated CMOS Photodiode Sensor Array for Light Absorption Measurement. Hassan: Preparation of Nanoporous Hybrid Materials with Bridged Tetra Sulfide Functional Groups and Determination of Their Sensing Characteristics towards Relative Humidity. Piroeva: Humidity Sensing Properties of Tungsten Based Glass Crystalline Materials in the WO3-ZnO-La2O3-Al2O3 System. Boelgen, Ashok Vaseashta: Green Synthesis of Silva Nanoparticles Using Lantana Camara Leaf Extract and Their Use as Mercury II Ion Sensor. Kostadinova: Highly Ordered AAO Layers for Various Sensor Applications. Adelung: Individual Bi2O3-Functionalized ZnO Microwire for Hydrogen Gas Detection. Dimitrov: Improvement of the Catalytic Activity of Pt through Synergetic Interaction with Co. Miksovsky: Antibacterial Coatings for Biomedical Applications. Pavlidis: Identification and Evolution of Biocatalysts of Interest. Voloshanska: Self-organized Magnetic Nanoparticles in Plant Systems: ESR Detection and Perspectives for Biomedical Applications. Petkov: Development of Nanostructured Materials with CBRN Agents Sensing Properties. It provides chapters addressing the preparation and characterization of different nanoscale materials metals, oxides, glasses, polymers, carbon-based, etc. In addition, it presents an interdisciplinary approach as the contributors come from different areas of research, such as physics, chemistry, engineering, materials science and biology. A major feature of the book is the combination of longer chapters introducing the basic knowledge on a certain topic, and shorter contributions highlighting specific applications in different security areas. Advances in Geospatial Technologies for Mine Surveying and Civil Engineering. Advances in Mining, Tunneling, and Geological Exploration. Earth Resource Management and Decision Support System. The book gathers the proceedings of the International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Earth Resources GTER 2017 , which was co-organized by the Hanoi University of Mining and Geology HUMG and the International Society for Mine Surveying ISM and held in Hanoi, Vietnam, on October 5-6, 2017. GTER 2017 is technically co-sponsored by the Vietnam Mining Science and Technology Association VMST , Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing VGCR , Vietnam National Coal-Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited VINACOMIN , and the Dong Bac Corporation NECO. The event is intended to bring together experts, researchers, engineers, and policymakers to discuss and exchange their knowledges and experiences with modern geospatial technologies, recent advances in mining and tunneling, and the geological and earth sciences. Given its breadth of coverage, the book will appeal to scientists in the field as well as professionals interested in related technological applications. Advances in Geospatial Technologies for Mine Surveying and Civil Engineering. Advances in Mining, Tunneling, and Geological Exploration. Earth Resource Management and Decision Support System. The book gathers the proceedings of the International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Earth Resources GTER 2017 , which was co-organized by the Hanoi University of Mining and Geology HUMG and the International Society for Mine Surveying ISM and held in Hanoi, Vietnam, on October 5-6, 2017. GTER 2017 is technically co-sponsored by the Vietnam Mining Science and Technology Association VMST , Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing VGCR , Vietnam National Coal-Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited VINACOMIN , and the Dong Bac Corporation NECO. The event is intended to bring together experts, researchers, engineers, and policymakers to discuss and exchange their knowledges and experiences with modern geospatial technologies, recent advances in mining and tunneling, and the geological and earth sciences. Given its breadth of coverage, the book will appeal to scientists in the field as well as professionals interested in related technological applications. Advances in Geospatial Technologies for Mine Surveying and Civil Engineering. Advances in Mining, Tunneling, and Geological Exploration. Earth Resource Management and Decision Support System. The book gathers the proceedings of the International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Earth Resources GTER 2017 , which was co-organized by the Hanoi University of Mining and Geology HUMG and the International Society for Mine Surveying ISM and held in Hanoi, Vietnam, on October 5-6, 2017. GTER 2017 is technically co-sponsored by the Vietnam Mining Science and Technology Association VMST , Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing VGCR , Vietnam National Coal-Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited VINACOMIN , and the Dong Bac Corporation NECO. The event is intended to bring together experts, researchers, engineers, and policymakers to discuss and exchange their knowledges and experiences with modern geospatial technologies, recent advances in mining and tunneling, and the geological and earth sciences. Given its breadth of coverage, the book will appeal to scientists in the field as well as professionals interested in related technological applications. Advances in Geospatial Technologies for Mine Surveying and Civil Engineering. Advances in Mining, Tunneling, and Geological Exploration. Earth Resource Management and Decision Support System. The book gathers the proceedings of the International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Earth Resources GTER 2017 , which was co-organized by the Hanoi University of Mining and Geology HUMG and the International Society for Mine Surveying ISM and held in Hanoi, Vietnam, on October 5-6, 2017. GTER 2017 is technically co-sponsored by the Vietnam Mining Science and Technology Association VMST , Vietnam Association of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing VGCR , Vietnam National Coal-Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited VINACOMIN , and the Dong Bac Corporation NECO. The event is intended to bring together experts, researchers, engineers, and policymakers to discuss and exchange their knowledges and experiences with modern geospatial technologies, recent advances in mining and tunneling, and the geological and earth sciences. Given its breadth of coverage, the book will appeal to scientists in the field as well as professionals interested in related technological applications. Sokol 3D digital mapping of cave spaces in Slovakia by terrestrial laser scanning K. Bella Precision of angular measurement of total stations Trimble M3 J. Braun Historical boundary marks-an outstanding heritage O. Cada Multi-sensor monitoring of suspended steel bridge structure J. Kyrinovic Pedestrian positioning using smartphones in building with atypical geometry L. Kopacik Landslide movements analysis: The case of Kadzielnia in Kielce P. Szewczyk Verification of horizontal circles quality of surveying instruments V. Haskova Accuracy analysis of continual geodetic diagnostics of a railway line J. Cesnek Verification of the quality of selected electro-optical rangefinders according to STN ISO 17123-4: 2013 J. Sokol Landslide movement monitoring as an element of landscape protection K. Szewczyk Measuring and creating of the mapping documentation of the part of the Josef Gallery T. Kremen Influence of image compression on image and reference point accuracy in photogrammetric measurement M. Frastia Photogrammetric deformation measurement of concrete flat slab M. Augustin High-resolution 3-D mapping for the survey of valuable inaccessible Medvedia Cave in the National Park of Slovensky raj K. Tometzova The influence of refraction on determination of position of objects under water using total station S. Pukanska Enhanced maximal precision increment method for network measurement optimization M. Urban Errors of electronic high precision short distance measurement M. Urban Mapping of spoil heap by commercial and home-assembled fixed-wing UAV systems R. Stroner The comparison of selected robust estimation methods for adjustment of measurements in geodetic network V. Hurcik Part B: Geodetic control and geodynamics Is Galileo ready for precise geodetic applications? Ferianc Application of microgravity for searching of cavities in historical sites J. Grinc Kronstadt height datum on the territories of the Czech and Slovak republics and its connection to a global vertical reference frame V. Buday Part C: Cartography and geoinformatics Some possibilities of using geographic information systems in analysis of the potential of destination Slovensky raj Slovakia in tourism P. Strba Aggregation of uncertain information and its implementation in geographic information systems and spatial databases R. Caha SQL base for managers and visitors of the Kielce botanical garden R. Florek Paszkowski Displaying of easements in vector cadastral maps L. Geisse 3D visualization of extraction progress in the quarry Lehotka pod Brehmi using tools of digital cartography V. Hurcik Conceptual basis for a modeling cultural heritage in Slovakia: Harmonisation requirements and application the Humboldt project tools K. Krockova Open structured databases' use for spatial econometrics within data-driven governance and business intelligence B. Strba Analysis of LiDAR data with low density in the context of its applicability for the cultural heritage documentation T. Hornak Classification of digitized old maps