Unexpected Business Strategies Helped 2kw Oil Radiator Succeed

05 June 2024

Views: 7

2kW Oil Radiator From Status

Many people are trying to reduce their home's energy usage due to the rising cost of energy. It's more economical to use an oil-filled radiator instead of turning up the central heating system throughout the entire house.

This 2kw oil radiator has an inbuilt thermostat which keeps the room temperature at your chosen setting and is complete with overheat protection and carrying handles.

Product Description

Oil radiators are more efficient than electric heaters since they use heat transfer oil. They also have a smaller design, which means they take up less space in the room. They also can be utilized in conjunction with your central heating system, as an additional heat source or to warm rooms when you are away from home for long periods of time. They can be set up anywhere and are typically with wheels, so they can be moved around.

This freestanding 2kw oil heater is ideal for your workshop, office or at home. It is an excellent option to keep you warm in cold weather or as a backup to the central heating system you have in place. It comes with a built-in thermostat that automatically keeps the temperature of the room at the level you prefer. Simply place the radiator where you want it, plug in and select the temperature you prefer. It also has three power settings so you can turn it off when you don't need the full 2kW heat output, thus reducing energy.

Its simple controls, adjustable thermostat and illuminated power setting switch make this simple to use radiator an ideal choice for your home, office or workshop. It's also portable, and comes with a cable-storage facility to keep your cables tidy and neat.

They don't require a water supply, so you don't need a plumber to set them up. https://www.fireplacesandstove.com/categories/oil-filled-radiators mains-powered, so they are easy to install - just connect them and you're good to go! The heat transfer oil is concealed in a sealed system which makes them easy to clean. They also require very little maintenance. They typically have a long warranty and are extremely robust. However should you spot signs of leaks, contact the manufacturer immediately.

Product Features

This 2kW 240v oil radiator is ideal for providing additional warmth in draughty rooms and as an extra backup to your central heating. It operates virtually in silence and you can program it to run at specified times. This allows you to control your energy consumption. It has a thermostat that can be adjusted as well as three heat settings so you can select the temperature you would like to set. It also comes with a safety tilt control and overheat protection to ensure safety.

The heater is easy to move around the home or office with its wheels and handle for carrying. When not in use it can be folded up and placed in an area. The radiator is powered by mains voltage of 240V and is therefore suitable for commercial, trade and domestic use.

The heat transfer oil in the radiator is heated up slowly, providing long-lasting warmth and cutting down on the energy cost. The heat is released even after the heater has been shut off. This means you will be warm quicker and longer when compared to a conventional electric heating system. The radiator has a built in thermostat that can be used to control temperature accurately, and 3 heat settings, ranging from 2000W to.

The 24-hour timer allows you to program your radiator to run at a specific time every day and night. The radiator comes with a safety overheat switch and 9 fins that help distribute heat evenly.

This is a great option for anyone looking for a sleek contemporary, modern radiator. This model comes with all the advantages of a radiator with oil, but it also comes with an app-controlled control and an easy-to-read display. It is also energy efficient and comes with various heating options that include manual and automatic.

This 2kW radiator is a classic style with a sleek, dark charcoal gray finish. It also features an innovative twisting fin design that can distribute heat more efficiently than straight fins with a standard design. Its high heating output and energy efficiency makes it the ideal option for any spare space or office. Its quiet operation, easy-to-use controls and energy efficiency are among the major advantages.


Oil-filled radiators combine convection heating and radiation heating to create a pleasant warmth that helps create an ideal temperature. They are designed to be used as a stand-alone heating system or as an addition to central heating that is part of the mains. They are typically compact and easy to clean with the heat transfer oil being concealed in the sealed system. They require minimal maintenance and usually have a lengthy warranty as normal.

The RS Pro oil radiator is an ultra-modern, portable design with wheels. It comes with three heat settings and simple controls. It also has an adjustable thermostat. It is also fitted with a programmable timer so you can program the heater to turn on at a time that you choose and then turn off automatically. It is possible to make use of this heater to grow plants, as it can prevent the room from getting too hot. You can also manage the power consumption. The radiator is equipped with an overheat switch as well as tip-over switch to ensure safety.

They are very simple to install, simply plug them in and they will work straight immediately. They are simple to move around the room since they come with wheels and an handle. This makes them an ideal choice for offices, spare rooms and other areas where it is common to change location. The cord storage area and cable tidy keeps all the power cables safely hidden.

The Igenix IG2620 portable oil heater is an excellent way to cut costs on your electric bill. This unit is CE certified and comes with thermostats that regulate heating to ensure that it only works when needed. It has three power output settings to let you select the right setting depending on the weather conditions. This will reduce your electricity costs as it won't be operating at its maximum capacity all the time. The radiator has an easy-to-use handle and illuminated power switches to let you know when it's working.

Product Options

With their sleek design and deep charcoal finish This 9 fin oil radiator from Status is a fashionable piece of furniture for any work space. It's simple to use, too due to an adjustable thermostat and easy controls. The unit is also small and mobile, making it ideal for heating offices on site as well as workshops and homes.

The radiators contain an internal tank that holds heat transfer oil. When turned on, this warms and releases a gentle heating form via radiation or convection. This helps keep a room warm and requires little energy use as they don't have fan, they're much quieter than electric fan heaters. They also require next to no maintenance as the heat transfer oil is contained in a sealed system. It is crucial to look for leaks, and take action if needed.

The majority of models in this category come with a carry handle and castors for easy mobility, enabling you to move your 2kw oil radiator around the room when needed. Some models also come with the power settings switch that is illuminated that let you be aware of the time when the radiator is operating. This allows you to track its performance and stops the unit from overheating or burning out - a safety feature that protects you and your workplace or home from potential damage.

Some of the other features you can find in this collection include a thermostat built-in as well as frost protection and a timer. They also have an emergency tilt switch, meaning that they'll shut off automatically if they're crushed.

The radiators are constructed from top-quality materials and come with a 3-year warranty for peace of mind. They're also available in a variety of colors and finishes, ensuring that you'll find the perfect model to complement your existing decor. If you need help choosing the right product for your requirements, our expert customer service team is on hand to guide you through the options. You can reach them via phone, email or live chat. You can also visit your local Poundstretcher and speak with an employee.
