Single-species metapopulation dynamics concepts models and observations

21 December 2018

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This process is homologous to the basic allopatry model described by Bush 1994 and Rice and Hostert 1993 , whereby the metapopulation is isolated from the remainder of the species. Based on these definitions, we present a classification of a very general class of deterministic, continuous-time and discrete-time metapopulation models.

The significance of the following factors to metapopulation dynamics are explored: evolutionary changes in colonization ability; habitat patch size and isolation; compensatory effects between colonization and extinction rates; the effect of immigration on local dynamics the rescue effect ; and heterogeneity among habitat patches. This is because with a highly heterogeneous habitat, only a few favorable habitats may be available, thus the metapopulation structure will be of only a few large invulnerable local populations in the few favorable habitats, surrounded by relatively unstable populations in smaller habitat patches. Laboratory experiments on speciation: what have we learned in 40 years?

- A distinction was made between transient and resident species colonizing the islands based partly upon 3 previous yr of data on the arthropod communities of the area.

Experimental tests of the equilibrium theory of insular biogeography with the terrestrial arthropod fauna of small islands in Northwest Florida are described. Six islets composed of pure Spartina alterniflora area: 56 m 2 to 1023 m 2; distance from mainland: 29 m to 1752 m were defaunated with methyl bromide gas after intensive, inclusive censuses of their terrestrial arthropod inhabitants. Two additional islands and a large S. The recolonization process was monitored by weekly nonlethal censuses of all the sites. Four large cages were placed over other, similar, islands to determine the persistence of populations trapped inside the cages in the absence of immigration. In addition, six traps located in the study area showed the general movement patterns of arthropods. A distinction was made between transient and resident species colonizing the islands based partly upon 3 previous yr of data on the arthropod communities of the area. Recolonization of the defaunated islands was rapid. Allowing for seasonal variations typical of the area, the defaunated islands attained a species richness corresponding to the predefaunation levels in approximately 20 wk and oscillated about that level for the rest of the 53—wk experimental period. Extinction probabilities were inversely correlated with area, and immigration rates during the first 20 wk after defaunation were positively correlated with area. Extinctions and immigrations occurred at low levels following week 20, indicating turnover at approximately 0. No statistically significant effect of isolation on island immigration rates could be demonstrated. Numbers of species collected on the traps were significantly affected by distance from the nearest large land mass and trap orientation. Only area proved to be significantly correlated with insular species numbers.
I focus on cladogenesis jesus in sexual organisms, following the review by Rice and Hostert 1993 and Bush 1994. Copyright ©1995 Vera C. Metapopulation ideas play an increasingly important role in landscape ecology and conservation biology. A metapopulation in satellite or rural states may be conducive of sympatric speciation, as long as the caballeros are within dispersal range of each other. VitalSource × VitalSource eBook VitalSource Bookshelf gives you access to content when, where, and how you want. We would like to ask you for a moment of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, at the end of your prime.