M. SK and the Slovakian Mining Society SK. The conference was held from October 10 - 13, 2017, in Low Tatras, Slovakia. The purpose of the conference was to provide a forum for prominent scientists, researchers and professionals from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic to present novel and fundamental advances in the fields of geodesy, cartography and geoinformatics. Conference participants had the opportunity to exchange and share their experiences, research and results solved within scientific research projects with other colleagues. The conference focused on a wide spectrum of actual topics and subject areas in Surveying and Mine Surveying, Geodetic Control and Geodynamics, and Cartography and Geoinformatics and collected in this proceedings volume. Sokol 3D digital mapping of cave spaces in Slovakia by terrestrial laser scanning K. Bella Precision of angular measurement of total stations Trimble M3 J. Braun Historical boundary marks-an outstanding heritage O. Cada Multi-sensor monitoring of suspended steel bridge structure J. Kyrinovic Pedestrian positioning using smartphones in building with atypical geometry L. Kopacik Landslide movements analysis: The case of Kadzielnia in Kielce P. Szewczyk Verification of horizontal circles quality of surveying instruments V. Haskova Accuracy analysis of continual geodetic diagnostics of a railway line J. Cesnek Verification of the quality of selected electro-optical rangefinders according to STN ISO 17123-4: 2013 J. Sokol Landslide movement monitoring as an element of landscape protection K. Szewczyk Measuring and creating of the mapping documentation of the part of the Josef Gallery T. Kremen Influence of image compression on image and reference point accuracy in photogrammetric measurement M. Frastia Photogrammetric deformation measurement of concrete flat slab M. Augustin High-resolution 3-D mapping for the survey of valuable inaccessible Medvedia Cave in the National Park of Slovensky raj K. Tometzova The influence of refraction on determination of position of objects under water using total station S. Pukanska Enhanced maximal precision increment method for network measurement optimization M. Urban Errors of electronic high precision short distance measurement M. Urban Mapping of spoil heap by commercial and home-assembled fixed-wing UAV systems R. Stroner The comparison of selected robust estimation methods for adjustment of measurements in geodetic network V. Hurcik Part B: Geodetic control and geodynamics Is Galileo ready for precise geodetic applications? Ferianc Application of microgravity for searching of cavities in historical sites J. Grinc Kronstadt height datum on the territories of the Czech and Slovak republics and its connection to a global vertical reference frame V. Buday Part C: Cartography and geoinformatics Some possibilities of using geographic information systems in analysis of the potential of destination Slovensky raj Slovakia in tourism P. Strba Aggregation of uncertain information and its implementation in geographic information systems and spatial databases R. Caha SQL base for managers and visitors of the Kielce botanical garden R. Florek Paszkowski Displaying of easements in vector cadastral maps L. Geisse 3D visualization of extraction progress in the quarry Lehotka pod Brehmi using tools of digital cartography V. Hurcik Conceptual basis for a modeling cultural heritage in Slovakia: Harmonisation requirements and application the Humboldt project tools K. Krockova Open structured databases' use for spatial econometrics within data-driven governance and business intelligence B. Strba Analysis of LiDAR data with low density in the context of its applicability for the cultural heritage documentation T. Hornak Classification of digitized old maps M. SK and the Slovakian Mining Society SK. The conference was held from October 10 - 13, 2017, in Low Tatras, Slovakia. The purpose of the conference was to provide a forum for prominent scientists, researchers and professionals from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic to present novel and fundamental advances in the fields of geodesy, cartography and geoinformatics. Conference participants had the opportunity to exchange and share their experiences, research and results solved within scientific research projects with other colleagues. The conference focused on a wide spectrum of actual topics and subject areas in Surveying and Mine Surveying, Geodetic Control and Geodynamics, and Cartography and Geoinformatics and collected in this proceedings volume. Abramov and Moulay A. This book discusses the latest advances in algorithms for symbolic summation, factorization, symbolic-numeric linear algebra and linear functional equations. It presents a collection of papers on original research topics from the Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra WWCA-2016 , a satellite workshop of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ISSAC'2016 , which was held at Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on July 23-24, 2016. This workshop and the resulting book celebrate the 70th birthday of Sergei Abramov Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow , whose highly regarded and inspirational contributions to symbolic methods have become a crucial benchmark of computer algebra and have been broadly adopted by many Computer Algebra systems. Abramov and Moulay A. This book discusses the latest advances in algorithms for symbolic summation, factorization, symbolic-numeric linear algebra and linear functional equations. It presents a collection of papers on original research topics from the Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra WWCA-2016 , a satellite workshop of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ISSAC'2016 , which was held at Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on July 23-24, 2016. This workshop and the resulting book celebrate the 70th birthday of Sergei Abramov Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow , whose highly regarded and inspirational contributions to symbolic methods have become a crucial benchmark of computer algebra and have been broadly adopted by many Computer Algebra systems. It presents a collection of papers on original research topics from the Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra WWCA-2016 , a satellite workshop of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ISSAC'2016 , which was held at Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on July 23-24, 2016. This workshop and the resulting book celebrate the 70th birthday of Sergei Abramov Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow , whose highly regarded and inspirational contributions to symbolic methods have become a crucial benchmark of computer algebra and have been broadly adopted by many Computer Algebra systems. It presents a collection of papers on original research topics from the Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra WWCA-2016 , a satellite workshop of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ISSAC'2016 , which was held at Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on July 23-24, 2016. This workshop and the resulting book celebrate the 70th birthday of Sergei Abramov Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow , whose highly regarded and inspirational contributions to symbolic methods have become a crucial benchmark of computer algebra and have been broadly adopted by many Computer Algebra systems. It discusses decision support and early warning systems for agriculture; information technology IT supporting sustainable water management and land cover dynamics; predictive of crop production models; and software applications for reducing the effects of diseases and pests on crops. Further topics include the real-time monitoring of weather conditions and water quality, as well as food security issues. Featuring the proceedings of the International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change AACC'17 , held on November 22-24, 2017, in Popayan, Colombia, the book represents a timely report and a source of new ideas and solutions for both researchers and practitioners active in the agricultural sector around the globe. It discusses decision support and early warning systems for agriculture; information technology IT supporting sustainable water management and land cover dynamics; predictive of crop production models; and software applications for reducing the effects of diseases and pests on crops. Further topics include the real-time monitoring of weather conditions and water quality, as well as food security issues. Featuring the proceedings of the International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change AACC'17 , held on November 22-24, 2017, in Popayan, Colombia, the book represents a timely report and a source of new ideas and solutions for both researchers and practitioners active in the agricultural sector around the globe. Commercial Pilots in 2020 and Beyond5 The Influence of Computer Information and Automation from NextGen Cockpit Equipment on U. Commercial Pilots in 2020 and Beyond5 The Influence of Computer Information and Automation from NextGen Cockpit Equipment on U. Pullback attractor crisis in a delay differential ENSO model. Shear-wave splitting indicates non-linear dynamic deformation in the crust and upper mantle. Stochastic parameterization of subgrid-scale processes: A review of recent physically-based approaches. Large-scale atmospheric phenomena under the lens of ordinal time-series analysis and information theory measures. Supermodeling: Synchronization of alternate dynamical models of a single. Are We Measuring the Right Things for Climate?. What have complex network approaches learned us about El Nino?. Late Quaternary climate response at 100 kyr: A noise-induced cycle suppression mechanism. Role of nonlinear eddy forcing in the dynamics of multiple zonal jets. Data-adaptive Harmonic Decomposition and Stochastic Modeling of Arctic Sea Ice. Cautionary remarks on the auto-correlation analysis of self-similar time series. Emergence of Coherent Clusters in the Ocean. The Rise and Fall of Thermodynamic Complexity and the Arrow of Time. From fractals to stochastics-: Seeking theoretical consistency in analysis of geophysical data. Role of nonlinear dynamics in accelerated warming of Great Lakes. The Prediction of Nonlinear Polar Motion based on Artificial Neural Network ANN and Fuzzy Inference System FIS. Harnessing butterflies: theory and practice of the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System StocSIPS. Regime change detection in irregularly sampled time series. Topological Data Analysis: Developments and Applications. Nonlinear dynamical approach to atmospheric predictability. Linked by dynamics: wavelet-based mutual information rate as a connectivity measure and scale-specific networks. Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics: Overview of Theory and Applications in Seismogenesis, Climate, and Space Plasma. Spatial Patterns of Peak Flow Quantiles Based on Power-Law Scaling in the Mississippi River Basin. Studying the Complexity of Rainfall within California via a Fractal Geometric Method. Pandora box of multifractals: barely open?. Complex networks and hydrologic applications. Convergent Cross Mapping: Theory and an Example. Randomnicity: randomness as a property of the universe. Insights in climate dynamics from climate networks. On the range of frequencies of intrinsic climate oscillations. The prediction of non-stationary climate series by incorporating external forces. The impact of nonlinearity on the targeted observations for tropical cyclone prediction. The volume brings together up-to-date research from the atmospheric sciences, hydrology, geology, and other areas of geosciences and presents the new advances made in the last 10 years. Topics include chaos synchronization, topological data analysis, new insights on fractals, multifractals and stochasticity, climate dynamics, extreme events, complexity, and causality, among other topics. Pullback attractor crisis in a delay differential ENSO model. Shear-wave splitting indicates non-linear dynamic deformation in the crust and upper mantle. Stochastic parameterization of subgrid-scale processes: A review of recent physically-based approaches. Large-scale atmospheric phenomena under the lens of ordinal time-series analysis and information theory measures. Supermodeling: Synchronization of alternate dynamical models of a single. Are We Measuring the Right Things for Climate?. What have complex network approaches learned us about El Nino?. Late Quaternary climate response at 100 kyr: A noise-induced cycle suppression mechanism. Role of nonlinear eddy forcing in the dynamics of multiple zonal jets. Data-adaptive Harmonic Decomposition and Stochastic Modeling of Arctic Sea Ice. Cautionary remarks on the auto-correlation analysis of self-similar time series. Emergence of Coherent Clusters in the Ocean. The Rise and Fall of Thermodynamic Complexity and the Arrow of Time. From fractals to stochastics-: Seeking theoretical consistency in analysis of geophysical data. Role of nonlinear dynamics in accelerated warming of Great Lakes. The Prediction of Nonlinear Polar Motion based on Artificial Neural Network ANN and Fuzzy Inference System FIS. Harnessing butterflies: theory and practice of the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System StocSIPS. Regime change detection in irregularly sampled time series. Topological Data Analysis: Developments and Applications. Nonlinear dynamical approach to atmospheric predictability. Linked by dynamics: wavelet-based mutual information rate as a connectivity measure and scale-specific networks. Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics: Overview of Theory and Applications in Seismogenesis, Climate, and Space Plasma. Spatial Patterns of Peak Flow Quantiles Based on Power-Law Scaling in the Mississippi River Basin. Studying the Complexity of Rainfall within California via a Fractal Geometric Method. Pandora box of multifractals: barely open?. Complex networks and hydrologic applications. Convergent Cross Mapping: Theory and an Example. Randomnicity: randomness as a property of the universe. Insights in climate dynamics from climate networks. On the range of frequencies of intrinsic climate oscillations. The prediction of non-stationary climate series by incorporating external forces. The impact of nonlinearity on the targeted observations for tropical cyclone prediction. The volume brings together up-to-date research from the atmospheric sciences, hydrology, geology, and other areas of geosciences and presents the new advances made in the last 10 years. Topics include chaos synchronization, topological data analysis, new insights on fractals, multifractals and stochasticity, climate dynamics, extreme events, complexity, and causality, among other topics. Study on square footing resting on prestressed geotextile reinforced sandNumerical Studies on Ground Improvement Using Geosynthetic Reinforced Sand LayerBearing capacity prediction of inclined loaded strip footing on reinforced sand by ANNSoft Soil Improvement with Conventional and Geogrid-encased Stone Piles under an EmbankmentAnalysis and Design of Piled Geogrid-Reinforced-Earth EmbankmentCase Study on GeoTrel R Reinforced Earth R Steepened Slopes on Soft Founding Soils for the Approach of Major Bridge over River Kaljani at CoochBehar in West Bengal, IndiaPrediction of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Rectangular Foundations using ANN. The most commonly used reinforcement materials are galvanised steel strips, geosynthetics in the form of woven geotextiles, geogrids and geocomposites, and fibres from natural and waste products. In recent years, there have been advances in the area of soil reinforcement, especially in the utilization of the technique in field projects. The researchers have also been working to understand the behaviour of reinforced soil considering the field challenges of reinforced soil structures. The first paper by Ioannis N. Markou presents the details of sand-geotextile interaction based on interface tests with conventional and large-scale direct shear equipment. The second paper by Atef Ben Othmen and Mounir Bouassida examines the interface properties of geosynthetic reinforcement by carrying out inclined plane tests under low confinement adapted to landfill covers conditions. The third paper by J. Verma deals with the triaxial compression behaviour of soil reinforced with steel and aluminium solid plates in horizontal layers. The fourth paper by M. Shukla describes the swelling and shrinkage behaviour of expansive soil blended with lime and fibres. The fifth paper by S. Shukla provides the test results of shear strength of cohesionless soil reinforced with metalized plastic waste. The sixth paper by Bouacha Nadjet compares the geotextile-reinforced and geogrid-reinforced flexible pavements based on numerical analyses. The seventh paper by S. Chaudhary reports the results of laboratory model tests carried out on a square footing resting on prestressed geotextile reinforced sand. The eighth paper by Sanoop G and Satyajit Patel presents the numerical studies on ground improvement using geosynthetic reinforced sand layer. The ninth paper by ------------------- discusses the bearing capacity prediction of inclined loaded strip footing on reinforced sand by ANN. The tenth paper by Mohamad B. Elsawy presents the numerical simulation of an embankment, constructed on reinforced soft soil with conventional stone piles. The eleventh paper by N. Frizzi deals with the analysis, design, construction and monitoring of a geosynthetics-reinforced-earth pile-supported embankment serving as an access road. The twelfth paper by S. Das provides the details of a case study on reinforced slope on soft soil for the approach of a major bridge. We do hope the researchers and the engineers may find the contributions in this volume very useful. This volume is part of the proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2017. Study on square footing resting on prestressed geotextile reinforced sandNumerical Studies on Ground Improvement Using Geosynthetic Reinforced Sand LayerBearing capacity prediction of inclined loaded strip footing on reinforced sand by ANNSoft Soil Improvement with Conventional and Geogrid-encased Stone Piles under an EmbankmentAnalysis and Design of Piled Geogrid-Reinforced-Earth EmbankmentCase Study on GeoTrel R Reinforced Earth R Steepened Slopes on Soft Founding Soils for the Approach of Major Bridge over River Kaljani at CoochBehar in West Bengal, IndiaPrediction of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Rectangular Foundations using ANN. The most commonly used reinforcement materials are galvanised steel strips, geosynthetics in the form of woven geotextiles, geogrids and geocomposites, and fibres from natural and waste