John cougar mellencamp dating 2013

23 December 2018

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Rock for Republicans?

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They are parents to a 15-month-old son Caiden Zane. The rapper tied the knot with his longtime partner in Miami, Florida, U. However, throughout his life, Mellencamp has continued to seriously explore painting.

The Farm Aid 2018 webcast at will begin at 3:00 p. Retrieved 20 May 2017. Late that year, he announced he was separating from wife Elaine, and the divorce was finalized the following summer. These people who look to President Obama for change make me laugh.

Rock for Republicans? - He is known for his catchy, populist brand of , which emphasizes traditional instrumentation.

John Mellencamp is a walking contradiction: a self-identified redneck but politically liberal; a world famous musician who has married or dated models and actresses, but who never had a permanent residence outside southern Indiana. And without fail, John Mellencamp politely requests that the politician stop playing his songs at rallies. He has performed at rallies for noble causes. He is one of the few musicians to perform for the troops and their families at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The difference between his performances at Democratic functions and his co-optation at Republican rallies is the obvious one of consent. He chooses to play at the former and rejects participation in the latter. Why, then, do so many members of the GOP continue to play his music at their events? What is the appeal to them, and what are they missing? Equal parts James Dean and the Marlboro Man in appearance, gravelly voiced, Mellancamp has a rough aesthetic that speaks to American character and myth. The handsome guy in jeans and T-shirt, wavy hair in a Presley pompadour, cigarette hanging from his mouth is as American as cowboys, baseball, and the stars and stripes. Mellencamp likely comes off as a brute to hip urbanites. He once told a story about ducking into a Los Angeles alley to smoke a cigarette. He often performs on stage with a white porcelain statue of Jesus in front of his amplifier. John Mellencamp is not a Republican. He is a self-avowed liberal—but his is a community-based leftism that distrusts bureaucracy and hates paternalism, yet believes in social assistance for the poor, sick, and hungry, the widows and orphans that the Bible identifies. Mellencamp inhabits common ground with libertarians on social issues, and he is a consistent opponent of war and foreign intervention, but he does not believe that an unfettered free market will solve every social problem. Too much of the American right is dominated by a mentality that views its country with childlike simplicity and awe. Any invocation of American iconography must be worshipful, and for those who combine Christianity with nationalism to create a civil religion, any sign of the cross must be celebratory of everything American. Republican politicians and right-wing commentators often miss the conflict as they seek opportunities for static categorization. They proceed down this path at their own peril. In 1987, Mellencamp added a violin, an accordion, a banjo, a dobro, and gospel backup singers to his already powerful rock band. Mellencamp never receives the acclaim he deserves for such a groundbreaking venture. It is an aural map for an intelligent traditionalism that holds the values and treasures of the past sacred but takes into account the gifts of modern times. The singer has often said most of his fans are Republicans, and judging by the politicians who most often play his music and the audiences at his shows across the Midwest, he is probably right. Maybe eventually they will start to listen. That might seem like a contradiction, but in a country that has a progressive movement dedicated to wiping out the past and a conservative movement too often committed to killing the future, it might be exactly what the culture needs. It is frustrating, infuriating, and also, against all odds, inspiring. David Masciotra is a columnist with the Indianapolis Star. But the man Mellencamp lacks the ability to reason and observe if he concluded that the solution was to campaign for Democrats, especially Obama. Just to name one issue where the Dems have been aggressively selling out the average American worker for decades: immigration, legal and especially illegal. The big companies and executives who donate big bucks to the Dems and Republicans use the endless flood of Third World labor to suppress wages. They also like us — actual U. The best for such employers are illegal aliens, who are afraid of being reported and deported and therefore put up with anything rather than complain, quit, or unionize. Mellencamp campaigned for a guy, and a party who every day push to swamp Americans with more low-wage, zero-leverage illegals — people with whom they can never realistically compete. The Republicans are no better, for the most part, but that just suggests that Mellencamp should campaign for a third party, or for nobody. Another fool performer with s— for brains. There is much to admire about John Mellencamp and his stance on subjects such as corporatism, the decline of rural communities, and the like — but he is kidding himself if he believes that the Republican Party is solely to blame. