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Author: 54bc3e9e88

21 December 2023

Views: 68
This is the first documentary of incredible quality that I have ever found on the atrocity that was Judeo-Bolshevik Communism. It was an ethno-religious war on white Christians. Notice how they separate the white people from the land and the abundance of extra calories in grain which can function like money and then they enslave people to mining gold for money. They knew what they were doing. This is why the same demons are going after the farms in the Netherlands, Ukraine and the United States. They want us without any ability to create food as currency. This is a prelude to their next evil evolution to a world currency (666). Judeo-bolshevism as all Jewish Marxist Liberalism is just a Trojan Horse of Equality but packed inside it is demonic Jewish Fascist Supremacy. They turned a nation of free white Christians under a Christian monarchy which under his rule was the greatest grain producer in the world into a nation of slaves traumatized into compliance by terror and fear. This video does not show the brutal tortures and executions that were done in the villages. Nor does it show the systematic rapes of women and children. Once the Jews gain power, this is exactly what they do. This is why Hitler rose to power. Go look up the Bavarian Soviet Republic in Wikipedia. Hitler didn't just one day wake up and hate Jews. Jews had live with Germans for thousand years. It was the Jews that started it. They enslaved millions of white people from 800 AD to 1860s AD and sold them to the Muslims to rape. And they ran the Atlantic slave trade. Jews are slaves that hide behind a victims cloak. We have been lied to about real history. The truth is slowly coming out and Jewish control over information is fading. Hitler said in his book that he was protecting his people from the communists and most the communists were Jews. If jews can't kill you with guns and bullets they murder you through your culture and gaslighting. They are always at war with us. Always. And it is through the demonic spirit of victimhood through which they flourish. It is the revolutionary treasonous spirit that animates all their useful idiots into killing their own family, friends and neighbors. And if any complaint is made against the Jew??? It's off to the Gulag for you, you antisemitic oppressor. The Jews wants all white Christians specifically and all gentiles in general to be deracinated, hopeless nihilist enslaved to the Globohomo Plantation with the Jews overseeing the "equality" from the Master's Big House. If you watch this video, never forget, Jews controlled the majority of all the political seats, the secret police, the military and the Gulags. Jews want to rule white Christian slaves and they use the tenets of marxism to do it. It was class struggle in Russia. Now it's race, gender, sexual orientation, immigration... Essentially the Diversity Matrix which just like the Peasant Useful Idiots in Russia has been weaponized against white Christians in order to pry our hands from power. All under the name of Equality and justice while Jews retain all their wealth, priviledge and absolute control of institutional power. And how are they killing us? They are making our lives so fucking miserable that we can't even procreate above replacement numbers. They are ethnically cleansing us from the earth not using communism but by using capitalism and cultural Marxism as siege engine from which they extract wealth just like extracted life from the gold miners. This is the power the money system has over the world. He who controls the money supply controls the people. If we take the banks from the Jews we take their power to have free money which gives them a cheater's advantage. Who do you think funded the Jewish Bolsheviks? It was Jewish bankers. They funded weapons and logistics. And look, they won an entire nation of slaves all glamoured into believing the lies of these Jewish vampires. This lesson of history is real. It's not a fable. It's not the ramblings of a racist. I'm explaining how Satan operates. If we don't overcome the Satanic Jewish Victimhood Parasite that is infecting the minds of hundreds of millions of liberal trash bag humans, we all will die out from dispare. The only communal identy the Jew will allow for us is one of revolution against our own tribe. They call it liberation but it is really isolation. There is no safe nesting grounds for us anywhere. We are hunted and persecuted. But the infection is spreading globally to all people. This idea that being alive is oppression comes from the Jewish mind Parasite. They want us in a low trust world with no people to call our own while they stay a tribe. This is how they win and we die. This is why diversity kills us and feeds the Jew. It's his weapon against us and it is tearing us apart. Multicultural Diversity just like communism was never meant to work. Both were always designed to be cloaked weapons against white Christian people. This is why black men can be both millionaire celebrated athletes and can as a group be paid to fuck beautiful white women which would be signs of Equality would they not???? Still however claim to be oppressed. How can you fuck white women and be rich and still be oppressed? Because that is the narrative the Jew wants. The more we accomidate to the detriment of our own race, the more the Jew stacks up the hate against us. Just like in Russia, the Jews never run out of enemies to enslave and murder. No matter how much power they have they will never stop crushing us and breaking our bodies and if they can't get to our bodies they go four our spirit and minds. That is how they attacked the Germans. Porn, poverty, pimping women and children. Degenerate art. Media control. Control over the cultural narrative in which the German people were defamed, broken and oppressed by Jews. Hitler simply had enough of their shit and fought back. So he created the myths of racial heroes to give his people identity. Christianity was too weak to fight the Jew. What was left for group identity? Now the Jew has stripped us of race to unite us and created Diversity Plantations where every non white is gaslit to hate us. This is how the world really works. This is what we are up against. Trust no jew loving Zionist politician. He or she is just a puppet mouthpiece for Jewish Supremacy. Until we take the banks and the money system we have no hope.

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