products. In recent years, there have been advances in the area of soil reinforcement, especially in the utilization of the technique in field projects. The researchers have also been working to understand the behaviour of reinforced soil considering the field challenges of reinforced soil structures. The first paper by Ioannis N. Markou presents the details of sand-geotextile interaction based on interface tests with conventional and large-scale direct shear equipment. The second paper by Atef Ben Othmen and Mounir Bouassida examines the interface properties of geosynthetic reinforcement by carrying out inclined plane tests under low confinement adapted to landfill covers conditions. The third paper by J. Verma deals with the triaxial compression behaviour of soil reinforced with steel and aluminium solid plates in horizontal layers. The fourth paper by M. Shukla describes the swelling and shrinkage behaviour of expansive soil blended with lime and fibres. The fifth paper by S. Shukla provides the test results of shear strength of cohesionless soil reinforced with metalized plastic waste. The sixth paper by Bouacha Nadjet compares the geotextile-reinforced and geogrid-reinforced flexible pavements based on numerical analyses. The seventh paper by S. Chaudhary reports the results of laboratory model tests carried out on a square footing resting on prestressed geotextile reinforced sand. The eighth paper by Sanoop G and Satyajit Patel presents the numerical studies on ground improvement using geosynthetic reinforced sand layer. The ninth paper by ------------------- discusses the bearing capacity prediction of inclined loaded strip footing on reinforced sand by ANN. The tenth paper by Mohamad B. Elsawy presents the numerical simulation of an embankment, constructed on reinforced soft soil with conventional stone piles. The eleventh paper by N. Frizzi deals with the analysis, design, construction and monitoring of a geosynthetics-reinforced-earth pile-supported embankment serving as an access road. The twelfth paper by S. Das provides the details of a case study on reinforced slope on soft soil for the approach of a major bridge. We do hope the researchers and the engineers may find the contributions in this volume very useful. This volume is part of the proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2017. Articles included in this book feature recent developments in various areas of non-Archimedean analysis: summation of p -adic series, rational maps on the projective line over Q p , non-Archimedean Hahn-Banach theorems, ultrametric Calkin algebras, G -modules with a convex base, non-compact Trace class operators and Schatten-class operators in p -adic Hilbert spaces, algebras of strictly differentiable functions, inverse function theorem and mean value theorem in Levi-Civita fields, ultrametric spectra of commutative non-unital Banach rings, classes of non-Archimedean Koethe spaces, p -adic Nevanlinna theory and applications, and sub-coordinate representation of p -adic functions. Moreover, a paper on the history of p -adic analysis with a comparative summary of non-Archimedean fields is presented. Through a combination of new research articles and a survey paper, this book provides the reader with an overview of current developments and techniques in non-Archimedean analysis as well as a broad knowledge of some of the sub-areas of this exciting and fast-developing research area. Articles included in this book feature recent developments in various areas of non-Archimedean analysis: summation of p -adic series, rational maps on the projective line over Q p , non-Archimedean Hahn-Banach theorems, ultrametric Calkin algebras, G -modules with a convex base, non-compact Trace class operators and Schatten-class operators in p -adic Hilbert spaces, algebras of strictly differentiable functions, inverse function theorem and mean value theorem in Levi-Civita fields, ultrametric spectra of commutative non-unital Banach rings, classes of non-Archimedean Koethe spaces, p -adic Nevanlinna theory and applications, and sub-coordinate representation of p -adic functions. Moreover, a paper on the history of p -adic analysis with a comparative summary of non-Archimedean fields is presented. Through a combination of new research articles and a survey paper, this book provides the reader with an overview of current developments and techniques in non-Archimedean analysis as well as a broad knowledge of some of the sub-areas of this exciting and fast-developing research area. Articles included in this book feature recent developments in various areas of non-Archimedean analysis: summation of p -adic series, rational maps on the projective line over Q p , non-Archimedean Hahn-Banach theorems, ultrametric Calkin algebras, G -modules with a convex base, non-compact Trace class operators and Schatten-class operators in p -adic Hilbert spaces, algebras of strictly differentiable functions, inverse function theorem and mean value theorem in Levi-Civita fields, ultrametric spectra of commutative non-unital Banach rings, classes of non-Archimedean Koethe spaces, p -adic Nevanlinna theory and applications, and sub-coordinate representation of p -adic functions. Moreover, a paper on the history of p -adic analysis with a comparative summary of non-Archimedean fields is presented. Through a combination of new research articles and a survey paper, this book provides the reader with an overview of current developments and techniques in non-Archimedean analysis as well as a broad knowledge of some of the sub-areas of this exciting and fast-developing research area. Articles included in this book feature recent developments in various areas of non-Archimedean analysis: summation of p -adic series, rational maps on the projective line over Q p , non-Archimedean Hahn-Banach theorems, ultrametric Calkin algebras, G -modules with a convex base, non-compact Trace class operators and Schatten-class operators in p -adic Hilbert spaces, algebras of strictly differentiable functions, inverse function theorem and mean value theorem in Levi-Civita fields, ultrametric spectra of commutative non-unital Banach rings, classes of non-Archimedean Koethe spaces, p -adic Nevanlinna theory and applications, and sub-coordinate representation of p -adic functions. Moreover, a paper on the history of p -adic analysis with a comparative summary of non-Archimedean fields is presented. Through a combination of new research articles and a survey paper, this book provides the reader with an overview of current developments and techniques in non-Archimedean analysis as well as a broad knowledge of some of the sub-areas of this exciting and fast-developing research area. This is why the Society for the Advancement of Science in Africa was established, to contribute to economic advancement and sustainability through science research, education and innovation. This book provides a selection of papers from the Advancement of Science in Africa's fourth annual conference. The collection illustrates how, although the chapter contributors come from various countries and universities, representing their own academic research, they all share a common interest in advancing science, technology and innovation in Africa. This is why the Society for the Advancement of Science in Africa was established, to contribute to economic advancement and sustainability through science research, education and innovation. This book provides a selection of papers from the Advancement of Science in Africa's fourth annual conference. The collection illustrates how, although the chapter contributors come from various countries and universities, representing their own academic research, they all share a common interest in advancing science, technology and innovation in Africa. Fettered to European politics and diplomacy through colonialism, Africa could not claim a position of neutrality, meaning that it mobilised human and natural resources to support the imperial war effort. Fighting both within and outside Africa, colonised Africans who were compelled or coaxed by the colonial regimes of the warring European countries fought Europeans and Africans too. The soldiers fought with great dedication and contributed significantly to successes attained by the belligerent European colonialists. Similarly, African non-combatants, like carriers, brought zeal and enthusiasm to difficult wartime tasks. The impact of the war on Africa was immense with far-reaching consequences in specific colonies, and touched the lives of all Africans under colonial rule. Although the continent's connections to the war were immense and diverse, these experiences are not widely known among scholars and the general public. This is because, over the years, most studies and commemorative events of the war have centred on the European theatre of the war and its outcomes. This book brings together interesting essays written by scholars of African history, society, and military about African experiences of the war. It complements and problematises some key themes on Africa and the First World War, and offers a stimulating historiographical excursion, providing possibilities for reconsidering normative conclusions on the war. The volume will be of interest to general readers, as well as students and researchers in different areas of scholarship, including African history, war studies, postcolonial studies, cultural studies, labour history, and the history of memory, among others. Fettered