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss… It is much closer to the truth that neither party is a friend to the common man, who now has no real representation in the halls of power. Would Mellencamp, Springsteen and their peers — now being very well-paid members of the establishment they once deplored — recognize that fact? Time will certainly tell. LA is vastly more liveable than it was in the 1970s—thanks to smog regulations. JB — Yes, Obama is a mere mortal. However, I sincerely doubt JCM will be changing his political leanings more amenable to your liking. JCM is a complex man, and until the GOP understands the complex nature of men who think like JCM, they will be relegated to catering to the right wing hardliners. JCM is not a right winger. The libertarian wing as it stands now is only a few shades separated from the GOP. A true libertarian would be fighting these voter ID laws as government intrusion, but are not. Mia: appreciate your comment, but disagree that a libertarian should oppose a voter ID requirement. If we are going to have elections, we absolutely need to know that the only people voting are U. Do you think that we should make a serious effort to stop non-citizens and other ineligible people from voting? If so, what specific measures should we take if not requiring them to show ID? We can set it up so that IDs, i. There is nothing libertarian or tolerant about letting people smoke on public streets. Everyone is taxed to pay for public streets and sidewalks whether they like it or not, and those streets and sidewalks are supposed to be for everyone. Government ought to stop punishing people for what they do in their own homes and START fining people who force others to breathe their smoke on public sidewalks. I need to spend more time commenting here as opposed to arguing with neo-cons at TAS or liberals and neo-cons at CNN. The conversations are definitely more edifying here. As so many have pointed out the problem with Mellencamp and Springsteen supporting the Democratic Party is that the Democratic Party is just a socially liberal version of the Republican party. They are both equally corrupt and beholden to this Global Economic Order. Of course the Dems are the lesser of two evils. Everything good starts as the lesser of two evils. These people who look to President Obama for change make me laugh. You have to get it yourself, by pushing for it at the grassroots. Third party talk will just get you upper-middle-class ideological purity and political correctness, but it opens the door to more Republican anti-union, anti-women initiatives. Third party sounds great if you live in Berkeley, but it leads to nowhere in the great flyover. Put Democrats in power nationally whenever you can, then you build outrageous grassroots movements that go beyond the national gains. They have the only winning progressive coalition in our nation: liberals, labor and minorities. That Rooseveltian coalition is still the key to social justice, but it needs individuals to push it strongly to the left on economic issues from the grassroots. As a person of the Left and I really Left not Dem I do not trust Springsteen anymore than I like the guy…he is not enlightened in any sense liberal or conservative. Springsteen pretends to challenge while always playing it safe and I have never doubted his primary political interest is his own personal wealth. In contrast John Mellencamp is genuine, sincere and heartfelt. I also think there is contrast here between New Jersey BS and Mid-West values…the latter I find much more worthy of appreciation. On Obama I doubt Mellencamp is at all happy…did he campaign for him the second time around? Pilgrimsoul, your articulation is a breath of fresh air. I read this website to enjoy the writings of thinking, intelligent conservatives. I vote Democrat exclusively so far , I support Obama, and I contributed time and money to ensure his election and re-election. The author here makes a display of one widely held disparagement of conservatives and Republicans: slow-wittedness. Here is a conservative telling his brethren to sit down yet again and try to listen to these songs of humanity, and then sit for a while longer, contemplating why Mellencamp is an avowed liberal, and then try not to come to the conclusion that it must be due to brain injury or possession. People commenting here about what a shame it is that Mellencamp supports Obama are making the classic mistake: assume that everyone else thinks like you. Lest you forget, liberals are skeptical of idolatry. We have much more suspicion of government power than most conservative seem to comprehend. You want to talk to someone wary of established power and committed to the freedom of the individual? Talk to a thinking, intelligent liberal. Or just listen to the songs he writes. Many of you critics of JCM are simply unwilling to admit that the Republican Party has been taken over by politicians who are nothing more than concierges for corporate welfare economics and Taliban-like social policies toward women and most any group who does not bow to American Dream fantasies. Both parties have become corporate whores now, but at least the Dems still try to keep most big government Christian and xenophobe fascism out of state government legislation. The best solutions for change are massive boycotts of big corporate products and to sell all investments — stocks and mutuals funds — of all large cap companies. Both parties are now messengers of the corporate police state; economic activism is the only way now to get their attention. This idea has always baffled me. I am so sick of being condescended