to European politics and diplomacy through colonialism, Africa could not claim a position of neutrality, meaning that it mobilised human and natural resources to support the imperial war effort. Fighting both within and outside Africa, colonised Africans who were compelled or coaxed by the colonial regimes of the warring European countries fought Europeans and Africans too. The soldiers fought with great dedication and contributed significantly to successes attained by the belligerent European colonialists. Similarly, African non-combatants, like carriers, brought zeal and enthusiasm to difficult wartime tasks. The impact of the war on Africa was immense with far-reaching consequences in specific colonies, and touched the lives of all Africans under colonial rule. Although the continent's connections to the war were immense and diverse, these experiences are not widely known among scholars and the general public. This is because, over the years, most studies and commemorative events of the war have centred on the European theatre of the war and its outcomes. This book brings together interesting essays written by scholars of African history, society, and military about African experiences of the war. It complements and problematises some key themes on Africa and the First World War, and offers a stimulating historiographical excursion, providing possibilities for reconsidering normative conclusions on the war. The volume will be of interest to general readers, as well as students and researchers in different areas of scholarship, including African history, war studies, postcolonial studies, cultural studies, labour history, and the history of memory, among others. Developing High Fidelity, Data Driven, Verified Agent Based Models of Coupled Socio-Ecological Systems of Alaska Fisheries. Leveraging Coupled Agent-Based Models to Explore the Resilience of Tightly-Coupled Land Use Systems. Deconstructing geospatial agent-based model: Sensitivity analysis of forest insect infestation model. An Agent-Based Model to Identify Migration Pathways of Refugees: the Case of Syria. Wealthy Hubs and Poor Chains: Constellations and Routing in the U. Uncovering geographic and structural characteristics of the interpersonal communication. Expert researchers in the areas of Agent-Based Modeling, Complexity Theory, Network Theory, Big Data, and emerging methods of Analysis and Visualization for new types of data explore novel complexity science approaches to dynamic geographic phenomena and their applications, addressing challenges and enriching research methodologies in geography in a Big Data Era. Developing High Fidelity, Data Driven, Verified Agent Based Models of Coupled Socio-Ecological Systems of Alaska Fisheries. Leveraging Coupled Agent-Based Models to Explore the Resilience of Tightly-Coupled Land Use Systems. Deconstructing geospatial agent-based model: Sensitivity analysis of forest insect infestation model. An Agent-Based Model to Identify Migration Pathways of Refugees: the Case of Syria. Wealthy Hubs and Poor Chains: Constellations and Routing in the U. Uncovering geographic and structural characteristics of the interpersonal communication. Expert researchers in the areas of Agent-Based Modeling, Complexity Theory, Network Theory, Big Data, and emerging methods of Analysis and Visualization for new types of data explore novel complexity science approaches to dynamic geographic phenomena and their applications, addressing challenges and enriching research methodologies in geography in a Big Data Era. Developing High Fidelity, Data Driven, Verified Agent Based Models of Coupled Socio-Ecological Systems of Alaska Fisheries. Leveraging Coupled Agent-Based Models to Explore the Resilience of Tightly-Coupled Land Use Systems. Deconstructing geospatial agent-based model: Sensitivity analysis of forest insect infestation model. An Agent-Based Model to Identify Migration Pathways of Refugees: the Case of Syria. Wealthy Hubs and Poor Chains: Constellations and Routing in the U. Uncovering geographic and structural characteristics of the interpersonal communication. Expert researchers in the areas of Agent-Based Modeling, Complexity Theory, Network Theory, Big Data, and emerging methods of Analysis and Visualization for new types of data explore novel complexity science approaches to dynamic geographic phenomena and their applications, addressing challenges and enriching research methodologies in geography in a Big Data Era. Developing High Fidelity, Data Driven, Verified Agent Based Models of Coupled Socio-Ecological Systems of Alaska Fisheries. Leveraging Coupled Agent-Based Models to Explore the Resilience of Tightly-Coupled Land Use Systems. Deconstructing geospatial agent-based model: Sensitivity analysis of forest insect infestation model. An Agent-Based Model to Identify Migration Pathways of Refugees: the Case of Syria. Wealthy Hubs and Poor Chains: Constellations and Routing in the U. Uncovering geographic and structural characteristics of the interpersonal communication. Expert researchers in the areas of Agent-Based Modeling, Complexity Theory, Network Theory, Big Data, and emerging methods of Analysis and Visualization for new types of data explore novel complexity science approaches to dynamic geographic phenomena and their applications, addressing challenges and enriching research methodologies in geography in a Big Data Era. The book also presents case studies on measuring air pollution in major urban areas, such as Delhi, India. The book examines vehicles as a source of air pollution and addresses the quantitative analysis of engine exhaust emissions. Subsequent chapters discuss particulate matter from engines and coal-fired power plants as a major pollutant, as well as emission control techniques using various after treatment systems. The book's final chapter considers future perspectives and a way forward for sustainable development. It also discusses several emission control techniques that will gain relevance in the future, when stricter emission norms will be enforced for international combustion IC engines as well as power plants. Given its breadth of coverage, the book will benefit a wide variety of readers, including researchers, professionals, and policymakers. The book also presents case studies on measuring air pollution in major urban areas, such as Delhi, India. The book examines vehicles as a source of air pollution and addresses the quantitative analysis of engine exhaust emissions. Subsequent chapters discuss particulate matter from engines and coal-fired power plants as a major pollutant, as well as emission control techniques using various after treatment systems. The book's final chapter considers future perspectives and a way forward for sustainable development. It also discusses several emission control techniques that will gain relevance in the future, when stricter emission norms will be enforced for international combustion IC engines as well as power plants. Given its breadth of coverage, the book will benefit a wide variety of readers, including researchers, professionals, and policymakers. Bayer, Wall-crossing implies Brill-Noether applications of stability conditions on surfaces R. Berman, Kahler-Einstein metrics, canonical random point processes and birational geometry T. Bridgeland, Hall algebras and Doanldson-Thomas invariants S. Cantat, The Cremona group A. Castravet, Mori dream spaces and blow-ups T. Donaldson, Stability of algebraic varieties and Kahler geometry L. Lazarsfeld, Syzygies of projective varieties of large degree: Recent progress and open problems E. Woodward, Stable gauged maps D. Taji, Uniformisation of higher-dimensional minimal varieties H. Xu, Boundedness of varieties of log general type D. Peternell, Bimeromorphic geometry of Kahler threefolds S. Kovacs, Moduli of stable log-varieties-An update A. Okounkov, Enumerative geometry and geometric representation theory R. Pandharipande, A calculus for the moduli space of curves Z. Patakfalvi, Frobenius techniques in birational geometry M. Paun, Singualar Hermitian metrics and positivity of direct images of pluricanonical bundles M. Popa, Positivity for Hodge modules and geometric applications R. Thomas, Notes on homological projective duality Y. Toda, Non-commutative deformations and Donaldson-Thomas invariants V. Tosatti, Nakamaye's theorem on complex manifolds. Nadler, Betti geometric Langlands B. Browning, How often does the Hasse principle hold? Caporaso, Tropical methods in the moduli theory of algebraic curves R. Ranganathan, A graphical interface for the Gromov-witten theory of curves H. Esnault, Some fundamental groups in arithmetic geometry L. Fargues, From local class field to the curve and vice versa M. Siebert, Intrinsic mirror symmetry and punctured Gromov-Witten invariants E. Zureick-Brown, Diophantine and tropical geometry, and uniformity of rational points on curves K. Kim, Principal bundles and reciprocity laws in number theory B. Yafaev, Bi-algebraic geometry and the Andre-Ooert conjecture M. Lieblich, Moduli of sheaves: A modern primer J. Nicaise, Geometric invariants for non-archimedean semialgebraic sets T. Vezzosi, Symplectic and Poisson derived geometry and deformation quantization A. Pirutka, Varieties that are not stably rational, zero-cycles and unramified cohomology T. Saito, On the proper push-forward of the characteristic cycle of a constructible sheaf T. Wittenberg, Rational points and zero-cycles on rationally connected varieties over number fields. Since Oscar Zariski organized a meeting in 1954, there has been a major algebraic geometry meeting every decade: Woods Hole 1964 , Arcata 1974 , Bowdoin 1985 , Santa Cruz 1995 , and Seattle 2005. The American Mathematical Society has supported these summer institutes for over 50 years. Their proceedings volumes have been extremely influential, summarizing the state of algebraic geometry at the time and pointing to future developments. The most recent Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry was held July 2015 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, sponsored by the AMS with the collaboration of the Clay Mathematics Institute. This volume includes surveys growing out of plenary lectures and seminar talks during the meeting. Some present a broad overview of their topics, while others develop a distinctive perspective on an emerging topic. The resulting articles will be important references in these areas for years to come. Bayer, Wall-crossing implies Brill-Noether applications of stability conditions on surfaces R. Berman, Kahler-Einstein metrics, canonical random point processes and birational geometry T. Bridgeland, Hall algebras and Doanldson-Thomas invariants S. Cantat, The Cremona group A. Castravet, Mori dream spaces and blow-ups T. Donaldson, Stability of algebraic varieties and Kahler geometry L. Lazarsfeld, Syzygies of projective varieties of large degree: Recent progress and open problems E. Woodward, Stable gauged maps D. Taji, Uniformisation of higher-dimensional minimal varieties H. Xu, Boundedness of varieties of log general type D. Peternell, Bimeromorphic geometry of Kahler threefolds S. Kovacs, Moduli of stable log-varieties-An update A. Okounkov, Enumerative geometry and geometric representation theory R. Pandharipande, A calculus for the moduli space of curves Z. Patakfalvi, Frobenius techniques in birational geometry M. Paun, Singualar Hermitian metrics and positivity of direct images of pluricanonical bundles M. Popa, Positivity for Hodge modules and geometric applications R. Thomas, Notes on homological projective duality Y. Toda, Non-commutative deformations and Donaldson-Thomas invariants V. Tosatti, Nakamaye's theorem on complex manifolds. Nadler, Betti geometric Langlands B. Browning, How often does the Hasse principle hold? Caporaso, Tropical methods in the moduli theory of algebraic curves R. Ranganathan, A graphical interface for the Gromov-witten theory of curves H. Esnault, Some fundamental groups in arithmetic geometry L. Fargues, From local class field to the curve and vice versa M. Siebert, Intrinsic mirror symmetry and punctured Gromov-Witten invariants E. Zureick-Brown, Diophantine and tropical geometry, and uniformity of rational points on curves K. Kim, Principal bundles and reciprocity laws in number theory B. Yafaev, Bi-algebraic geometry and the Andre-Ooert conjecture M. Lieblich, Moduli of sheaves: A modern primer J. Nicaise, Geometric invariants for non-archimedean semialgebraic sets T. Vezzosi, Symplectic and Poisson derived geometry and deformation quantization A. Pirutka, Varieties that are not stably rational, zero-cycles and unramified cohomology T. Saito, On the proper push-forward of the characteristic cycle of a constructible sheaf T. Wittenberg, Rational points and zero-cycles on rationally connected varieties over number fields. Since Oscar Zariski organized a meeting in 1954, there has been a major algebraic geometry meeting every decade: Woods Hole 1964 , Arcata 1974 , Bowdoin 1985 , Santa Cruz 1995 , and Seattle 2005. The American Mathematical Society has supported these summer institutes for over 50 years. Their proceedings volumes have been extremely influential, summarizing the state of algebraic geometry at the time and pointing to future developments. The most recent Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry was held July 2015 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, sponsored by the AMS with the collaboration of the Clay Mathematics Institute. This volume includes surveys growing out of plenary lectures and seminar talks during the meeting. Some present a broad overview of their topics, while others develop a distinctive perspective on an emerging topic. The resulting articles will be important references in these areas for years to come. Some Preliminary Reflections on the Foreign Policy of Barack Obama Mario Del Pero. The seminars allowed Italian scholars to focus on the different profiles of the Presidency as a governmental institution. This volume is the outcome of that congress. Some Preliminary Reflections on the Foreign Policy of Barack Obama Mario Del Pero. The seminars allowed Italian scholars to focus on the different profiles of the Presidency as a governmental institution. This volume is the outcome of that congress. The 42 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 173 submissions. The conference program consisted of four main themes associated with significant contributions made by A. These are: Analytical methods in probability theory, Computational methods in probability theory, Asymptotical methods in probability theory, the history of mathematics. The 42 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 173 submissions. The conference program consisted of four main themes associated with significant contributions made by A. These are: Analytical methods in probability theory, Computational methods in probability theory, Asymptotical methods in probability theory, the history of mathematics. Methodological Issues and Goals: 1. Why some comparisons make more difference than others Nathan Sivin-- 2. Comparing comparisons Walter Scheidel-- 3. On the very idea of philosophical? Philosophy and Religion: 4. Freedom in parts of the Zhuangzi and Epictetus R. Shame and moral education in Aristotle and Xunzi Jingyi Jenny Zhao-- 6. Human and animal in early China and Greece Lisa Raphals-- 7. Genealogies of ghosts, gods and humans: the capriciousness of the Divine in early Greece and China Michael Puett-- Part III. Art and Literature: 8. Visual art and historical representation in Ancient Greece and China Jeremy Tanner-- 9. Helen and Chinese femmes fatales Yiqun Zhou-- Part IV. Mathematics and Life Sciences: 10. Divisions, big and small: comparing Archimedes and Liu Hui Reviel Netz-- 11. Abstraction as a value in the historiography of mathematics in Ancient Greece and China Karine Chemla-- 12. Recipes for love in the ancient world Vivienne Lo and Eleanor Re'em-- Part V. Agriculture, Planning and Institutions: 13. From the harvest to the meal in prehistoric China and Greece: a comparative approach to the social context of food Xinyi Liu, Evi Margaritis and Martin Jones-- 14. On libraries and manuscript culture in Western Han Chang'an and Alexandria Michael Nylan-- Afterword Michael Loewe. The topics tackled include key issues in philosophy and religion, in art and literature, in mathematics and the life sciences including gender studies , in agriculture, city planning and institutions. The volume also analyses how to go about the task of comparing, including finding viable comparanda and avoiding the trap of interpreting one culture in terms appropriate only to another. The book is set to provide a model for future collaborative and interdisciplinary work exploring what is common between ancient civilisations, what is distinctive of particular ones, and what may help to account for the latter. Methodological Issues and Goals: 1. Why some comparisons make more difference than others Nathan Sivin-- 2. Comparing comparisons Walter Scheidel-- 3. On the very idea of philosophical? Philosophy and Religion: 4. Freedom in parts of the Zhuangzi and Epictetus R. Shame and moral education in Aristotle and Xunzi Jingyi Jenny Zhao-- 6. Human and animal in early China and Greece Lisa Raphals-- 7. Genealogies of ghosts, gods and humans: the capriciousness of the Divine in early Greece and China Michael Puett-- Part III. Art and Literature: 8. Visual art and historical representation in Ancient Greece and China Jeremy Tanner-- 9. Helen and Chinese femmes fatales Yiqun Zhou-- Part IV. Mathematics and Life Sciences: 10. Divisions, big and small: comparing Archimedes and Liu Hui Reviel Netz-- 11. Abstraction as a value in the historiography of mathematics in Ancient Greece and China Karine Chemla-- 12. Recipes for love in the ancient world Vivienne Lo and Eleanor Re'em-- Part V. Agriculture, Planning and Institutions: 13. From the harvest to the meal in prehistoric China and Greece: a comparative approach to the social context of food Xinyi Liu, Evi Margaritis and Martin Jones-- 14. On libraries and manuscript culture in Western Han Chang'an and Alexandria Michael Nylan-- Afterword Michael Loewe. The topics tackled include key issues in philosophy and religion, in art and literature, in mathematics and the life sciences including gender studies , in agriculture, city planning and institutions. The volume also analyses how to go about the task of comparing, including finding viable comparanda and avoiding the trap of interpreting one culture in terms appropriate only to another. The book is set to provide a model for future collaborative and interdisciplinary work exploring what is common between ancient civilisations, what is distinctive of particular ones, and what may help to account for the latter. Administering Justice in Ancient Athens: Framework and Core Principles Robert W. Revenge and Punishment Eva Cantarella 