to by libertarians because I voted for Obama. Does that mean I agree with everything Obama has done? I think corporations still have far too much unchecked power. I still think we are far too involved overseas. I question the efficacy of drone attacks and broad metadata gathering on all Americans. But on the range of issues, Obama is still infinitely preferable to me than anything the GOP has to offer. But this nation is certainly doing decidedly better than the disaster of the Bush Presidency. Now libertarians, commence your condescending mockery of me. While we continually hear the call that the communites or the churches should perform these duties, I question that approach, mainly because it is more efficient and far more effective to use a comprehensive federal program to accomplish those goals—unless, of course, the Southern Baptist Convention thinks it can get away with asking congregations to donate, say, 60 percent of their incomes to help the poor. It took Occupy Wall Street to refocus the debate and force all Americans to look at the shameful wealth disparity in this country. Mellencamp is a great songwriter. He and Seger were my two favorites growing up. It was their heartland lyrics that hooked me, even as a teen. But I am afraid Mellencamp is disconnected from reality. Anyone who preaches tradition and individualism, while mocking political correctness — then checks the box for a D is a disconnected from realville. Yes, Republicans are pathetic mealy mouthed weasels who align more with big business than main street. But Democrats are ten times worse with their socialist state mission creep. Take a look at Detroit Baltimore DC or any other big city run unchecked by liberals for decades. Then explain to me how great liberalism is, again. The lyrics to Jackie Brown the writer mentions , btw, are simply the results of liberalism. Make sure to vote D and you can keep this shack, Jackie Brown. What we need is a third party that promotes freedom and liberty and individualism. But supports a spirit of a community by protecting and empowering minorities, the little guy and less fortunate among us. Gay rights is an example of promoting liberty for all. As is protecting freedom for the unborn, the littlest and most vulnerable among us. Blow up K street, not Syria. Hum, I can tell you for a fact he is not a libertarian. HE IS A LIBERAL! WOW, many of you are just reaching for straws and hoping he would stand for your cause. When in fact he literally hates what you stand for. And yet George W. Bush has lied to us, failed to keep our own borders secure, entered a war under false pretense, endangered lives, and created financial chaos. Take an election; take an oil field; take advantage of your own people — a game of political Three-Card Monte. In April 2007, Mellencamp performed for wounded troops at the Walter Reed Medical Center. However, Army officials barred Baez from performing. Mellencamp in the future. I feel almost exactly the same as he does on every issue mentioned here! I have a great amount of respect for a man of this complexity! Not afraid to say what he thinks or think for himself across party lines no matter the issue. Thank you John for being who you are. Maybe because I grew up in Wisconsin and Minnesota, I have a much more muscular view of what Liberalism is and should be. The liberals I knew in Minneapolis all held down steady jobs, most liked going fishing and hunting, and all those hipsters in Uptown MPLS came from somewhere else, usually a place where it was apparent cattle and corn figured heavily in the local economy. Asked the right questions, all would profess a love of home, of family, of place and of tradition. The Mellencamp who despises Republicans but whose 1980s songs are filled with the fruits of conservative economics which made him money, among which are: the Reagan revolution of lower taxes and higher incomes for all Americans including farmers! We can disagree with others without thinking them stupid nor traitorous. Be pro-gun rights, but okay with better background checks and increased age categories. Dislike abortion but support choice. Socially liberal but fiscally conservative. Proudly Southern but cognizant of our racist past. A belief in self reliance, but also aware of the strength of community when taking care of the weak and infirm.
He had also proposed during the 2013 BET Awards but they never made it solo. A source close to Ryan, 49, says the actress and the rock star, 59, began john cougar mellencamp dating 2013 about seven weeks ago, and that Mellencamp and his wife had been separated for some time before that. You're the one that's going to pay the consequences. It took Occupy Wall Sol to refocus the debate and force all Americans to look at the shameful wealth disparity in this country. The blonde kept her ring finger on show as she placed her left hand over her stomach; the ring has previously sparked engagement rumours But she did wear a silver-coloured ring on her idea finger, thought to have been a gift from Mellencamp. On the second leg of the tour in the summer of 2005, Fogerty co-headlined with Mellencamp at outdoor amphitheaters across the United States. However, I sincerely doubt JCM will be changing his political leanings more amenable to your liking. But I am sincere Mellencamp is disconnected from reality. To boldly go where neither of us have gone before. Martin L and Yosef are married, which was revealed by the singer on Jan. But legend is often just another word for lie.