3. Hyperides's Against Athenogenes and the Athenian Law on Agreements Michael Gagarin 4. Slaves Operating Businesses: Legal Ramifications for Ancient Athens-and for Modern Scholarship Edward E. Toward a New Shape of the Relationship between Public and Private Law in Ancient Greece Alberto Maffi 6. Soft Law in Ancient Greece? From Anthropology to Sociology: New Directions in Ancient Greek Law Research Adriaan Lanni 10. Oral Law in Ancient Greece? Mogens Herman Hansen 11. The Future of Classical Oratory Gerhard Thur Contributors Index Locorum Index. Yet, in contrast to later societies in which law became a professional discipline, the Greeks treated laws as components of social and political history, reflecting the daily realities of managing society. To understand Greek law, then, requires looking into extant legal, forensic, and historical texts for evidence of the law in action. From such study has arisen the field of ancient Greek law as a scholarly discipline within classical studies, a field that has come into its own since the 1970s. This edited volume charts new directions for the study of Greek law in the twenty-first century through contributions from eleven leading scholars. The second section breaks new ground by redefining substantive areas of law such as administrative law and sacred law, as well as by examining sources such as Hellenistic inscriptions that have been comparatively neglected in recent scholarship. The third section evaluates the potential of methodological approaches to the study of Greek law, including comparative studies with other cultures and with modern legal theory. The volume ends with an essay that explores pedagogy and the relevance of teaching Greek law in the twenty-first century. Administering Justice in Ancient Athens: Framework and Core Principles Robert W. Revenge and Punishment Eva Cantarella 3. Hyperides's Against Athenogenes and the Athenian Law on Agreements Michael Gagarin 4. Slaves Operating Businesses: Legal Ramifications for Ancient Athens-and for Modern Scholarship Edward E. Toward a New Shape of the Relationship between Public and Private Law in Ancient Greece Alberto Maffi 6. Soft Law in Ancient Greece? From Anthropology to Sociology: New Directions in Ancient Greek Law Research Adriaan Lanni 10. Oral Law in Ancient Greece? Mogens Herman Hansen 11. The Future of Classical Oratory Gerhard Thur Contributors Index Locorum Index. Yet, in contrast to later societies in which law became a professional discipline, the Greeks treated laws as components of social and political history, reflecting the daily realities of managing society. To understand Greek law, then, requires looking into extant legal, forensic, and historical texts for evidence of the law in action. From such study has arisen the field of ancient Greek law as a scholarly discipline within classical studies, a field that has come into its own since the 1970s. This edited volume charts new directions for the study of Greek law in the twenty-first century through contributions from eleven leading scholars. The second section breaks new ground by redefining substantive areas of law such as administrative law and sacred law, as well as by examining sources such as Hellenistic inscriptions that have been comparatively neglected in recent scholarship. The third section evaluates the potential of methodological approaches to the study of Greek law, including comparative studies with other cultures and with modern legal theory. The volume ends with an essay that explores pedagogy and the relevance of teaching Greek law in the twenty-first century. The ancient Greeks invented written law. Yet, in contrast to later societies in which law became a professional discipline, the Greeks treated laws as components of social and political history, reflecting the daily realities of managing society. To understand Greek law, then, requires looking into extant legal, forensic, and historical texts for evidence of the law in action. From such study has arisen the field of ancient Greek law as a scholarly discipline within classical studies, a field that has come into its own since the 1970s. This edited volume charts new directions for the study of Greek law in the twenty-first century through contributions from eleven leading scholars. The second section breaks new ground by redefining substantive areas of law such as administrative law and sacred law, as well as by examining sources such as Hellenistic inscriptions that have been comparatively neglected in recent scholarship. The third section evaluates the potential of methodological approaches to the study of Greek law, including comparative studies with other cultures and with modern legal theory. The volume ends with an essay that explores pedagogy and the relevance of teaching Greek law in the twenty-first century. The ancient Greeks invented written law. Yet, in contrast to later societies in which law became a professional discipline, the Greeks treated laws as components of social and political history, reflecting the daily realities of managing society. To understand Greek law, then, requires looking into extant legal, forensic, and historical texts for evidence of the law in action. From such study has arisen the field of ancient Greek law as a scholarly discipline within classical studies, a field that has come into its own since the 1970s. This edited volume charts new directions for the study of Greek law in the twenty-first century through contributions from eleven leading scholars. The second section breaks new ground by redefining substantive areas of law such as administrative law and sacred law, as well as by examining sources such as Hellenistic inscriptions that have been comparatively neglected in recent scholarship. The third section evaluates the potential of methodological approaches to the study of Greek law, including comparative studies with other cultures and with modern legal theory. The volume ends with an essay that explores pedagogy and the relevance of teaching Greek law in the twenty-first century. Roman Adriatic ports and the antiquarian tradition Federico Ugolini 2. Chronotopes of Hellenic antiquity: The Strait of Reggio and Messina in documents from the Grand Tour era Marco Benoit Carbone 3. The Eternal Words of the Latin Sea: Fedra by Mur Oti Francisco Salvador Ventura, Universidad de Granada, Spain Living and Dying in Troubled Waters 4. Quod mare non novit, quae nescit Ariona tellus? II, 83 Dorit Engster, University of Goettingen, Germany 5. Ulysses in the cinema: the example of Nostos, il ritorno Franco Piavoli, Italy 1990 Oscar Lapena Marchena, Universidad de Cadiz, Spain 6. A sea of metal plates: images of the Mediterranean from the XVIIIth century until post-modern theatre Sotera Fornaro, Universita di Sassari, Italy 7. Sailors on Board, Heroes en Route. From the Aegean World to Modern Stage Erika Notti and Martina Treu, Universita IULM - Milano, Italy A Personal Sea. The Artist and the Sea 8. Ancient Seas in Modern Opera: Sea Images and Mediterranean Myths in Rihm's Dionysos Jesus Carruesco, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain and Montserrat Reig, Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, Tarragona, Spain 9. A mirror to see your soul. The exile of Ovid in Eugene Delacroix's painting Rosario Rovira Guardiola, The British Museum, UK 10. Cinematic Romans and the Mediterrranean Sea Cecilia Ricci, Universita degli Studi del Molise, Italy Sea Politics 11. Changing their sky, not their soul. Lawrence Alma-Tadema's vision of the ancient Mediterranean Quentin Broughall, Independent scholar 12. The image of Phoenicians and Carthaginians in Modern Spanish History and Culture Antonio Dupla Ansuategui, Univ. Screening the Battle of Actium. Naval Victory, Erotic Tragedy, and the Birth of an Empire Monica Silveira Cyrino, University of New Mexico, USA Contemporary Uses of the Classical Mediterranean 14. Troubled Waters: Performative imaginary in the Project PI - Pequena Infancia Sofia de Carvalho, Elisabete Cacao and Ana Seica Carvalho, University of Coimbra - CECH, Portugal Annex 15. Nem Gregos nem Troianos Jose Bandeira Bibliography Index. From Prehistory until today, the Mediterranean has been setting, witness and protagonist of mythical adventures, of encounters with the Other, of battles and the rise and fall of cultures and empires, of the destinies of humans. Braudel's appeal for a long duree history of the Mediterranean challenged traditional views that often present it as a sea fragmented and divided through periods. This volume proposes a journey into the bright and dark sides of the ancient Mediterranean through the kaleidoscopic gaze of artists who from the Renaissance to the 21st century have been inspired by its myths and history. The view of those who imagined and recreated the past of the sea has largely contributed to the shaping of modern cultures which are inexorably rooted and embedded in Mediterranean traditions. The contributions look at modern visual reinterpretations of ancient myths, fiction and history and pay particular attention to the theme of sea travel and travellers, which since Homer's Odyssey has become the epitome of the discovery of new worlds, of cultural exchanges and a metaphor of personal developments and metamorphoses. Roman Adriatic ports and the antiquarian tradition Federico Ugolini 2. Chronotopes of Hellenic antiquity: The Strait of Reggio and Messina in documents from the Grand Tour era Marco Benoit Carbone 3. The Eternal Words of the Latin Sea: Fedra by Mur Oti Francisco Salvador Ventura, Universidad de Granada, Spain Living and Dying in Troubled Waters 4. Quod mare non novit, quae nescit Ariona tellus? II, 83 Dorit Engster, University of Goettingen, Germany 5. Ulysses in the cinema: the example of Nostos, il ritorno Franco Piavoli, Italy 1990 Oscar Lapena Marchena, Universidad de Cadiz, Spain 6. A sea of metal plates: images of the Mediterranean from the XVIIIth century until post-modern theatre Sotera Fornaro, Universita di Sassari, Italy 7. Sailors on Board, Heroes en Route. From the Aegean World to Modern Stage Erika Notti and Martina Treu, Universita IULM - Milano, Italy A Personal Sea. The Artist and the Sea 8. Ancient Seas in Modern Opera: Sea Images and Mediterranean Myths in Rihm's Dionysos Jesus Carruesco, Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, Spain and Montserrat Reig, Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, Tarragona, Spain 9. A mirror to see your soul. The exile of Ovid in Eugene Delacroix's painting Rosario Rovira Guardiola, The British Museum, UK 10. Cinematic Romans and the Mediterrranean Sea Cecilia Ricci, Universita degli Studi del Molise, Italy Sea Politics 11. Changing their sky, not their soul. Lawrence Alma-Tadema's vision of the ancient Mediterranean Quentin Broughall, Independent scholar 12. The image of Phoenicians and Carthaginians in Modern Spanish History and Culture Antonio Dupla Ansuategui, Univ. Screening the Battle of Actium. Naval Victory, Erotic Tragedy, and the Birth of an Empire Monica Silveira Cyrino, University of New Mexico, USA Contemporary Uses of the Classical Mediterranean 14. Troubled Waters: Performative imaginary in the Project PI - Pequena Infancia Sofia de Carvalho, Elisabete Cacao and Ana Seica Carvalho, University of Coimbra - CECH, Portugal Annex 15. Nem Gregos nem Troianos Jose Bandeira Bibliography Index. From Prehistory until today, the Mediterranean has been setting, witness and protagonist of mythical adventures, of encounters with the Other, of battles and the rise and fall of cultures and empires, of the destinies of humans. Braudel's appeal for a long duree history of the Mediterranean challenged traditional views that often present it as a sea fragmented and divided through periods. This volume proposes a journey into the bright and dark sides of the ancient Mediterranean through the kaleidoscopic gaze of artists who from the Renaissance to the 21st century have been inspired by its myths and history. The view of those who imagined and recreated the past of the sea has largely contributed to the shaping of modern cultures which are inexorably rooted and embedded in Mediterranean traditions. The contributions look at modern visual reinterpretations of ancient myths, fiction and history and pay particular attention to the theme of sea travel and travellers, which since Homer's Odyssey has become the epitome of the discovery of new worlds, of cultural exchanges and a metaphor of personal developments and metamorphoses. Whale and Dog in Food Culture -- Bernadette Lizet : manger du cheval en France. Une question de distance. Abattre un animal est en effet une chose grave, qui soulève une interrogation sur le geste prédateur, et entraîne une conscience du meurtre, encore accrue par le degré de proximité de la victime. Faire appel aux animaux - des mammifères aux invertébrés - pour se nourrir, entraîne une certaine vision du vivant et de la nature environnante. L'alimentation carnée véhicule bien des valeurs culturelles, qui varient avec le temps et les groupes sociaux : appréciée pour son goût, son prestige, ou sa valeur symbolique, considérée comme indispensable pour les protéines qu'elle apporte, la viande est aussi l'objet d'un grand nombre d'interdits. Par la démarche de l'observation directe et la mise en regard de plusieurs sociétés de l'Espagne au Japon dans leur rapport à un animal spécifique, ce volume interroge, à partir des différentes formes de traitement, d'exclusion ou de consommation, les représentations singulières construites autour d'espèces emblématiques : cheval, taureau, renne, chien, baleine, insectes... Whale and Dog in Food Culture -- Bernadette Lizet : manger du cheval en France. Une question de distance. Abattre un animal est en effet une chose grave, qui soulève une interrogation sur le geste prédateur, et entraîne une conscience du meurtre, encore accrue par le degré de proximité de la victime. Faire appel aux animaux - des mammifères aux invertébrés - pour se nourrir, entraîne une certaine vision du vivant et de la nature environnante. L'alimentation carnée véhicule bien des valeurs culturelles, qui varient avec le temps et les groupes sociaux : appréciée pour son goût, son prestige, ou sa valeur symbolique, considérée comme indispensable pour les protéines qu'elle apporte, la viande est aussi l'objet d'un grand nombre d'interdits. Par la démarche de l'observation directe et la mise en regard de plusieurs sociétés de l'Espagne au Japon dans leur rapport à un animal spécifique, ce volume interroge, à partir des différentes formes de traitement, d'exclusion ou de consommation, les représentations singulières construites autour d'espèces emblématiques : cheval, taureau, renne, chien, baleine, insectes... La fin de l'exception politique lorraine? Entre mouvements sociaux, divergences idéologiques et repli électoral. L'angle de vue choisi est ici volontairement régional pour contribuer, par une approche décentrée des pôles de décision parisiens, à une meilleure compréhension des événements politiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels de la période considérée. Au départ du projet, le constat que l'année 1986 vit se tenir sur tout le territoire national, DOM inclus, les premières élections régionales au suffrage universel direct. Plus largement, il s'est agi d'observer les transformations sociales et culturelles, les douloureuses mutations économiques et les évolutions partisanes de grande ampleur d'une façon territorialisée. La fin de l'exception politique lorraine? Entre mouvements sociaux, divergences idéologiques et repli électoral. L'angle de vue choisi est ici volontairement régional pour contribuer, par une approche décentrée des pôles de décision parisiens, à une meilleure compréhension des événements politiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels de la période considérée. Au départ du projet, le constat que l'année 1986 vit se tenir sur tout le territoire national, DOM inclus, les premières élections régionales au suffrage universel direct. Plus largement, il s'est agi d'observer les transformations sociales et culturelles, les douloureuses mutations économiques et les évolutions partisanes de grande ampleur d'une façon territorialisée. Quelques remarques sur l'anthologie Vingt poètes américains -- Le Cancionero general de 1511 et la fondation de l'anthologie en Espagne -- Regards sur l'Introduction à la poésie ibéro-américaine 1947 de P. Tavares Bastos -- Les anthologies de poésie de langue portugaise en France depuis 1950. État des lieux d'une micro-niche éditoriale -- Anthologies des littératures arabes 1805-2013. Ces compendia la forme brève y prédomine, sous diverses dispositions éditoriales reconduisent la fonction volontiers identitaire, patrimoniale et critique de l'anthologie nationale tout en y ajoutant une ouverture à l'altérité : ces bibliothèques en miniature traversées par des enjeux liés à la traduction jouent un rôle fondamental de médiation dans la réception des oeuvres à l'étranger. Les contributions recueillies dans ce volume, sans prétendre à l'exhaustivité, entendent défricher un domaine encore peu exploré à partir d'un échantillon d'aires linguistico-culturelles variées. Quelques remarques sur l'anthologie Vingt poètes américains -- Le Cancionero general de 1511 et la fondation de l'anthologie en Espagne -- Regards sur l'Introduction à la poésie ibéro-américaine 1947 de P. Tavares Bastos -- Les anthologies de poésie de langue portugaise en France depuis 1950. État des lieux d'une micro-niche éditoriale -- Anthologies des littératures arabes 1805-2013. Ces compendia la forme brève y prédomine, sous diverses dispositions éditoriales reconduisent la fonction volontiers identitaire, patrimoniale et critique de l'anthologie nationale tout en y ajoutant une ouverture à l'altérité : ces bibliothèques en miniature traversées par des enjeux liés à la traduction jouent un rôle fondamental de médiation dans la réception des oeuvres à l'étranger. Les contributions recueillies dans ce volume, sans prétendre à l'exhaustivité, entendent défricher un domaine encore peu exploré à partir d'un échantillon d'aires linguistico-culturelles variées.
Giorgini at his most extroverted, certainly leaning into his verismo period. Bids may be submitted by e-mail, FAX, telephone or bearing closing date in mind postal mail. It presents a collection of papers on original research topics from the Waterloo Workshop on File Algebra WWCA-2016a satellite workshop rencontre ajaccienne the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ISSAC'2016which was held at Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on July 23-24, 2016. Toubon, ancien garde des Sceaux, défenseur des droits ; P. Lazarsfeld, Syzygies of projective varieties of civil degree: Recent progress and open problems E. The most beautiful bumblebee!!. You can contact us anytime after 5pm for any questions. The Daleks interrupt their plans by teleporting them to the Asylum.
